Date: 09-19-02

By: Robert Priddy

Website: Sathya Sai Baba - Extensive Information and Viewpoints

A once very prominent devotee has sent me the following illumining brief comments about SB discourses, which I post here on his behalf:

I find it just fascinating how an intelligent person can be fooled by the tricks and fallacies SB freely uses. Some resources commonly used by SB (in different flavours suited for the particular discourse) include:-

SB's manipulation of words include etymological explanations to give a (false) "spiritual" meaning to words. Sweeping generalizations drawn from his particular close environment.

When speaking of a formal theme like history (of course excluding Indian history) and science he avoids going into any depth (even so he makes constant mistakes)

So if you want to give a "divine discourse", it does not matter how ignorant you are, you just need some ability to speak in public, have a fast mind, pick a theme like "the love of the mother", "Siva is the embodiment of Time", "Your are the Divine Atma", "Faith is essential to realisation" use the above 'resources', and that is it!!