Sai Baba does so much for the poor
Date: 02-29-02
By: Robert Priddy
Website: Sathya Sai Baba - Extensive information and Viewpoints
Well, it is quite true in the run up to his 70th birthday, one could actually see SB give away a number of hand-driven tricycles to cripples, and he presented so-so many sewing machines to needy job-seekers, and some 3-wheeler tempos to unemployed young men. He also married 70 poor couples, for whom all the necessary was provided.
It was also nicely filmed, which film was distributed throughout the West, at least. The remarkable thing about it was that all was done in public with full publicity! But Sai Baba teaches that this is not service, it is just showing off and has no spiritual value whatever! If I were to give away a number of things, I would not want it done to celebrate me, or the number of my years, nor would I want it known at all.
Decent people do not trumpet their charity, Sai Baba! What, then is wrong with you? You tell us My Life is My Message? But you walk about naked among the crowds for all to see, while blind believers all say See what a wonderful suit the Lord has! But, as a clear eye can see, it is only YOUR birthday suit.
Robert Priddy