Date: 22-01-04
From: Åsa Samsioe
10.01.04 - Evening Session Annual Sports and Cultural
Meet, 2004 - Hill View Stadium Prasanthi Nilayam

“Health is wealth. Without a healthy body, man cannot execute any of his
thoughts, however good they may be. A healthy body leads to a healthy
“Several scholars and intellectuals have attempted to control, if not
eradicate, ill health. The Romans were front-runners in this aspect.
They maintained healthy and strong bodies and kept each limb and organ
of the body in as near perfect and strong condition as possible. They
did this by watching the three main aspects- Conduct, Character and
Sensitivity. They remained self-sufficient as far as bodily needs were
concerned and did not like depending on their fellow men to help them
move about for their daily needs.”
(Summer Course Discourse - 27 May 2002)