Not Touting for funds eh?
From aoclery (Tony O'Clery on:
Sathya Sai Baba Discussion Club, message 2020:
Date: 2/18/01 10:22 p.m.
Sai Darshan is being planned to be a unique monument of its kind which will convey toll the world the life, teachings and divine words of wisdom delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai baba over the last 60 years for the benefit of humanity in the 21st century.
The Xeroxed Computer printed Photograph of the project and other details have already been given during the meeting at Prasanthi Nilayam. It will have ground plus seven levels. The completion period is 30th June 2000.
The Building will be a special gift at the Lotus Feet on the 75th Birthday of our Lord on behalf of the Overseas Organization, which means all the millions of devotees of the world. Keeping this in view it is felt that we should make the best possible presentation since it is a rare chance and a lifetime opportunity to be His Instrument on the eve of the 75th Birthday and the 21st Century.
As regards the estimated cost the members were of the view that it cannot be
ascertained now fully since it will depend on the international world quality which will have to be maintained for such a monument by the Overseas Devotees. However, the estimated cost was placed between US$3 million to US$5 million. Dr.Goldstein suggested the following methods for meeting the cost which were discussed and finally approved.
(1) To organize 100 donors for accommodation in Building No.8 and 9 and for which each coordinator gave their quota for the region which they will fulfill before March 2000. Dr.Goldstein was requested to be in charge for follow up with the Coordinators in this regard.
(2) Letters to be written to the Bond Holders by respective Chairman of the Zone. The drafts of such letters was also approved at the meeting. It was decided that Bro. Hira should be in-charge of all follow up in this matter.(3) It was suggested that we should not solicit any donation by way of appeal or writing letters or making any announcements, but that the coordinators in their personal capacity should get in touch with known personalities/Sai Devotees and talk about this project to meet with the minimum target of US$50,000 per region which was supposed to be remitted in two installments viz.before 4th March and 6th May 2000. The simple calculation was to select 50 persons and request for US$1,000 from each. To meet this requirement, 50 devotees may be selected from the whole Region. Perhaps it may not be necessary to reach out to all the 50 since the requirement from a particular region could be fulfilled by just a few devotees. However, if any region can contribute more than US$50,000 it is welcome, to offset any shortfall from smaller region.
(4) It was decided to display world culture murals in the compound of the Building. Suggestions are invited for such selection.
(5) Languages to be used was English, Telugu, Hindi and also Spanish.
(6) The ground floor will contain the International Exhibition depicting the activities of the three wings of the Sai Organization - viz. The Spiritual, Educational and Service Wings, for which a separate note requiring photographs for display will be sent in due course (in any case before 1st week of Jan.2000) for each zone. These will have to be submitted before Gurupurnima 2000.
(7) The Coordinators suggested that they should also be actively associated with this project, which suggestion was welcome and accordingly a separate note is being sent to each Coordinator as to how they should associate with the project, other than helping in meeting the cost of the Project.