More Discrepancies in Sai Baba’s
An enlarged list from the previous article
"Contradictions and Confusions Concerning Jesus"
From: Serguei Badaev
Date: April 12, 2002
Copied from:
(2) Jesus’s own words about himself.
(5) Birth of Jesus and three kings from the East.
(8) 60th birthday of Sai Baba.
(9) Date of Shirdi Baba’s birth.
(10) Connection between Sathya Sai and Shirdi Sai
(11) Classmates: Ramesh and Suresh.
(12) Time of Lingam appearence during Mahasivarathri.
(13) Asking for help
(14) Sai Baba, money and property.
(16) Sai Baba and personal belongings.
(17) Sai Baba and the Sai Organisation
(18) Harsh words and soft words.
(19) Does Sai Baba sleep at nights?
First examples of inconsistencies in Sai Baba’s statements were published some 10 years ago by Dale Beyerstein ( You can find it on This material is an enlarged version of what was published under my name in regard to Jesus (on and and contains examples showing that inconsistencies are not specifically connected with the field of Jesus Christ’s life.
Omniscience (all-knowing), as an attribute of Avatarhood proclaimed by Sai Baba, is generally understood as an access to complete information about everything, complete correctness in transmitting this information, i.e. no mistakes, and complete coherence among statements. Below there are examples self-conflicting and self-contradicting statements given by Sai Baba as they were published in Sai literature. Some of them were published previously by different authors and some of them are new ones. We did not include examples of factual mistakes and odd statements which are numerous as well and which can be found in a web-book of Brian Steel "Sathya Sai Baba: God or Guru" ( A number of other witnesses you can find on a site of Robert Priddy ( Taking into account that published materials are a result of careful editing we can only imagine how many similar examples were in the original unedited discourses and texts. The number of examples can be easily extended by any serious researcher of Sai literature. That means discrepancies and inconsistencies are a characteristic feature of Sai Baba’s so called omniscience.
Truly speaking, Christmas falls in the month of March, not in December. Since it is very cold in December and people are confined to their homes, they utilise this time to celebrate Christmas. Actually, Jesus was born in the month of March. With the passage of time, this fact has been distorted and misrepresented in the Bible. (25.12.1998. Sahathana Sarathi v. 42, January 1999, p. 6)
There are various theories about the birth date of Jesus based on the ‘bright star that appeared at his birth.’ It is visible once in 800 years, it is said. Some say he was born on the fifteenth day of September. But, he was born at 3-15 a.m. (early morning) on December 28, 1980 years ago. It was Sunday. (25.12.1979. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XXIV, p. 288)
The 25th is not the birth. It was on the 24th, near midnight. (J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. ch. XXIX)
On December 25th, when Jesus was born, three kings came to his birth-place. (25.12.1992. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XXV, p. 397.)
(2) Jesus’s own words about himself.
Jesus never laid any claim to His association with God either as a Messenger or a Son. It is only in order that men may realise their own relation with God that such interpretation is made. (24.11.1998, Unpublished discourse.)
(Note: This discourse was sold in a form of booklets in several days after the talk in Prashanthi Nilayam but has not been published in Sanathana Sarathi.)
There were controversies regarding Jesus. These differences were the cause of the ordeals he had to go through. But Jesus was prepared to face any trouble or any penalty. He considered Compassion as the supreme quality. At first, he declared he was a "Messenger of God". Then, he announced: "I am the Son of God". Ultimately he declared: "I and my Father are one". (25.12.1997, Sanathana Sarathi v. 41, January 1998, p. 9)
At the time of crucifixion, Jesus prayed: "O Father! What sin have I committed? Why am I put to suffering thus?" (24.11.1998, Unpublished discourse.)
When Jesus reached this stage ("I and my Father are one"), He had no suffering at all; He was always blissful and was prepared for anything. Even at the time of crucifixion, he was smiling, because he realised that He was not the body. (25.12.1998, Sanathana Sarathi v. 42, January 1999, p. 5)
Jesus grew up at Nazareth till he reached thirty. After Joseph’s passing, Jesus sought his mother’s permission to embark on his Divine mission. He got baptised by John, the Baptist and spent forty days in penance in a forest. (25.12.1988, Sathya Sai Speaks v. XXI, p. 272)
Jesus realised that he was Christ in his 25th year. For 8 years following his 16th birthday he travelled in India, Tibet, Iran, and Russia. He was variously regarded as a beggar or as a sannyasi. Jesus had no money. His parents were very poor and practically abandoned him at an early age. (J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. ch. XXX, p. 97)
Jesus announced himself as a Messenger of God. He spent many years in austerities so that he could shower compassion and love on all humanity. Later, he asked himself, "Am I just a messenger, or am I more closely related to God, a part of God with the Divine as my essence?" Jesus spent twelve long years, wandering alone in deserts engaged in this inquiry. At the end of this period, he returned to the society of men and announced "I am the Son of God. (25.12.1979, Sathya Sai Speaks v. XIV, p. 286)
(5) Birth of Jesus and three kings from the East.
It is said that when Jesus was born in a manger, three kings were led by a star to Jesus’s place of birth. In fact, they were not kings but three shepherds. (25.12.1994. Sathya Sai Speaks XXVII, p. 296)
On December 25th, when Jesus was born, three kings came to his birth-place. (25.12.1992. Sathya Sai Speaks XXV, p. 397.)
And, the story says, there was a Star in the sky, which fell with a New Light, and this led a few Tibetans and others to the place where the Saviour was born. (24.12.1972. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XI, p. 343)
When Jesus was born, three wise men followed a star to reach his place of birth. (25.12.1984. Sathya Sai Speaks, XVII, 30:190)
When Jesus was born, three Arabian kings came to see Him. (25.12.1998. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 42, January 1999, p. 1)
(Speaking about Jesus): Appearances of splendour and other signs to herald the era that has dawned are natural when incarnations happen on earth. (24.12.1972. Sathya Sai Speaks, XI, p. 344)
The Star that appeared that day appears only once in 800 years. Its appearance had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. There is no rule that, when Divine Energy or Divine Incarnation descends on Earth, a star has to appear. (25.12.1979. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XIV, p. 288 )
Sai: Buddha, Christ, Mohammed and others were not Avathars. They had some divine power. Only in India are Avathars born, because only in India are the Sastras understood. (J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. ch. XL, p. 133)
Sai: <...> The course of an Avathar goes invariably through the same stages. It is the same for every Avathar at all times. The first 16 years are characterised by constant leelas, then leelas and teaching up to age 45. From age 45 to 60 the emphasis is almost wholly on teaching. At age 60 there is a very big change.
(J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, SSSB&PT, India, ch. XXVIII, p. 91, edition after 1995)
The first sixteen years of this Life have been, as I have often told you, the period when Bala leela (divine child sport) predominated and the next sixteen is being spent mostly in Mahimas (miracles) in order to give santosha (joy) to this generation. ... After the thirty-second year, you will see me active more and more in the task of Upadesa (spiritual instruction) - teaching erring humanity and in directing the world along the path of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Prema (Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love.). (Sathya Sai Speaks, I, 1:3 - Vijayadasami, 1953)
(8) 60th birthday of Sai Baba.
H: Swami, people are thinking that after His 60th birthday, Bhagavan Baba will step away from contact with the world and that His devotees will no longer have access to Him.
Sai: No, not at all. Sai is not separating from the world, nor will He separate from His devotees. The course of an Avathar goes invariably through the same stages. It is the same for every Avathar at all times. The first 16 years are characterised by constant leelas, then leelas and teaching up to age 45. From age 45 to 60 the emphasis is almost wholly on teaching. At age 60 there is a very big change.
(J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, SSSB&PT, India, ch. XXVIII, p. 91, edition after 1995)
A misgiving has spread, and it is causing confusion in people’s minds, that after the sixtieth birthday, Swami will not be available and that there will occur a change in Swami. Mine is not a changing nature. I will never be distant from devotees. I will be available to devotees more and more from now. Sathya Sai is Sathya (Truth). How can Truth change? So, give up all such guesses and imaginations and engage yourselves in the service of your fellowmen. (23.11.1985. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XVIII, p. 167)
(9) Date of Shirdi Baba’s birth.
In answer to their prayers, a son was born on September 28, 1835. Today is the anniversary of that day. That child was Sai Baba. (28.09.1990. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XXIII, p. 230)
This day (the first day of Navarathri) has another special significance. Shirdi Sai Baba was born on September 27, 1838. (27.09.1992. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XXV, p. 326)
(10) Connection between Sathya Sai and Shirdi Sai
When he was asked, in what form the next advent would take place, Shirdi Baba told Abdul Baba alone: "I will give darshan in the name of Sathya for upholding Truth." That is the present advent. The two bodies are different, but the Divinity is one. (28.09.1990. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XXIII, p. 244)
Interview to the newspaper "The Times of India".
Journalist:"How do you relate yourself to Sai Baba of Shirdi?"
Sai Baba:"This body has not seen him."
(The Times of India, 12 March 1999)
(11) Classmates: Ramesh and Suresh.
Sai: In the school, there were two boys who sat with Swami in the same seat. It was for three. When Swami declared that He would no longer go to school, one boy committed suicide. The other boy went mad. He would call, ‘Raju, Raju,’ all the time. At length he died.
Hislop: It is very strange. A great mystery. But his death was a good death because his mind was fixed on Swami and constantly calling Swami’s name?
Sai: He merged with me. <...>
(J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, SSSB&PT, India, ch. XXXVIII, p. 125, edition after 1995)
JH: Is degrading possible? Is there a rebirth back to the animal?
SAI: The possibility is not denied, but it is only rarely that such a thing happens. The degrading of human life due to lack of virtue will normally result in rebirth as a lower grade human. (25.10.1978. J.Hislop. My Baba and I. p. 188)
When I came to Puttaparthi, Ramesh and Suresh could not bear the separation from Me. One should not do like this, but Ramesh went on crying, "Raju, you have left us, you have left us, I cannot live without you," and fell into a well and died. The second boy went on repeating, "Raju, Raju, Raju..." and ultimately turned mad. He was taken to the hospital in Bangalore. His father came to Me and prayed, "Swami, he is Your classmate and my only son. Please come and give him Darshan at least once." I went to Bangalore, saw him in a mental hospital. The boy was continuously repeating "Raju, Raju..." and was not looking at anyone. I went up to him and said, "Suresh, I am Raju, I have come for you, look at Me." Hearing this, he lifted his head and saw Me and closed his eyes permanently.
The same Ramesh and Suresh were born as Jack and Jill. When I was in Paatha Mandir (Old Mandir), these two puppies were with Me. It was I who christened them. One used to sleep near My feet and the other near My head. They never used to sleep at night. They used to bark at any person at sight. They were always with me.
Next morning, the driver started the car, not knowing that Jack was sleeping under it. The wheel of the car ran over the back of Jack and its backbone broke. Jack dragged his body across the river, wailing all the while. <...> I came out. Jack came close to Me crying loudly, fell at My feet and breathed his last. After three days, Jill also died. (11.09.1998. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 41, October 1998, p. 273)
(Sai Baba as a boy comforts Ramesh and Suresh during an examination)
I told them , "I never let down those who have reposed their full faith in Me. There are a number of people who ruined themselves for want of faith. But there are none who got ruined with faith in God." (11.09.1998. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 41, October 1998, p. 273)
(12) Time of Lingam appearence during Mahasivarathri.
Embodiments of Love! Today is a very holy day. The time at 6 o'clock is highly sacred. At that time, the Atma Lingam will be manifested. God is sometimes called the Hiranyagarbha. The golden Lingas emerge from Hiranyagarbha itself. ( 21.02.2001.
The version of the text published in Sanathana Sarathi is a little different.
Embodiments of Love! Today is a very holy day. From six o’clock in the evening, the time is highly sacred when Linga will be manifested. God is called the Hiranyagarbha. The golden Lingas emerge from Hiranyagarbha itself. ( 21.02.2001. SS v. 44, March 2001, p. 71)
I used to bring Atma Lingams from this body on the occasion of Sivarathri in the earlier years ... There is a specific time for this. It may take place at any moment between 8 and 10 in the night. It takes place at the right time irrespective of the place I am in. It is bound to take place. It is natural in this Sivarathri night. (14.02.1999. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 42, March 1999, p. 66)
I do not ask anybody for any help. It is Sathya Sankalpa (Will of Truth); what I am doing is good. If one undertakes any good work, it is bound to fructify. It is My goodness that attracts all the help. ( 25.12.2000. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 44, January 2001, p. 9)
It is not possible to provide education to the children if they are living in a different village. We wanted to keep them nearby and asked the government to alllot a suitable piece of land. But they have not given this to us and I have stopped asking them. ( 25.12.2000. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 44, January 2001, p. 10)
(14) Sai Baba, money and property.
At a meeting of the Central Trust yesterday, I told the members including Sri Indulal Shah, that I had no interest in property. Do not involve me in any connection with these properties. I do not wish to have any connection with money or property. My only concern is with my devotees. Telling them all this, I signed the papers. (1.01.1998, Sanathana Sarathi v. 41, January1998, p. 4)
From that day onwards, I have taken up a firm resolve. Children should be fed properly and given proper education. So, I have made a scheme of fixed deposits of one lakh rupees for each family of such helpless mothers and their children. They will get an interest of more than one thousand rupees per month to fulfil their needs. ( 25.12.2000. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 44, January 2001, p. 10)
We have got our own orchard. I have decided to use that piece of land to construct houses for these poor families. ( 25.12.2000. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 44, January 2001, p. 10)
Some students get the homework done by their brothers or sisters. This amounts to cheating their teacher. This is not correct. Students should do the homework themselves. They should develop good qualities. (11.09.1998. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 41, October 1998, p. 275)
(Sai Baba as a boy takes E.S.L.C. examinations with his classmates, Ramesh and Suresh) I completed My answer paper in just 5 minutes. Then I took some more papers from the invigilator and wrote the answers in Ramesh’s handwriting. After completing it, I took another set of papers and wrote the answers in Suresh’s handwriting. I also wrote their names on the answer sheets and kept them with Me. I had already told them not to get up, before I got up from My chair. At the end of two hours, when the final bell rang, the examiners started asking the students to surrender the answer sheets. All the students got up and I silently went and placed all the three answer papers on the table. All of us came out of the examination hall. Nobody raised any objection. (11.09.1998. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 41, October 1998, p. 273)
(16) Sai Baba and personal belongings.
Though 56 years have passed, I have not got even one shirt or gown stitched for Me. I am now wearing what is given by a student Radhakrishna of the Kingdom of Sathya Sai. (23.11.1982. Sathya Sai Speaks v. XV, p. 312)
The number of Sathya Sai organisations has grown in this country. I have to travel by car to visit these organisations and such journeys are not very convinient besides taking a lot of time. I therefore propose to dispose of the 3 or 4 cars I have and get a helicopter. (letter of 27.05.1971, J.Hislop. My Baba and I. p. 244)
(17) Sai Baba and the Sai Organisation
This is not your Unit, your Organisation; it is Mine. In My institution, minds must mutually harmonise. (21(24).11.1969, Sathya Sai Speaks IX, p. 173)
I wish that all of you conduct yourselves as elder and younger brothers and make the Sai Organisation as a model for the world. I have no connection whatsoever with the organisation. You have to work for yourselves. (24.11.1987, Sanathana Sarathi, December 1987, p. 324)
(18) Harsh words and soft words.
That does not mean, in terms of the wordly nature of the being in whom one sees the Lord, that one condones or admires, or does not scold the misbehaviour of the wordly part of that person. Even though one sees and loves and really pays attention to God in that person, nevertheless, that person should be scolded, his attention called to his failures and misbehavings and failings and so on. (J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. ch. XIV, p. 51)
In Nine Points Code of Conduct given by Sai Baba to all members of his Organisation to abide point 8 reads:
"Speaking softly and lovingly with everyone with whom he comes into contact."
"Non-observance or violation of this Code of Conduct shall disqualify a member from holding any office or from being an active member in the Organisation."
(see the Charter of the Sathya Sai Organisation, p. 7)
(19) Does Sai Baba sleep at nights?
Sai Baba: "Swami never sleeps. At the middle of the night, he turns off the light and rest in the bed because if light is on devotees gather." (J. Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. SSSB&P Trust. ed. after 1995, ch. XIX, p. 72)
They wondered who the old lady could be. The key of the lift was in their hands and there was no staircase leading to the apartment. How did she manage to come here? When the boys asked this question, Swami woke up. (Sanathana Sarathi v. 41, June 1998, ð.143)
H: Is it wrong to criticise a person?
Sai: It is not wrong to criticise a person if the evaluation has been arrived at slowly and carefully. (J.Hislop. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, SSSB&PT, India, ch. XLIV, p. 145, ed. after 1995)
It is a great sin to criticise others. God is in everyone. So, criticising others amounts to criticising God Himself. Do not criticise or ridicule anyone. (14.04.1999. Sanathana Sarathi, v. 42, May 1999, p. 125)