SSB a pseudo-Guru?


From arul_jyothi on:

Sathya Sai Baba Discussion Club, message 90:

Date: 7/18/00 12:00 p.m.

Shivananda writes in his book "Practice Of Yoga" that one has to be aware of pseudo Gurus. I will quote some passages and the reader realizes that all this applies to a great extent to SSB.

(Page 259-262;1984 The Divine Life Society)
"Beware of pseudo Gurus. They are knocking about in abundance in these days. They exhibit some tricks or feats to attract people. Think that those are false imposters who are proud, who are roaming about to make disciples and to amass money, who talk of worldly matters, who speak untruth, who boast themselves, who are talkative, who keep company with worldly people and woman, and who are luxurious. Do not be deceived by their sweet talk and lectures...

Beware of these Yogic Charlatans, daylight dupes, posing Gurus, who are infectious parasites and burden on society, who are a menace to the country, and who are vultures that prey on the resources of the ignorant and the credulous...

Living for four hundred years also is not a sure criterion of advanced spirituality. Through INDRAJALAM one can erect a splendid palace with electric lights and other fittings. One man used to emit light from his anus. He had this siddhi. POSSESSION OF SIDDHI IS NOT A SIGN OF SELF-REALIZATION...

There are some Yogic charlatans who deceive the public with false exhibitions for getting money, name and fame...

The public will take a man to be a Guru only if he exhibits some Siddhis. It is a serious mistake. They must not be overcredulous. They will be easily duped by this Yogic charlatans. These charlatans must be thoroughly eradicated from the soil of India. They are doing great havoc and terrible harm to the people of India. They are creating very bad impression in the minds of the people from the people of different countries. India is losing its spiritual glory on account of this posing business. Drastic steps should be taken immediately to nip this serious malady and destroy it to the root...

May the glorious India be absolutely free from pseudo Gurus...

Let them not establish new sects. May the glorious India always keep up the prestige of a spiritual country with saints, seers, Yogis and Sannyasis with Tyaga, Vairagya and Self-realization as the goal.