Date: 11-16-06
By: Robert Priddy
Copied from: http://home.no.net/anir/Sai/enigma/confused.htm

Below is an e-mail I received from a former Sai devotee, which was sent to her unsolicited by one of the several remaining Sai followers in Norway, an Indian immigrant who propagates her information from alleged 'close friends of Swami' to anyone who may listen. I don't wish to embarass the mailer further by giving her full name and e-mail address! It reveals facts otherwise carefully hidden from the public, not least the number of uncured fractures (five!) that Sai Baba has had in the last 3 years.

Note particularly the surprising admissions and other points which I underline in the translation. Most startling perhaps is the lack of water in
Puttaparthi after a multi million dollar Water project primarily designed for just the Rayalaseema area, especially for Prashanthi Nilayam. More proof that it failed dismally... the water table suddenly (Sai Baba didn't predict it) and money was embezzed by shoddy contractors and who knows who else.
Secondly one must deplore the continued poverty of villagers there when Sai Baba rolling in money and wasting it on many showpiece white elephants (latest: a giant indoor stadium for 'his' students to play sports in). Dirt poor villagers watched as five of his his fat cat VIP's (Chackravati, Venkataraman and Co.) were given expensive new Japanese cars out of funds donated for 'good works'! His brother and trusted Central Trust member, Janaki Ramiah, died some years ago (Sai Baba shed tears in public then!) as a super-rich speculator on local property.

That Sai Baba sits and cries so much illustrates the absurd dishonesty of his years of boastful claims to be unmoved by any pain or pleasure!

----- Original Message -----
From: "K A.
> Hei igjen
> Jeg mottar disse mailene - det er helt merkelig
> hvordan alt, absolutt alt tolkes positivt! sukk.
> Hilsen K.

Dato: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 22:37:00 +0200
Fra: Manj... Mahes....@[suppressed].no:
Emne: sai hilsen... fra Parthi...
Hei og Sai ram !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Er nettopp tilbake fra Swamis hellig jord Parthi. Swami er i topp form og gjør sin beste i en så sein alder for å hjelpe sitt landsby folk som enda sliter med fattigdom og vannmangel. Ifølge Swami sine nære venner har Swami blitt veldig emosjonell i det siste, ofte sitter med tårer. Litt uforståelig kan det være for vanlige folk.
>>Swami har problemer med å bevege, har hatt fem
fraksjoner i 2003, 2004 og 2005; og kun den ene ble kurert. Igjen ifølge sine nære venner er altså dette en forberedelse Swami har satt i gang. Swami har blitt på denne måten nødt til forberede (mentalt) sine tilgjengere slik at De kan godta det at Swami forlater (fysisk) denne verden, og det er for å unngå tragiske hendelser som kan skje om 15 år.
>>Jeg fikk anledning til å ta med noen spesielle materialer fra Swami (blessed by Swami) og dersom noen ønsker å få tilsendt noe av dette kan sende en email med sin adresse til meg. Viputhi (the holy ash) harjeg dessverre blitt tom for, men Kum Kum (the red coloured..) Swami ga oss den spesielle dagen (Dasara) som en blessing, har jeg litt igjen å gi bort.
>> Noen gang vet vi ikke hva eller hvem Swami mente at disse hellige ting skulle komme fram til, som er årsak til at jeg sender denne åpen melding til alle jeg kjenner til i Norge.

>> Jeg har tatt med meg noen store bilder av Swami, og dersom noen ønsker å få tilsendt en bilde, kan bare sende en email ti meg.
>> Flere nyheter med intervjuer og bilder er påvente. Parthi forbereder seg til den store dag: Oktober 19/20. (Sai org. ble opprettet den 19/20 oktober)

>> Ha en flott torsdag..
>> Sai ram igjen
>> M.
>> Always in Sai seva.


----Original message---- [Translated from the Norwegian]
From: "K.A.
Hi again.
I receive these mails - it is really remarkable how everything, absolutely everything, is interpreted positively! groan
Greetings K.

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 22:37:00 +0200
>> From: Manj... Mahes.... @[suppressed].no:
>> Subject Sai greetings... from Parthi...
>> Hi and Sai ram !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just got back from Swami's holy ground Parthi. Swami is in top condition and does his best in such old age to help his village people who still struggle from poverty and lack of water. According to Swami's close friends, he has become very emotional recently, often sitting in tears. It can be a little difficult for ordinary people to understand.
Swami has problemer in moving, has had five fractures in 2003,2004 and 2005, and only one was cured. Again according to his close friends, this is actually a preparation Swami has started up. It was necessary for Swami in this way Swami has to prepare (mentally) his followers so they will be able to accept it when he leaves this (physical) world, and that is to avoid tragic happenings that can occur in 15 years.
I got the opportunity to bring with me some special materials from Swami (blessed by Swami) and if anyone who wants to have some of this sent to them, can send an e-mail with their address to me. I have unfortunately run out of vibuthi (the holy ash), but I have a little Kum Kum (the red coloured) left, which Swami gave us on the special day (Dasara) as a blessing.
Sometimes we do not know what or who Swami intends that these holy things should come forth to, which is the reason I am sending this open announcement to all I know in Norway.
I have brought with me some large pictures of Swami, and if anyone who wants to have a picture sent can just send an e-mail to me.
More news with interviews and pictures are awaited. Parthi is preparing itself for the big day October 19/20 (Sai Org. was started on 19/20 October)

Have a great Thursday
Sai Ram igjen
Always in Sai Seva


The usual deluded interpretations of anything and everything Sai Baba does as some kind of Divine Mystery! Usual because it has even been
used to explain why Sai Baba is doing good by raping young boys - by Ram Das Awle!!]

As anyone can see, the writer of the e-mail has a primitive blind devotion to Sai Baba - is a 'true believer', accepting Sai Baba's fairly recent confirmation of the prediction that he will live to the age of 96 (even though he has earlier made clear twice in published discourses in 1960 and 1961 that he would live to the age of 93!).

Of Sathya Narayana Raju (later Sathya Sai Baba) it is reported by several devotee writers that he will die at the age 95 and/or 96 (Some places in India a person who is 95, yet is in-the 96th year, is said to be 96 years old.) On various occasions Baba has reportedly said in private that his life would last 96 years [eg by S. Balu, 'Living Divinity' London: Saw-bridge Enterprises, 1981, p. 29] which age he finally confirmed in a discourse in 2000. Yet, contradictorily, in two early discourses in 1960 and 1961 respectively, he gave the length of his remaining life as 58 and 59 years (see scan of one instance below). This adds up to a life-span of only either 92 or 93 years!

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