As most of you are probably aware, Swami
stayed in His "Trayee Brindavan" home in Whitefield, Bangalore
continuously from January 20th, 2006 and returned to Parthi only on
February 18th. As this chronicle covers His sojourn there for this period,
it was suggested that perhaps this month's chronicle be relabelled as
"Brindavan Diary". But as prashanti - the peace that passeth all
understanding - in the fullest sense of the term is extant only where He
stays, we decided to let the
name remain unchanged and we hope
that you concur with our view that prashanti is more a state of
the mind and heart and not just a mere geographical term.
And while we type these words, we are also
reminded of an incident that occurred just before the 75th birthday in the
year 2000, which we will recall even at the risk of digressing from the
main theme. As most of you know, once every five years all the Ashram
buildings get re-painted. Hence all the buildings in the Ashram had just
been given a new coat. From where Swami was standing on the veranda, He
could see how the name on the East Prashanti Blocks had just been painted
in big bright red letters. He read it out loud - "East Prashanti " and
then turning to the students remarked in Telugu, "Prashanti ki
direction undaa?" - Does prashanti have a direction also? It
is very clear in what sense He is referring to the term
Going back to the main story, soon after Swami
arrived in Brindavan, the Brindavan boys welcomed Him with a well prepared
programme "Hridaya pushpam". One of the hallmarks of the
integrated system of education prevalent in the Sri Sathya Sai
Institutions is effective time management. The boys put up a creditable
programme and also performed well on their mid-term exams starting the
next day. This time-management quality of course is so useful in today's
demanding world where one always has to do multi-tasking while
simultaneously resolving conflicting and demanding priorities.
Sundays in Brindavan are always special. On
each Sunday the devotees of Bangalore start the bhajans in the
morning and it is continued the whole day up to the point when Bhagavan
enters the Hall again in the afternoon, and ends only when He signals for
arathi at the end of the afternoon darshan. This gives
an opportunity for the devotees to be immersed in devotional singing the
entire day. Sundays are also special as some of the devotees from
Puttaparthi also come down for the day and there is a full house in Sai
Ramesh Hall.
After Swami arrived in Sai Ramesh Hall in the
afternoon, He signalled to the boys to start their programme. His
Excellency, the Governor of Karnataka, Sri T.N. Chaturvedi was also
present that day, as he had come to Brindavan to seek Bhagavan's grace.
Readers of this column may recall that Sri Chaturvedi was the chief guest
at the Institute's Convocation on November 22nd last year. (To read the
convocation report again, click
The programme "Hrudaya Pushpam" (the
flower of the heart) by the students was a mix of soulful group songs
interspersed with speeches. The songs varying from Hindi, Telugu and
English lifted the entire atmosphere and also lit up a beautiful smile on
Bhagavan's face. In between each song the students stood up to express
their love, narrate their experiences, and thank Bhagavan for the
wonderful opportunity.
Sreejith expressed his love for Swami in 4
different languages - Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, and English and thanked
Him for being his only solace and for helping us to be in bliss whenever
He is near us. Asutosh Jha prayed to the Lord to make us true instruments
in His hands and remember Him always come what may.Nishant Verma related
how Bhagavan once cured him of his paralytic attack. He said that our
every breath and heart-beat speaks only one thing - "Swami we can't live
without You." Akshay Kamath said that the small squirrel that helped build
the Ramasetu (bridge across Sri Lanka) and the flute of Lord
Krishna are immortalised. It is similarly our duty also to become
immortalised as His instruments.
Sai Giridhar feelingly prayed to Him that we realize
the beautiful relationship we share - that we live for You and You
alone. Vivek Thacker speaking in Hindi expressed his love through a
poem (a shaire) which conveyed that our relationship is
deeper than love also.
Another speaker expressed that before man realises
that desires are not going to reap him any fruit, he ends his term
on earth. But we are lucky that our Lord Sai has shown us the
reality and has told us that He is our only motive.
The last
speaker expressed his gratitude to Swami for He gave him life. He
was a still-born baby when he came out of his mother's womb and only
when his grand-mother put the baby on Swami's altar and also applied
some vibhuti did the baby come to life. He called Swami his
true mother for She gave him life. |
Wonderful also were the songs that they sang
that day. The songs included "Maa Prana Daivam", "Kaise
jiyoon", "Every moment of my life", "O maa O maa",
"Sai Matha Biddalam", "I keep feeling", "O
Nesthama", and "There is something special in your love".
The last song was "Maa Jeevana adhaarama", meaning the very basis
of our life is our Lord! The programme ended at about 6:30 PM after which
there were bhajans followed by arathi.
The following Sunday again saw another
programme offered by the students immediately after the end of their
exams week. The presentation that the students had planned was to
highlight the profundity of the great teachings on Navavidha
bhakti or the nine-fold path of devotion, on which Swami has
talked about on many, many occasions.
After Swami had taken His place on the
dais, He signalled to the boys who were holding an oversized card to
come up to Him. After seeing the card the boys had prepared, He
blessed them and asked them to start the programme.
The programme followed a similar format
to the previous programme in which a speaker first expounded on a
quality of bhakti and this was immediately followed by a
song. Thus alternating between a speech and a song, the boys
explained some of the major aspects of the ninefold path of
bhakti to everyone's appreciation. |
The first speaker talked of
Shravanam, the foremost step of devotion giving the example of
Parishith's exemplary devotion. This was followed by the song
"Saptaswara". The second speaker highlighted the
Keertanam aspect of Bhakthi, referring to saints like Meerabhai,
Purandara Dasa etc. The song that followed was "Ram Bhajana Karo
Mann". A small talk on Vishnusmaranam was followed by the
Tamil song "Easwaramba". Padasevanam or worship of the Lotus Feet
the next aspect to be
discussed. Vandanam or salutation was followed by the song
"Vande Janani Vidyadayini" a song extolling and saluting Mother
Saraswati. Referring to Hanuman as the best example of Dasyam
(servitude), the speaker quoted several events from the life of Hanuman
including the famous one wherein when Mother Sita gives him a pearl
necklace, Hanuman bites each pearl and throws them away after putting them
to his ear as he could not hear them say "Ram, Ram". This engaging program
ended with a rousing Qawali, "Shirdiwale Sai Baba" to which the entire
audience joined in clapping and chorus.
At the end of the program, prasadam
was distributed to all. Swami also blessed all the students and the
devotees profusely with His beneficent gaze for a long time before He
retired to Trayee Brindavan.
After a hiatus of a few years, Swami
graciously permitted the celebration of the Chinese New Year in His Divine
Presence. Accordingly, about 200 people of Chinese origin, hailing from
Hong Kong , Singapore and Indonesia assembled in Brindavan during the
first week of February. Putting up with myriad difficulties (due to
limited infrastructural facilities in Brindavan) they nevertheless bridged
barriers of distance and temporal difficulties to come together as one
unit through intense practice and present a seamless Chinese New Year
program on the morning of February 6th.
Sai Ramesh Hall is decorated for the
Chinese New Year |
The Chinese Lunar New Year was actually on
January 29th. However, the New Year is celebrated over a period of 15 days
and the 8th day is specially marked for honouring the parents. Hence in
this year of the Dog, on Feb 6th - the 8th day after the New Year, the
Chinese gathered at His Lotus Feet to show their filial love to our
beloved Divine Father and Mother Sai.
The entire Sai Ramesh Hall was
decked out with intricate floral patterns with large helpings of the
auspicious Chinese colour of red. The program began on a pounding note
when Bhagavan was escorted from His home in Trayee Brindavan to Sai Ramesh
Hall to the resonant sounds of drums with a pair of lion dancers and dolls
leading the procession. When He reached Sai Ramesh Hall, Swami was given a
traditional Chinese welcome before He ascended the dais.
After Swami had taken His seat on the dais,
the lion dancers gave a vibrant display of their art. Devotees from Parthi
are familiar with the lion dance since the students have perfo
rmed it during the Annual Sports
and Cultural Meet on January 11th this year and also earlier. However, for
most of the devotees in Karnataka, this was the first time and they
watched it with wonderment and joy.The lion dance has an important place
in Chinese culture and is traditionally performed to inaugurate important
events like starting new businesses or other social events. It is also
believed that this traditionally brings good luck to the people and the
pounding drums drive away all the bad luck and evil in their
lives.Additionally the association with the lion's strength and character
(like courage and fearlessness in all situations) is supposed to bring
good fortune and prosperity in the coming New Year and help achieve
success in the ultimate goal of life.
After Swami was welcomed with roses and
presented with the day's agenda for His blessings, the programme started
with different couples presenting in turn the following items to our
divine parent: Chinese tea, two types of Chinese cakes - Nian Gao
and Fa Gao, Mandarin oranges, a pair of scrolls, and red packets
(Hang Baos) containing sweets as gifts to Swami.
Swami accepted each present with grace and
dignity. It was very touching to see Him pick mandarin oranges
from both the gentleman and the
lady presenting it to Him and lovingly stacking the oranges delicately in
His lap to the delight of the congregation. Swami also spent a lot of time
going over the photographs of seva done by our brothers and sisters after
the recent devastating tsunami in the region.
While all the presentation ceremony was going
on, there were many in the crowd who wondered - is there a special
significance in these gifts? We did not have to wait long for an answer,
for the presentation ceremony was followed by a drama elaborating on the
significance of the Chinese New Year traditions and culture.
Using a back-drop of Malay and an Indian
family visiting their Chinese friends on the occasion of the Chinese New
Year, the Chinese traditions were performed and explained to their young
sons. Thus we learnt that pairs of oranges are presented as a mark of
respect and also as a symbol of wealth - to wish people good health and
that all matters in their life will run smoothly.
Chinese tea is offered to guests during the
Chinese New Year and also on festive occasions for good health and
longevity. Two types of cakes are offered to guests during the New Year.
The moon shaped Nian Gao cake which is a New Year cake and the Fa Gao cake
for prosperity. A pair of scrolls is offered to guests with inscriptions
in Chinese letters to wish good luck, fortune and peace in their lives
like - "Wish you a happy, prosperous New Year" or "May all your wishes
come true in this New Year".
New Year scrolls being shown to
Swami |
And finally, through the medium of the drama
they explained the significance of the red packets or "Hong Bao". They are
given on all auspicious occasions (like Birthdays and weddings also) and
not just on the New Year. The red envelope is decorated with Chinese
characters for luck and is usually given with money inside it for luck and
wealth. It is a Chinese practise to give an even amount of money as a gift
rather the custom of an odd amount prevalent elsewhere. However the red
packets given to Swami (and later distributed as prasad to the
devotees) contained sweets and not money!
The Hong Bao or the
red packets of Prasadam being explained in the
drama |
Arathi brings the
Chinese New Year program to close
After the short drama there was a chanting of
the six-syllable mantra Om Mane Padme Hum, which means that by
the practise of a path which is an indivisible union of method and wisdom,
you can transform your impure body, speech, and mind into the pure exalted
body, speech and mind of a Buddha.
Following this, Lunar New year songs and
Chinese and Sanskrit bhajans were sung by the devotees before
mangala arathi was taken to signify the end of a memorable
morning of celebration. Heart to Heart would also like to take this
opportunity to say "Xiang Nian Kuai Le" or Happy New Year in
Mandarin to our readers all over the globe.
For the third Sunday in a row, the Brindavan
students offered a unique programme for our Lord. A bunch of budding poets
- 15 in number, sat arrayed in front of Him, all ready to read their poems
of love and gratitude that they had penned in 13 different languages.
After Swami had entered Sai Ramesh Hall around
5:00 PM and given His darshan to all, He signalled to the boys to start.
Two boys immediately went up to Him and showed Him a card seeking His
blessings and presented the programme to Him. The programme started with a
brief introduction by 2 students in both Hindi and English (where they
addressed Swami as the poet of all the poets) and then the presentation
was underway.
The poets were all dressed for the occasion in
the traditional costumes of the states where they hailed from. Each poet
got up in turn and stood in front of Swami and recited His offering to Him
with fee
ling and love. The first poet
rendered his poem in the grandhika style of Telugu and in flowing
language described the glory and grandeur of the Avatar. This was followed
by a poem in Hindi delivered in classical style and referred to the great
good fortune of the residents of Brindavan and the contemporaries of the
Avatar and to rejoice in His boundless grace. This was followed by a poem
in Kannada highlighting a famous sloka from the Bhagavad Gita on
Nishkama karma "Karmanyevadhikarasche ma phaleshu
kadachana" which means that you have the right to work but not to the
fruits thereof.
The Nepali poem that followed next praised our
Lord Sai as the greatest gift that mankind can ever hope to receive. This
was followed in turn by a poem in English which extolled the glory of
Sai's mission and the role of His students who are His only
property. The Tamil poem that was
next resonated well with the large Tamil speaking audience that was
present that day in Sai Ramesh Hall. The poem raised the question as to
how we can adequately describe Him when we fail to even comprehend Him?
These were followed by more poems in Marathi, Malayalam, Tulu, Gujarati,
Oriya, Bengali, and again in Nepali and Telugu all expressing in one form
or other their love for Him and their gratitude for what He has done for
At the end of their programme Swami was
immensely pleased. All the poets were also thrilled at Swami's pleasure,
for they live only to please Him. Slowly Swami got up from His chair and
asked all the students to come up to Him. Our students don't need a second
invite and immediately swarmed up to Him and milled all aroun
d Him for He was rewarding them
with the rare and much coveted group photograph. Swami posed with them for
long till the photographers were also well satisfied, and then in His
inimitable style started joking with the boys. He called the boy who had
narrated a poem in Gujarati and said "pagadiwala marriage ko
jata" - the turbaned fellow is getting married.
Swami also showed His omnipresence to the
Hindi poet by telling him the exact name of the place in Bihar where he
hailed from and blessed him profusely. Thus He gave a lot of joy to all
with a word here and a smile there. The programme ended with the song
"Hum ko tumse pyar hai"- Swami we all love You!!
Swami raised His Hand and blessed everyone
before He slowly wended His way back to His home in Trayee Brindavan
With the blessings of Bhagavan the following
pujas and chantings were conducted in Sai Krishan Kalyana Mantap
every morning starting from the 10th of February for five days. Bhagavan
came to the Kalyana Mantap (Marriage Hall) to bless the priests on the
first day and the priests recited the following everyday over the next 5
1. Ganapathi puja
2. Punyavachanam
Surya Mandalarchanam
4. Nyasam
5. Yantraradhanam
6. Mahasouram
7. 108 Suyra namaskarams with Tricha and Aruna
8. Surya Sahara Naamarchanam
9. Nivedanam
Nirajanam and Mantra Pushpa
On the fifth day, February 14th a more elaborate
ritual was done for the Poorna Ahuti (the final ceremony).
A small fire pit was erected in the centre of the kalyana
mantap for the yagnam or the fire sacrifice. The
yagnam started in the morning around 8 AM in Sai Krishan
Kalyana Mantap.
However, we were all waiting in Sai Ramesh Hall for
Swami's Darshan, when around 9:15 AM all the devotees were requested
to go to the kalyana mantap. Swami arrived in the
kalyana mantap just a little before 10:00 AM and took His
designated place. |
When the ritualistic prayers connected
with the yagnam were over, Swami blessed the couple that had
conducted the yagnam and also materialised a gold chain for the
lady and asked the husband to tie it around the neck of his wife. Swami
also distributed clothes to the Brahmin priests who had conducted the
prayers over these 5 days.
Blessing the couple
that conducted the yagna... |
Distributing clothes
to the Brahmin Priests |
He next asked the priest to recite certain
Vedic slokas. After that He also consigned traditional offerings
wrapped in a red cloth and gold coins and other precious offerings also
into the fire to bring the sacrifice to a close.
Consigning precious
offerings to the fire... |
Blessing the
devotees with sanctified rice... |
After that came a ritual that everyone
looks forward to. Swami walked around the Hall sprinkling akshada
(turmeric coated rice) on everyone in both the ladies side as well as the
gents' side. He then sat for some time giving everyone the bliss of His
darshan while bhajans were sung.
Then after taking of arathi He
again blessed the couple that had conducted the yagnam and also
posed for photographs with the family before leaving for His
The managala arathi being taken ...
Sumptuous prasadam being distributed to
one and all... |
A sumptuous lunch prasadam of
tamarind rice, curd rice and sweet rice was quickly and efficiently
distributed to all the devotees at the end of the ceremony through
multiple counters arranged in all corners of Sai Ramesh Hall.
When Swami is in Brindavan, because of its
close proximity to the metropolitan city of Bangalore, there is a steady
stream of visitors who come to seek Swami's blessings. Even though Swami
was in Brindavan in February, not the normal time when He usually comes to
Brindavan, there was more than the usual quota of VIPS seeking an audience
with the Lord. We are not aware of everyone who came to see the Lord
during His stay there, but we were able to take the pictures of the few
who came during the public darshan or bhajan time or
were sitting in Sai Ramesh Hall while awaiting the Lord.
On February 2nd, the Karnataka State Chief
Minister designate Sri H.D. Kumaraswamy and the Deputy Chief Minister
designate Sri B.S. Yediyurappa came to seek Swami's blessings before
taking the oath of office the next day. Swami received them warmly and
gave them an audience in the interview room.
On Sunday, February 5th, the Ashram also had
another very distinguished visitor. The Vice-President of the country Sri
Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, who had landed in the HAL airport in Bangalore
that afternoon, came to Sai Ramesh Hall accompanied by the Governor Sri
T.N. Chaturvedi later in the evening close to 6 PM. They sat through the
students' programme on Bhakti Sagar (reported above) and were
later blessed with an audience with Swami inside Trayee Brindavan.
On the evening of February 8th, Sri Sri Sri
Ravishankar, of the Art of Living Foundation came to have an audience with
As most of you know
the Art of Living Foundation was
celebrating their silver jubilee in the Garden City on February 17th, 18th
and the 19th. Swami gave an audience to Sri Sri Sri Ravishankar later in
the interview room.
Taking advantage of the proximity of
Brindavan, all the 850 students of Swami's school in Muddenhalli which is
just 56 kilometres from Brindavan came by buses to have Swami's Darshan on
February 13th.
The ever merciful Lord, who normally sits on
the dais in the evening for the bhajans, chose to come down from
the dais and give these boys the bliss of His darshan from up

It was an idyllic time in Brindavan.
The weather was perfect, and Swami was at His amiable best. All the
devotees of Karnataka and the students of Brindavan who were pining for
the Lord drank their fill to their heart's content during the few days
that He was there.
Unexpectedly on the morning of February 18th,
just after the conclusion of the morning darshan, Swami waited
for the arathi to be completed. Then He raised both His hands and
blessed everyone on both the Ladies and the Gents' side. Then turning to
the Ladies in the first row He announced, "I am going to Parthi."
And right after the darshan there was
a scramble. Bags were hurriedly packed, taxis were booked, bus tickets had
to be arranged, breakfast had to be eaten in a hurry and soon there was a
steady stream of humanity taking the long dusty road back to
Swami left His abode in Brindavan exactly at
1:00 PM on the road home back to Parthi, where He arrived around 4:30 PM
and was received with full honours.
After Swami had settled down in Parthi,
the third year undergraduate class of the Institute welcomed and
felicitated Him with a well-prepared programme on the 20th of February on
the theme of EDUCARE, to express their love and gratitude to Him for His
benevolence while they were students in the Institute. Labelled as a
"gratitude programme", the graduating class from the undergraduate
programme, the
graduate programme and the High
School traditionally present these programmes in the month of February
just prior to their annual examinations in March. It is a time for
emotional farewells, for fond reminiscences, for fervent prayers and
sorrowful leave-taking from the physical presence of Bhagavan, Who has
been their Divine Mother, Father and Friend since their joining the
Swami came unexpectedly early that evening,
just before 3 PM. Most of the 64 undergraduate boys taking part in the
programme were seated in the Bhajan Hall and Swami spent a few minutes
chatting with them prior to the programme.
Swami questioned them about the theme and
immediately the boys showed Swami the card they had prepared depicting a
pond with a lotus in the centre and some leaves around. The boys explained
to Swami that they were like the pond and that He was like the beautiful
lotus in the centre of their lives! Swami went on to explain the
subtleties and intricate details of various stories selected by the boys.
When the boys were asked by Swami "Where is Sita?" on seeing a boy dressed
as Rama, the entire Hall was filled with laughter.
The boys immediately took the cue and
narrated briefly the story from the Ramayana that was to be
depicted. Swami went on to explain that Rama was the caretaker of
all and that Bharatha was the ruler of Ayodhya. The boys in reply
said that Swami was the caretaker of all. Swami then said that He
would come for the programme and asked the boys to get ready and
assemble everything outside.
The programme began in the
Divine presence at around 3:20 PM . The various aspects of Educare:
E-Education, D-Duty and Devotion, U-Understanding, C-Compassion,
A-Action, R-Reverence, and ultimately E-Enlightenment were depicted
as individual characters who explained the importance of each value
through instances from Swami's life, various parables and stories
from mythology.
The importance of Swami's free education
system was highlighted through an incident where a graduate was
asked in an interview what he had received from Swami (the
interviewer was referring to the many rings, watches, pendants etc
that Swami manifests as gifts for those He wills). |
A speaker explaining one of the values of
Educare |
The boy replied that Swami had given him the
most important gem that had made him what he was - the gift of free
quality education and more importantly, self-confidence!
Duty and devotion was portrayed through a
small skit depicting the story from the Ramayana where Bharatha on being
unsuccessful in convincing Rama to return back to Ayodhya, then
reverentially asks Him for His sandals and
with great devotion takes it back to Ayodhya to fulfil his duty of ruling
the kingdom in Lord Rama's absence.
Speakers next spoke about how their hostel
life had taught them the importance of understanding and oneness.
Compassion was highlighted by the story of
Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha) saving the swan. A contemporary story was
related next of a benevolent Australian who agreed to pay the medical
school fees for a poor boy who had undergone a major heart surgery in
Swami’s hospital after reading about his story in the Healing Touch
section of Heart2Heart.
Nishkama Karma - action without expecting the fruits
thereof - was highlighted by a story from Swami's Chinna
Katha, wherein a boy is sent by the father to buy fruits for
the puja.
The boy however, comes back empty handed and explains
that the fruits meant for the prayer had been given by him to a
beggar boy who had not eaten in days. The father is impressed by the
son's act and declares that he has imbibed the good values of Bharat
and had earned the true fruit of action. |
The boy comes back empty-handed for the
puja |
Reverence was highlighted by the
Mahabharatha story where Yudhistira removed his armour and crown, walked
across the battle-field and sought the blessings of his grandfather
Moved by this reverence, Bheeshma blessed
Yudhistira to be victorious even though he was arrayed against him on the
battle-field. The boys also
presented that by following
Swami's teachings, one could achieve enlightenment.
In an unusual twist, there was a blindfolded
boy sitting dejected on a stone to convey that without these values life
is not worth living. In the end, after all the values had been touched
upon, in a dramatic gesture the boy removes the blind-fold to signify that
he has acquired all the values and then thanks Swami on behalf of everyone
for giving us these values that are so vital to life.
The whole presentation was interspersed
with songs between these skits and speeches. Many soul-stirring
songs were sung that day, including
"Maa Prana Daivam", "Hum
Tere Hain Sai","Dil Yehi Kehta Hai",
"Marichithi Vemo", "Yenta Manchi
Teepi", and "Duniya Tere Bina Kuch Bhi Nahin".
The singing of group songs after every speech or
skit |
As each new song would start, a rose would be
presented to Swami by one boy while another group of 2 boys would present
Him the words to the song written in neat calligraphic handwriting.
A rose for the Lord before every song |
Lyrics to the song being sung is given to the
Lord |
Swami spent some time talking to all these
boys who went up to Him at the start of each song, and also blessed them
by putting His hand on their heads.
At the end, there was multi-lingual
rally wherein 8 boys gave a very short speech for just a minute or
two in duration, in eight different languages, on the theme of
Motherly Love.
The languages they spoke in were Tamil,
Tulu, Kannada, Lithuanian, Nepali, Manipuri, Hindi and Telugu.
The program was over just a little
before 5:00 PM after which arathi was taken before Bhagavan
went back to His Poornachandra residence. |
Speaking about Swami's motherly love in
Lithuanian |
Not to be left behind, the 10th and the
12th Class of the High School - the graduating class - had also
prepared a programme to express their gratitude to Swami for all
that He had done for them during their stay here.
The programme started with the students
singing songs of gratitude and love, after they had their programme
card blessed by Swami.
This was followed by some of the
students expressing their feelings for all the grace Swami had
showered on them.
Among these, some of the students
narrated their personal experience of how Swami had saved their
lives or the lives of their family members on numerous occasions.
Students showing their card to Swami |
Jeemut expressed how Swami had saved the
life of his grandmother.
"Once while Swami was returning to
Parthi from Brindavan and as was the prevailing custom and is even
now, Swami broke a few coconuts before embarking on the journey.
Swami called a boy and whispered something in his ear. The boy
nodded his head and got up and started scanning the students.
Spotting my father, he signalled him to go up to the dais as Swami
was calling him. My father rushed and knelt before Swami. Picking
up a broken coconut, Swami handed it to my father. Immediately
after darshan, my father rang up my grandfather in Assam and
enquired about his mother’s health. My father was shocked to know
that my grandmother was suffering from severe gastric ulcer for a
month! My grandfather had not told my father thinking that he
would be disturbed. Surrendering completely to God, my father took
the coconut, cut it into miniscule pieces and with the Lord’s form
in his heart and a prayer on his lips, dropped it into the letter
box after addressing it to my grandfather in Assam.
Jeemut talking about Swami saving his
grandmother's life |
Fortunately, due to
Swami’s grace, the envelope arrived just in time, when my grand mother’s
condition was getting critical. Partaking of the remedy given by the
greatest doctor, my grandmother was cured within a week, with no sign of
the gastric ulcer remaining what so ever! The disease had disappeared
completely without a trace! Swami had shown yet again that when man’s
hands fold in a sincere prayer, God’s open to shower his blessings.
Tarun Bali of the tenth standard talked about how his
brother got into a medicine rack kept by his mother who was a
medical practitioner and happened to rub some transparent liquid
into his eyes. Being a Friday Islamic holiday in the town of
Tahalla, Libya in North Africa, there were unavoidable delays in
getting the young child to the hospital.
When they finally reached the hospital, staff gave the
desperate parents the bad news that the liquid had not spared the
young child's eyes and he would probably be blind for life. Day and
night the parents prayed to Swami but each day saw the sight
deteriorating further.
However, on the 11th day, when the dressing was
removed they found that the eyes had been spared due to Swami's
grace and the child can see even today without the use of
spectacles! |
Tarun Bali talking about his brother's
vision... |
Kamal Chand of Std XII related how Swami had
saved his father from not receiving a scratch in a motor cycle accident
while the photograph of Swami in his pocket was torn to pieces.
Kamal Chand talking to the audience..... |
S. Sugeet narrating his
experience... |
S.Sugeet of the Xth class related how when his
mother met with an accident and was lying seriously wounded in the
countryside, a competent doctor arrived out of nowhere and provided timely
medical treatment that saved his mother's life. He said that the unknown
doctor who disappeared after giving the treatment was none other than our
beloved Swami.
Jeffrey Erhard also of the Xth class
"I would like to narrate an
experience that changed the course of my life. For my first few
years of schooling I was studying in the United States. My mother
tried to teach me to read but I just could not catch on. I
remember that it was like a torture just to read a few sentences.
Eventually I was tested and it was discovered that I was dyslexic.
Many different remedies were tried but nothing seemed to help. In
my third standard I was very frustrated and somehow wanted to
read. I remember clearly that I took an easy to read children's
book and hid under a table so that I can concentrate. I struggled
through 2 or 3 pages word by word and finally gave up. In my
fourth standard we were here in Prashanti Nilayam. One day when I
was sitting in the Mandir for darshan, Swami came out and on his
rounds glided up to me and pressed mysteriously on my head. I
began to read. At first my mother did not believe me when I told
her that I was reading. But when she realized that I really was
reading, she knew Swami had changed my life ".
Jeffrey Earhard talking about Swami's influence in his
life |
Though out the programme, the students
pleased Bhagavan with some heartrending songs in English, Hindi
& Telugu which were leavened in between the speeches. The
various songs sung by the students were -
"Kya Kush Naseeb Jo Sai Ko
Paale (Hindi)", " Pyaare Sai Hamaare (Hindi)",
"Dandaalaya Dandaalaya (Telugu)", " Smile your ever
loving smile ", "We want to be with you Oh Lord!",
" Kannula Mundara (Telugu)", "Teri Hai Zameen Tera
Aasmaan (Hindi)", and " Dil Yehi Kahataa Hai Maa
The students sing for
Swami |
The boys presented roses and the script of the
songs. Swami lovingly accepted and spoke to the students & blessed
them profusely.
Swami blessing the students |
A beautiful card for
Swami |
The students also made beautiful greeting cards
which were appreciated by the loving Lord.
The programme concluded with the
students thanking Swami in various languages such as Gujarati,
Marathi, Nepali, Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and English.
In view of their coming Board Exams,
Swami also blessed Vibhuthi packets and the pens with which they
would write their board examinations.
Getting vibhuti blessed by Swami |
Pleased by their effort, Swami blessed
them with an unexpected Divine Discourse emphasizing the path that a
student must follow in his life. He said,
"It is very nice to know that so
many of you have been here from Primary School and have studied
till your 12th class. It is very heartening to note that you have
secured good marks and a good name. But in the Primary School your
heart was full of compassion, love, feelings of caring and
sharing. There was a feeling of brotherhood. But once you come to
Higher Secondary School your behaviour and actions deteriorate.
They become cheap and mean.
Your words are full of
devotion and make all happy. But some of you have taken to the
wrong path fostering a perverted mind. Think for yourself, how
your minds are.
The Divine Discourse |
Human life is a
combination of Manas, Buddhi, Chitta, Ahamkara and the Body. These five
are most essential for liberation. Above all, the mind must not be
polluted. You must never expect for that which does not belong to you.
Be cautious with those things that do not belong to you.
Whatever you do, do it as an offering to
Swami, to please Him. Tell yourself - this is not mine. Who am I? From
the microcosm to the macrocosm, everything is Divine. From the mosquito
to the elephant, all are Divine! The characters keep changing just as in
a drama, but all roles are played by Him alone. All words and songs are
His. Only the attire is different. Whatever is said and seen is all
The whole Viswa is Viswarupa. Therefore,
we must have Viswa Prema. Only then you can see God and be God.
Differences and anger make you an animal. Animals do fight between
themselves. But should we also fight like that? Whatever you do, it
should be like gold. God is Hiranyagarbha. What is the specialty of
gold? It remains as gold even if mixed with mud. You all are golden. But
you have joined with the mud. To purify you all, noble people have to
come and clean you. But you all entertain doubts. Why do doubts come? It
comes because of the feeling of difference. I am different and you are
Special Blessings To A
Fortunate One
At one point in His Divine Discourse, Swami
beckoned to one student sitting in the first line to stand up.
Pointing to him, Swami said, "I know everything about everybody.
But I act as though I do not know."
I know everything about everyone |
Swami manifests a ring for a
student in the middle of His
discourse |
Then Swami narrated the story of
another student who had lost his mother when he was a young child.
Since then, Swami had taken care of this boy and today he was doing
his post graduate studies in Swami's college. Bhagavan then
signalled for the boy and he came to Swami. This boy happens to be
the band leader and our readers must have seen his picture along
with that of the band every time they play on festive occasions.
Bhagavan patted him and later materialized a green diamond ring and
slid it onto his finger, saying that green stands for
Kshema (welfare).
He further said, "See, I know all
about this boy's family. My true property is Love. I Love all, those
whom I see and even those whom I do not. Even at times when I appear
angry it is just that I am pretending to be angry. Iswara Sarva
Bhootaanaam. It is with this Love that God takes care of this entire
Universe. " |
Can one describe the relation between a flower
and the fragrance, the ocean and its waves, the Lord and His children? To
express their love and gratitude to their beloved Lord, the final year
post graduate students offered at the Lotus Feet of their Master a bouquet
of songs. The boys were part of the programme from the MSc, MBA, MA,
M.Tech, and the final year Diploma students of the Music College.
Bhagavan requested the Vice Chancellor to
introduce the programme for the evening. He stressed on the need for the
passing out students to keep two aspects ever in their mind. One is the
'spiritual vision' and the second is 'social service'. He said that they
were now entering the phase of 'active participation' in Bhagavan Baba's
Master Plan and Mission .
At 3.45 p.m. the students began their
offering. Two students took a beautiful card to Swami. The card was a
heart-shaped nest with a mother hen feeding its little chicks. After the
"card-boys" were blessed 4 boys took a lovely cake to be cut by Swami
which the boys had baked themselves. The words on the icing of the cake
read 'I in You, You in me. So we begin, so we end.' As the programme began
with a prayer to Lord Ganesha, an ornamental sheet containing the list of
songs was presented to Swami.
The cake prepared for Swami |
A card of a mother hen and her chicks
prepared by the students for Swami |
This programme too followed the same format as
all the previous programmes. The songs were interspersed with short
speeches expressing their love towards Swami.
The boys singing the group songs |
Presenting a rose and the lyrics to
Swami |
Among the songs that they sang were "Jhil
Mil Jhil Mil Khilte Taare", " Maa Jeevana Aadhaarama Maa Hrudaya
Sangeetama ", " We Love You Swami ", "Sathya Dharmamu
Shanti Premalato Nee Nitya Jeevana Yatra Saaginchu", "O Maa Sai
Maa", "Enta Premayo Swamiki Enta Premayo Satya Sai Bhagawanuki
Enta Premayo", "Ye Bandhan To Pyaar Ka Bandhana Hai Janmo Kaa
Sangama Hai", and"O Nestamaa Priyamaina Bandhamaa". The
mellifluous sounds of a pair of violins playing in the background lifted
the songs to melodious heights.
In all about 25 boys expressed their
gratitude in 12 languages - English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu,
Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Konkani, Tamil, Sourashtra and
The themes of these little speeches
varied from thanking Swami for the education He had given, poetic
expression of love and gratitude, nostalgic memories of yesteryears
in the primary school, to promising Swami that they would lead their
lives by practising Swami's teachings. The last speech - in Telugu -
adored the glory and beauty of Swami's words.
The song following this, expressed the
prayer of the students that Swami should speak to them. Bhagavan
blessed the boys and answered their prayers by giving them a
An expression of
gratitude |
It was 4.50 p.m. when Swami stood
up and began His discourse. He said,
"To live in this world you
need secular education (Hemataaraka Vidya). For the life
thereafter you need spiritual education (Brahma Vidya). Even with
all great degrees like MA and MBA, with all wealth, affluence and
property, and with all name and fame; man is not able to win over
the worldly life.
Worldly knowledge will only
help in living a comfortable life. What great thing do we gain by
merely studying? Chaavu Leni Chaduvu Chaduvavalayu.. one must
study that which leads beyond death. All worldly education is like
bulbs and fans (negative) whereas spiritual education is the
current (positive). |
The Divine Discourse |
Man forgets and is ignorant of the
inner current (there is static current even in your hair) and runs after
the outer current. Along with secular education, spiritual education
should also be acquired. Mere secular education cannot even make an ant
move. Once you control your five senses
nobody can be greater than you. Everything is contained within man. All
is contained in the Viswa Rupa - Cosmic Form. Without realizing this
truth undertaking any amount of spiritual pursuit is in vain. All our
descriptions of Divinity are waverings of our mind. It has nothing to do
with Godhood. That is why Tyagaraja said - 'Who can ever describe You O
When bad thoughts enter your mind,
replace them with good thoughts. If you practise this, you will become
virtuous. All great people have achieved their greatness in this manner.
Can anything happen without God's Will?
The human being is the one with a
single desire not the one with multiple desires. Jantu Naam Nara Janma
Durlabham. Human birth is very rare and precious. Do not entertain bad
feelings like hatred, jealousy, anger towards anybody. To be truly
human, one must control the bestial qualities. However fragrant the
flower may be, when it is mixed with dirt it will smell foul.
What is Manasu? 'Ma' means 'I',
'Na' means 'No' or 'remove'. Therefore, remove the ' I' feeling and then
'Su' remains. 'Su' stands for Sugandham - fragrance. Born as a human
being, belonging to the human race, if we go by 'Ma' and 'Ma' alone it
will lead to Maya. Therefore remove the Ma - 'I' feeling and then
Sugandham will come into your life. Su symbolises Sugandhaswarupa,
Supriya, Sunandamaya, Sukhaswarupa.....
Good and bad belong to you. God
has no role to play in this. He is the very embodiment of Love and
Peace. Under any circumstances, be peaceful. You will surely find peace
in your vicinity."
Swami concluded His discourse by singing
the bhajan Hari Bhajan Bina Sukha Shanti Nahin. After a
few bhajans by the boys, Swami took arati and retired
for the day.
It was quite an evening, on the day before
Sivarathri. After Swami came into Sai Kulwant Hall, He sent a lot of boys
scurrying over to Poornachandra. It soon became clear why - when they came
back carrying a couple of watermelons each from Poornachandra for
distribution in Sai Kulwant Hall.
Bringing the watermelons from
Poornachandra |
It was quite a sight to see the boys bring the
watermelons two at a time and give it to the crowd and then run back again
for more. It reminded all of us of Lord Rama's monkey army that helped Him
build a bridge across the ocean to Lanka by bringing a stone each and
dropping it into the ocean.
But the evening was not over yet. Swami then called
Sri AVS Raju, an elderly devotee of long standing. He is the author
of many books of poetry on Swami and Swami blessed him by releasing
some more books that he had written on this auspicious day.
Swami later gave him permission to read his poetry to
the crowd and he sat right beside the Lord and read his Telugu poems
of praise of the Lord. Though many in the crowd did not understand
the words, the feelings of devotion came through and were
appreciated by all. |
Sri AVS Raju reading his poetry |
But the evening was still not over.
Swami then called Sri Ajit Poppat a devotee from London and asked
him to speak to the crowd. Mr. Poppat started off by asking the
question - 'What is discipline? Is it just sitting silently or
speaking softly and so on, or is it something more profound.'
He then devoted the rest of his speech
to addressing this question. Speaking in a mixture of English, Hindi
with a smattering of Gujarati, and quoting Sanskrit verses often,
Mr. Ajit in his humorous style drew upon his experiences with Swami
to get his important message across. He said that we are not animals
or birds but humans and even more - we are Sai Bhaktas. We should
always listen to the inner voice and lead a life in light of Swami's
teachings so we can be considered disciplined and true devotees of
the Lord.
It was an enchanting evening and a
precursor of the exciting promises that the morrow - Maha Sivarathri
day - had in store for one and all. |
Sri Ajit Poppat addressing the crowd |
The Morning Programme on February 26th
Maha Sivarathri, the night devoted to Lord
Siva, is celebrated over a couple of days in Parthi, as we have a night
long Akhanda Bhajan session that lasts for over 12 hours. On the
morning of Sivarathri day, the Institute boys traditionally sing Siva
stotrams and songs in praise of the glory of Lord Siva to usher
in the day in an auspicious and fitting manner.
Swami being welcomed by nadaswaram
music |
February 26th, Mahasivarathri Day, dawned to
an eager, expectant crowd in Sai Kulwant Hall - a crowd fully saturated
with fervent and devotional feelings on this Holy Day. The entire Sai
Kulwant Hall was fully decorated with festoons decorating the roof and
floral decorations adorning the façade of Sai Kulwant Hall. Swami entered
Sai Kulwant Hall around 8:30 in the morning and was welcomed by the
Institute Nadaswaram and the Pancha Vadyam group in the
traditional Indian custom. After He had taken His place on the dais, the
Vedam chanting continued for some time.
There was an air of hushed
expectancy in the Hall. Earlier in the morning 4 spanking new red cars
that had also been adorned with floral decorations, had been driven into
Sai Kulwant Hall and it was quite obvious that Swami was going to be
presenting it to some chosen devotees.
Soon the mystery was cleared. Swami called Sri
Sanjay Sahni, Principal of the Brindavan Campus, and gave him some
instructions. Sri Sanjay Sahni then announced that Swami was going to
felicitate 4 long term devotees who had rendered yeoman service to the

The first was Sri A. Ramakrishna. Sri
Ramakrishna, now retired, was the Vice-President of ECC (a part of the
Larsen & Toubro Group). ECC was the chief construction company that
had executed many of Swami's social projects. Notable among them were the
water projects in Anantapur, Medak and Mehboobnagar districts. The Chennai
water project and the East and West Godavari water projects were also
executed by them. They were also instrumental in constructing the
Super-speciality Hospitals in Puttaparthi and Brindavan, the Chaitanya
Jyothi Museum and the Sai Kulwant Hall. When his name was announced, Sri
Ramakrishna came up to Him and was garlanded by another devotee standing
next to Swami. Swami then personally handed over the keys of the car which
had been driven and was now parked in front of the dais. Sri Ramakrishna
thanked Swami profusely for providing him the chance to participate in the
divine mission and also said that ever since his group had been of service
to Swami, it had grown by leaps and bounds. He further said that Swami was
doing all the work and giving him all the credit. Swami then personally
escorted Sri Ramakrishna to the car and asked him to seat himself beside
the driver and was ceremoniously driven a short distance.
Next was Sri Kondal Rao, Senior Technical Consultant
to Govt. of Andhra Pradesh for the Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply
Project, and also the Chief Engineer supervising the Chennai Water
Supply Project. Mr. Kondal Rao had been closely working with L&T
in the execution of these projects. Sri Kondal Rao in the true
spirit of dedicated service worked night and day in the execution of
the projects over the years.
Sri Kondal Rao was overwhelmed by Swami's Grace and
fell at His feet and took padanamaskar. Swami then
commanded Sri Kondal Rao to get into the new car and profusely
blessed him for all his service to the organization. |
Sri Kondal Rao being gifted with a new
car |
The other two who were similarly honoured were our
very own - Sri K. Chakravarthi, Secretary of the Central Trust and
Dr. G. Venkataraman, Director of the Prashanti Digital Studio and
Radio Sai Global Harmony. Sri Chakravarthi, joined the Indian
Administrative Service (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) in 1960; He worked as
the Collector of the Anantapur District and held various positions
including Finance Secretary (projects), Commissioner of Relief, and
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes.
He left the IAS in 1981 to become the first Registrar
of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning and ably nurtured
the fledgling institute in its initial years. Currently he is the
Secretary of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust and is one of the
busiest men in the organization working long hours each day handling
all his myriad responsibilities. |
Sri Chakravarthi getting Swami's
blessings |
Dr G. Venkataraman, who surely needs no introduction
to our readers, had a very illustrious career in public service and
research and is a former Vice-Chancellor of the Sri Sathya Sai
Institute of Higher Learning. He also served at the Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre in Mumbai and the Indira Gandhi Atomic Research
Centre in Kalpakkam.
He was the Founder Director of ANURAG, a unit of DRDO
- Defence Research and Development Organization. He is the recipient
of the Sir C. V. Raman Centenary Award, Indira Gandhi Award and the
Padma Shri Award from the Government of India. He has authored many
books including 'Journey into Light: Life and Science of C. V.
Raman'. He currently teaches at the Institute besides running the
Prashanti Digital Studio and Radio Sai. |
Dr. Venkataraman being honored for his
contributions |
After all the four had been honoured
thus and presented with their gifts of a car, Swami posed for photographs
with them. First He posed with Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Kondal Rao and
praised both of them profusely for their contribution.
Sri Kondal Rao on the left and Sri
Ramakrishna |
Dr G. Venkatraman on the left and Sri K.
Chakravarthi with Swami |
Next He posed with Sri K. Chakravarthi and Dr.
Venkataraman and listed all their achievements over the years to the boys
seated in front of Him.
After this heart-warming ceremony was over, it
was the turn of the Institute boys to sing songs in praise of our Lord
Shiva Himself. About 9 singers of the Institute sang the following songs
and stotrams that was a fitting finale to the ceremony we had just
Ashwath Narayan singing Shiva
Shankari |
Amey Deshpande and Guru Prasad singing Om
Namah Shivaya |
The songs that they had selected were
"Chidananda Roopaha Shivoham Shivoham", "Bilva stotram",
"Lingashtakam", "Vishwanaataashtakam", "Neela
kandara deva", "Sada Shiva Bhajamyaham", "Shiva Shiva
Shiva Shiva Yanaraada", "Shiva Shankari", and the last song
was a well rendered duet "Om Namah Shivaya". The boys were ably
backed by 3 key-boards, 2 violins, 1 flute, 1 tabla, and 1 harmonium.
The tiny tots of the Primary School had made many
cards and handicrafts especially for Bhagavan on this auspicious day.
Swami with His immense love and grace asked them to bring it to Him and
talked with all the little ones who had toiled hard to prepare these gifts
for Him.
Tiny Tots from the Primary School show their
handicrafts to Swami |
Cutting the cake |
Swami finally cut the cakes prepared by many
groups in the Ashram before He went home to Poornachandra.
Prasadam was also distributed to all the devotees.
The Evening Programme on February 26th
The Sivarathri evening programme is one that
most of the devotees look forward to all year, especially after Swami
resumed the lingodhbhavam (bringing out the lingam from within
Him) a few years ago. The queues to get into Sai Kulwant Hall started
forming early so as to get a vantage position to witness this unique,
divine event.
Cloths for a safari suit being
distributed |
Calculators are taken for being blessed before
distribution |
Swami was welcomed again in the evening by the
same Institute Nadaswaram band as in the morning. After His
arrival trays containing blue boxes and white safari cloth pieces were
brought out and kept for distribution. Swami instructed the boys to begin
the distribution of the cloths and the blue coloured boxes that were
actually calculators with a musical alarm clock.
Swami sat and kept watching the distribution
occasionally giving the boys some instructions. After some time to
everyone's surprise, Swami got into His car and went towards
Poornachandra and later went out again for a short while, leaving
all the devotees perplexed.
Are we going to have the Sivarathri discourse? Is
there going to be a lingodhbhavam? We just have to love His
uncertainty - as He keeps repeating often! After about half an hour
He returned again to Sai Kulwant Hall. After Swami came walking to
the veranda, He raised His right Hand and gave the Abhaya
Hasta Blessings to one and all. |
The Abhaya Hasta blessing on Sivarathri
evening |
Smt P. Susheela, a famour playback singer
took her place near the veranda. Swami asked the Institute boys to start
with a Ganesha Bhajan. Then, Smt. P. Susheela sang two Bhajans -
"Esawramba Priya Tanaya Sai
Narayana" and "Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam".
After these two bhajans the boys
continued and we thought the all night Akhanda Bhajan was well
However, a few minutes after 6:00 PM, Swami
stopped the bhajan singing and asked Sri AVS Raju to share his
poems with the audience as he had done the previous day.
He read some of his Telugu poems for about 20-25
Then Swami stood up and to everyone's
delight and began His nectarine Sivarathri discourse around 6:30 PM.
He said,
"The whole Universe is in Him. Can
you build a temple for Him? When He resides in all beings, what
name can you give Him? When all the oceans find refuge in Him, can
you give Him a bath? He is not merely Iswara; He is the Iswara of
the whole Universe. Prapancha is a combination of the five
elements. 'Pra' means expression or manifestation or blossoming.
'Pancha' stands for the five elements. There are the five elements
- earth, water, fire, air and ether. There are also the five
senses - Shabda (sound), Sparsha (touch), Rupa (sight), Rasa
(taste) and Gandha (smell). The five life breaths are Prana,
Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana. The Lord is the basis for the
expression of all these. Is any among these permanent? No, only
Brahma Tatva is eternal. What is Brahma - that which represents
these five elements. |
The divine Sivarathri
message |
Love is the foundation
of the Universe. There can exist neither Nature nor world without Love.
The world is sustained by the Love that is distributed in the five
elements. Forgetting Love, following any mode of worship is in vain. The
five elements express their power through the human life.
Good and bad are all in your
thoughts. Correct your thoughts. If there is any element of hatred, feel
ashamed of it. If you are attracted by anybody, it is because of
attachment. Understand that it is God who attracts. All forms are His.
You have none but one true enemy and that is your own mind.
You are the origin of everything.
You are all Embodiments of Love. None of you is separate. There is no
second at all. There is nothing like a 6th element. Your Love represents
the Divine Form. Brahma (God) is not away from you. To think that He is
away is Bhrama (Delusion). Action (Karma) is also Divine. Never accuse
or criticize God. All is God.
Doubts and imaginations rob us of
our Bliss. Never entertain any doubts. It is like poison. You get doubts
about your wife, children..... all this is useless. Why don't you doubt
yourself? Then you will feel so ashamed. Even if doubts come, brush them
aside. You can develop strong faith only when you remove all doubts.
Doubts can be dangerous and can sometimes prove fatal.
Love God and it will transform
your hate towards others also into love. Therefore, develop Love. When
all of you enjoy supreme Bliss, it is Sivaratri for Me. My Blessings to
all of you. Sing the glory of God all night. Do Naama Smarana whole
heartedly. Then you will attain Divinity ".
It was very late, almost 8 PM when Bhagavan
retired for the evening. It had been a hectic and an enjoyable day for
all. A lot of devotees stayed behind to spend the entire night singing His
Glory in compliance with Swami's command.
The Morning Programme on February 27th
Swami came early around 6:30 AM to Sai Kulwant
Hall. After He had sat down in His seat, he commanded that the air-coolers
be brought closer to His chair. A few minutes later, one of the boys
serving Swami also brought many flasks of water. An excited buzz went
around the Hall. Is there going to be a lingodh bhavam this
After Swami sat down in His seat,
He commanded that the vessels containing the prasadam
(Pulihora or Tamarind rice and Sakkara Pongal or Sweet
Rice) to be distributed at the end of the Akhanda Bhajan be
stacked on the veranda. The boys not only brought the serving vessels but
also the huge vessels that contained the remaining prasadam and
stacked them all next to the Lord Himself.
Soon Swami began drinking copious quantities
of water. The lingering suspicions became a certainty, for as noticed in
previous years, He drinks a lot of water before the emergence of the
lingam. The expectations of the crowd were heightened and they started
singing bhajans with renewed vigour and devotion.
Soon Swami's physical discomforts also
increased. He occasionally burped as if bringing out the lingam
but it was not time yet for the emanation of the lingam. Just as
a mother has to undergo birth pangs, Swami undergoes severe physical
discomfort in order to manifest the lingam so that man may
realise that behind Creation there IS a Creator who is
Supreme. It is this Supreme One alone who can grant permanent Bliss, and
man must strive to achieve Purity because that is the only gateway to God
and Bliss.
The boys attending to Him tried their best
to alleviate His physical discomforts. Added to it were the fervent
prayers of all who could not bear to see our beloved Swami in agony.
Swami requested that "Om Namah
Shivaya" be chanted. The chanting went on uninterrupted and soon
picked up a fervent pace. Swami continued drinking more and more
In earlier times, the Lingam that
emanated from Swami used to be of crystal etc. These days, however, the
lingam is of pure gold, shining with incredible lustre. Can
anyone have so much gold inside one’s body? Wherefrom does all that gold
come? Swami says that the gold forms in Him from the five elements present
in subtle form.
Initially, the gold exists inside as liquid or
molten gold. For gold to exist in the liquid state, it must be at very a
high temperature. At such temperatures, the stomach of normal mortals
would be completely burnt but not so in the case of the Avatar.
The pace of the chanting increased. Bhajans
with a fast beat were now sung and the atmosphere in Sai Kulwant
Hall was electric.
The tension was palpable and everyone was mouthing
silent, fervent prayers in the heart. Just before 8:30 AM, Swami
nodded gently, as if to say that the lingam is now formed and ready
to emerge. |
The atmosphere is
electric! |
Soon Swami bent His Head down and opened His
mouth wide, and an incredibly big golden lingam - as big as an ostrich egg
- emerged out into the world.
The big gold lingam has finally emerged! |
The lingam is placed on a bed of flowers on a
silver plate |
The agony (of being unable to see Swami's
physical discomfort) and the ecstasy (of the emergence of the gold lingam)
of the Lingodbhavam were experienced in full by all. Swami, after
holding up the lingam for all to see, placed the lingam in a bed of
flowers on a silver plate.
But Swami though visibly tired physically was not done
yet. He was fully aware that not all had witnessed clearly this
momentous event, due to the huge crowd.
So He expressed and carried out His desire to go
around Sai Kulwant Hall and show the lingam to all personally. Such
is His love for all of us! |
Swami shows the lingam to the
devotees |
And this day was not over yet. Soon a red car was
driven in front of the veranda and we knew it was going to be gifted
to some eminent devotee. Swami then called Sri Paramahamsa and his
wife to the front of the veranda.
This couple run the Deenajanodharana
Pathakamu - Swami's orphanage. Sri Paramahamsa was honoured by
being garlanded and the car keys were handed over to him. Swami was
also kind enough to pose for pictures with the couple in front of
the car. |
Swami poses for a photo with the
Paramahamsas |
Swami then asked that all the children of
the orphanage be brought to Him. They all came post-haste in obedience to
the Lord's command. Swami first asked them to do some Veda chanting, which
they did quite creditably to everyone's joy and appreciation. Swami then
had chocolates distributed to all the little kids.
Swami then talked to all of them with a mike
in His hand and said that they
were not orphans for He was their
mother and father. He said that they should redeem their lives and live up
to all His expectations. He also said that Rs 100,000 had been deposited
in their names and the full amount would be given to them when they are
ready (after graduation) to enter the world.
Swami said that He not only provided them with
education but also with all the other needs like food, clothing, etc. that
they needed. It was a touching, poignant moment when time itself stood
still and oneness was experienced as a common emotional bond. And there
was not a single dry eye in the entire Hall, including Swami's!
The boys sing for their Mother and Father |
A boy thanking Him for all that He has done for
them |
The boys of the orphanage then sang a few
Telugu songs for Him. A couple of them were even bold and confident enough
to thank Him for all that He had done for them in English! They said that
before they came to the Ashram, their lives were drifting. Now
they had love and purpose in their lives through Bhagavan's Grace and they
were determined to fully utilise the opportunity.
After this ceremony, at Swami's
command, prasadam was distributed to all the devotees. He
supervised the distribution of the prasadam for some time and
then asked that arathi be taken before He retired back to
Wherever we are, this is what we must remember
on this Sivarathri day. Firstly, we all have come from the Creator and
thus are born as the Embodiments of Divine Purity. That is what
Lingodbhavam really ought to call to our mind.
Secondly, though we start off pure – as Swami
says, children are always pure,
at least at the start – desires
soon invade us and contaminate the Mind as much as possible.
However, we must resist this and try to purify
the Mind by burning the desires, and Vibhuti or sacred ash is the
symbol of this ultimate burning of desires. Vibhuti Abhishekam
thus ought to remind us of the need to first limit desires and then burn
them entirely.
We might miss observing other functions but
Sivarathri must be taken very seriously because it is all about
becoming Pure and then truly become one with God.
So we bring to a close this rather long
edition of this month's chronicle of events. It has been an exhilarating
time for all. And the future looks if anything even more exciting, for
really inexplicable are Swami's Leelas.
So till next time, all of us at Heart2Heart
wish you the very best.
Jai Sai Ram!
- Heart2Heart