The Sai Baba Files
From: Nicky Molloy
Date: 12-15-01
Subject: SNET: SAI BABA - A Master of Love or Deception
Document date: 06-03-2000, 0400 AM
To: CTRL, Armageddon or New Age?
The Sai Baba Files
From the Reporter:
These files are not meant to condemn but to concern.
- To explore, to discover more about Sai Baba and his millions of devotees and thousands of centres. To understand what makes someone become a devotee. Is it for the spiritual weak, confused spirits trying to find their Master outside themselves instead of by going inside to follow their only Own Master?
- Are the devotees giving away their strength, their inner power, or are they gaining on strength and inner power?
- For what purpose does Sai Baba present so much magical entertainment and tricks like a magician in a theatre?
- Is this to impress his followers about his so called "divine" abilities?
- Why does Sai Baba uses in his discourses or in the written publications the words "Me" and "He" instead of just "me" and "he"?
- Is this to impress his followers about his divinity?
- But why?
- Since everybody, without exception, is divine, an aspect of the Divine.
- Why are the celebrations of his birthday attended by many of his devotees and followers, giving the impression that Sai Baba is someone very especial?
- Isn't everyone of the human family very especial and unique?
- Why this kind of adoration of, devotion to a single person, with chantings repeating his name?
- Is it wise to adore one single person?
- Wouldn't it be wiser to adore everyone on Earth indiscriminately, or perhaps even better, not to adore anyone?
- Isn't everyone a precious child of God, including Sai Baba?
- He has written books and given many discourses containing much wisdom, and has been and is helping many poor people, but why create contentiously this image of self-importance?
- Isn't it written that humbleness is the road to God, and to be aware not to follow two masters and be aware of the false gods!
- Why this chanting meetings, during which Sai Baba's name is being repeated?
- Isn't this counterproductive to aligning oneself with a part of totality, stimulating a part of consciousness and wouldn't it be wiser to align ourselves only with totality, our Source of Being, our Divine Creator?
- Why does Sai Baba present himself as being omnipresent, omniscient"?
- Is this to impress or attract followers to become dependent, giving away their inner light and power?
It is our understanding that our Source of Being, Divine Creator, our Father/Mother GOD or whatever name you wish to attribute to our Source of Being, IS omnipresent and omniconscient, and IT IS everything and everyone, seen and unseen.
At the same time everyone and everything is a part, an aspect, or a reflection of our Source of Being, our Father/Mother God. In other words each you, me, each devotee, Sai Baba and everyone in the world else is just an aspect, a reflection of our Source of Being.
No one of them is more or less special or important. But it is our understanding that our Source of Being, our Father/Mother God IS you, IS me, IS each devotee, IS Sai Baba as anyone IT IS in the world.
We invite you visitor, Sai Baba and all the devotees to study our documents; Understanding Divine Creator and creation and The Cosmic Laws or Principles
Pearls of Wisdom
A Galactic Overview, Journey in Oneness.
Could it be that from his childhood has hypnotised himself or allowed himself to be hypnotised with the believe that Being God instead of Its aspect or reflection, and is hypnotising in his turn millions of millions of devotees.
Sai Baba in his discourse Revelations of Divinity 14 Jan. 1999:
"I have repeatedly declared that students are My property."
"No one needs to worry about My welfare. I can do anything and everything."
"I am narrating this episode only to affirm the fact that I go to any extent to protect My devotees who obey My commands."
Cultivate Discipline & Love (extract discourse 15 Oct. 1999)
"No one should come in between the noble heart of Swami and the sacred minds of the students. Some of the elders sitting in the Verandah are indulging in gossip; It is finding its way into the Internet. Anyone found talking in the Verandah should be sent out immediately, whosoever it may be. All those who give misleading information about what Swami tells them in the interview room should also be thrown out. I will never call such people for interview again. Only those who observe silence are good people. Silence fosters purity. Therefore observe silence at all times. It is a waste of time if you carry tales about others. What have you come here for? Vain gossip causes harm to many. So refrain from indulging in it."
For you to discern.
The Files are open.
Who is Sai Baba?
(from an ex devotee):
Sathya Sai Baba (his real name is Sathya Narayana Raju) was born in the remote village of Puttaparthi, in south-central India, on November 23, 1926.
His official biography is compiled by N. Kasturi. At the age of 13/14, after a kind of "crisis" , he left the family proclaiming to be Sai Baba, reincarnation of a previous Sai Baba (Shirdi Sai Baba, a muslim saint who lived at Shirdi, another little village); stating to have a precise mission, and that his devotees were waiting for him. Many years later, he will add that he will leave voluntarily his body at the age of 96, and he will reincarnate 8 years later in the third and last manifestation, Prema Sai Baba, in a village of Kerala.
(From the beginning of his mission, the number of devotees has constantly grown; first between the Indian people, then also between people from the West and all the continents. Thus Sai Baba built up his ashram, Prashanti Nilayam (that is to say "abode of the supreme peace"), which in the years (and thanks to the donations of the most wealthy devotees) has become an autonomous village, modern and well equipped (for the Indian standards).
Moreover, with the purpose of fulfilling his mission, Sai Baba founded an organisation carrying his own name, that by now is spread all around the world. In brief, Sai Baba claims to have this task: the human kind actually is in a dark age (called Kali Yuga), where the evil has overwhelmed the good, the materialism has crushed the spirituality, etc; he has "come" to restore the supremacy of spirituality and Dharma, that means right living and right action; doing so, he will raise the consciousness of the human kind, and he will take it back on the right path.
To learn more, you can visit the site of Sai Baba organisation. The work and the word of Sai Baba are spread all over the world through various means: books, periodical magazines, audiovisuals, Internet. The practical aspect of his mission lies, in India, in programs of aid to the poor villages, in schools of many order and grade, in a modern hospital where treatments are free, and other. In the West, on the other hand, there are no activities or initiatives of public interest promoted by Sai Baba, in spite of the "universality" of his mission. The work and the word of Sai Baba are spread all over the world through various means: books, periodical magazines, audiovisuals, Internet. The practical aspect of his mission lies, in India, n programs of aid to the poor villages, in schools of many order and grade, in a modern hospital where treatments are free, and other.
In the West, on the other hand, there are no activities or initiatives of public interest promoted by Sai Baba, in spite of the "universality" of his mission. The teaching he proposes, by one side, is syncretistic, and tends to derive materials and concepts from the existing religions, and to unify them: very emphasised is the fact that he doesn't want to create any new religion, and that anyone could remain into his own. By the other side, one of the maxims of Sai Baba says: "it's a good thing to be born inside a religion, but it's no good to stay there", so pointing out the intention of shaking the old religious convictions.
Moreover, he states that he doesn't want and doesn't expect adoration for his person. His public speaking activity is tireless: the discourses are his primary source of teaching. The other aspect of his doctrine is utterly Indian and Hindu: he speaks with the language of Vedas, of Vedanta (the Upanishad), of Bhagavad Gita, of Indian mythology. His metaphors, his religious chants (or bhajans, another basic ingredient of his discipline), his tales and speeches are drawn with plenty from these traditional sources.
In particular, his teaching belongs to the philosophical school that goes under the name of Advaita Vedanta, or "school of the non-dualism". So it's necessary that following Sai Baba, it could happen to give up old spiritual-religious habits, but on the other hand it could also happen to acquire some new other habit, strongly Hindu (there's absolutely nothing bad in this), quite traditional and not innovative at all. Well, why to concern ourselves with this matter?
The reason is because about Sai Baba are made (by himself and by his devotees) allegations of absolute importance, but also carrying a big burden: He would be nothing less than GOD himself as Sai Baba states in this passage, quoted from the discourse of 17 May 1968, also called "the revelation" (in this speech Sai Baba "reveals" explicitly to the world for the first time both his "divine nature" and his "mission"):
"In truth, you cannot understand the nature of My Reality either today, or even after a thousand years of steady austerity or ardent inquiry even if all mankind joins in that effort. But, in a short time, you will become cognizant of the Bliss showered by the Divine Principle, which has taken upon itself this sacred body and this sacred Name. Your good fortune which will provide you this chance is greater than what was available for anchorites, monks, sages, saints and even personalities embodying facets of Divine Glory! Since I move about with you, eat like you, and talk with you, you are deluded into the belief that this is but an instance of common humanity. Be warned against this mistake. I am also deluding you by My singing with you, talking with you, and engaging Myself in activities with you. But, any moment, My Divinity may be revealed to you; you have to be ready, prepared for that moment. Since Divinity is enveloped by humanness you must endeavour to overcome the Maya (Delusion) that hides it from your eyes"
Quoted from the discourse "Who is Sai?", 9 June 1974:
"The optical sense cannot visualise the truth. It gives only false and fogged information. For example, there are many who observe my actions and start declaring that my nature is such and such. They are unable to gauge the sanctity, the majesty, and the eternal reality that is me. The power of Sai is limitless; It manifests for ever. All forms of 'power' are resident in this Sai palm"
Or in this another one, taken from the famous "Blitz Interview" given in 1976 (reading the complete interview, one can note how much detachment and impartiality the reporter used in analysing Sai Baba, especially when he thinks that Sai Baba has "defeated" his detractors with, in truth, generic and/or dogmatic statements, or even of clear incompetence):
"Yes, I incarnate from age to age, time to time, to save dharma from anti-dharma. Whenever strife, discord and disharmony overwhelm the world, God incarnates in human form to show mankind the way to love, harmony and peace. There is no need for me to command invisible spirits since my own divine will materialises the objects. I am everything, everywhere, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent; and so whatever I will, instantly happens."
Again, here you can find the complete interview. (A brief thought: one of the Sai Baba's preferred sayings is "my life is my message"; on the other hand, he asks his devotees for the maximum humbleness, a quality that he considers supremely auspicious for the entire human kind.
(From his words, however, it doesn't appears so much humbleness) More specifically, he defines himself as an Avatar, that is to say a divine incarnation; moreover, he would be a Purnavatar, or an incarnation of God with all his complete powers. In this aspect he defines himself to be superior to Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.; in one discourse, for instance, Sai Baba said that Jesus in reality was not even an Avatar, but just a man who became aware of his own divinity; in another passage (we'll see it ahead) he states to be the one who sent Christ into the world. But many are the sensational allegations made by Sai Baba, by his devotees and biographers:
..he is a world personality, whose everybody talks about, of international stature and esteemed by all the nations;
..he is master of truth and master of the world
..he has superior knowledge to everybody, in any branch of the human
knowledge, also and mostly in the sacred scriptures (his interpretation are considered EXACT tout court);
....scientists and experts of any discipline, all over the world, ask for his advice he is the fulfilment of many prophecies, which would have announced his "coming"
..he is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, in that he is God (and this alone contains all the following)
..he cures the sick, and resuscitated the dead
...he multiplied the food, and changed the water in gasoline he advises the devotees, solves their problems and sufferings, and he charges himself with these problems; he grants them, at his discretion, what they desire.
....He also performs long-distance rescues, showing powers; see below
...he is clairvoyant, knowing past, present and future of anybody; he answers the questions before the asking; during the darshans, he takes from the people, at his discretion, some letters, of which he already knows the content (some of these letters are refused, and this is brought as an evidence of this fact): he also helps faraway people who ask him for help through these letters
...he is endowed with telepathic powers, enters the dreams of anybody at his own will, that is to say: if you dream of him, it's because he wants so (it's his statement), and not because of your unconscious he has power and control over the natural forces, the natural elements and the laws that rule over them he materializes by his will any kind of material object, by a simple hand gesture (in particular cases he does it in other ways) and much more
Well, keeping apart the good things that Sai Baba and his organization do on the practical level (you will find very wide descriptions, sometimes apologetically, of this aspect, in the various links at which I refer you), the basic consequence of what said above is this: if I accept Sai Baba as master, and his allegations and his phenomenons as genuine, I must also accept his divinity, and the consequential authority. The result (noticed by direct experience) is an almost total dependence on what he says (or doesn't say); on what he does (or does not); on the way he interprets or explains some facts, opinions, sacred scriptures, etc. He is God, and the devotee literally "is on his lips": no matter if he contradicts himself, or if he goes against the good sense and the acquired and undisputable knowledge (we'll see ahead what Sai Baba says of this point).
A further consequence of this all is the giving up one's own judgement capability, stated by Baba as faulty since it is human. Two possible objections, however quite right, may be raised a propos of this point by the supporters of Sai Baba:
1. HE ENCOURAGES TO ANALYZE THE GURU BEFORE CHOOSING HIM AS SUCH: but, if the choice must be made on the basis of biased and non-objective elements, of excitements and stories that often mingle with fables, what value may have such an analysis? Would you buy a car just on the basis of the positive tests? Or would you like to know also about the negative aspects before buying it? The reply may now be: "still better! You must test it before the purchase! (that's to say: you must go to Sai Baba to experience him!)". But how can be put to the test someone in his own house, surrounded by his security and by people that believe him to be God? How can be put to test someone that REFUSES the trial?
2. HE ENCOURAGES, AS A RULE, IN THE SPIRITUAL RESEARCH, WHAT HE CALLS "INVESTIGATION" OR "ENQUIRY": thus it seems that there is space for a personal and critical analysis. Really, it is a "guided analysis", meaning that the guidelines of the "Sai-thinking" are never in discussion. He traces a path, and you can practise your analysis skills only inside this path.
Going back to the car paragon: would you accept to analyze the car to buy only on the basis of elements given to you by the vendor? Or would you also ask to someone other?
It seems to me, to end this part, that this is an important question: Sai Baba does a lot of valuable practical things (in India), but the truth is that he HAS POWER on a great number of people, and they DEPEND ON HIM.
Moreover, many of his devotees are people who have public powers and offices in India, and also someone abroad; and also business men, billionaires, etc.: therefore in some way he has influence also on the ranks of the public and financial power.
One of the most important steps approaching Sai Baba, is the travel to India, to his ashram Prashanti Nilayam, where one would "experiment" the genuine divinity of the master and, as said by the most part of his devotees, a whole series of experiences that changes the life of whom goes there. In the next page therefore we'll see this aspect, and I will tell my personal experience with Sai Baba.
For the complete story see Sai Baba Critical Page
Extracts from his discourses
Revelations of Divinity (discourse 14 Jan. 1999)
"While returning from Bangalore (in the month of December), I instructed the Warden not to bring the boys for sports meet. They attributed various reasons to this word of Mine. There may be many reasons (Kaarana), but what I am interested in is the action (Kaarya). After coming over here I told the Vice Chancellor that I do not object to boys participating in various sports and games such as badminton, tennis, volleyball etc. At the same time I cautioned him to ensure that no harm is caused either to the participants or to the audience during the course of the program scheduled for the 11th.
Students are tender hearted, full of noble feelings and love for Swami. "
"They planned various programs with a view to please Me. I was very well aware of the impending danger. But, students were not receptive to My words.
I felt there was no point in advising them in such a situation. Only when they face the consequences of disobeying My command do they realize the value of My words. Till this moment nobody is aware of what exactly happened on the 11th morning. They said that the sports meet was a grand success. I am also happy when you are successful. Students performed extremely well.
Each contributed to the success of this event based on his capacities and capabilities. "
"That morning as I entered the stadium, I spotted two lorries. Immediately I could visualise the danger lurking in the corner. I saw the lorries with huge scaffolding placed over them. The boys planned to perform a few acrobatic feats on them. I knew that one of the rods was not fitted properly and was about to give in. If that were to happen the boy would suffer a major head injury and spinal breakdown. I willed that the boy should be saved and decided to take it upon Myself. Prior to this one boy suffered a spinal breakdown and had been admitted to the Manipal Hospital in Bangalore.
I willed that such an untoward incident should not recur. Once the spinal column breaks it is impossible to set it right. "
"Immediately I arranged for an ambulance to shift the boy to the hospital in Bangalore and gave 10,000 rupees to defray the immediate expenditure. I also ensured that our doctor accompanied him. Parents shed tears of gratitude when they came to know of the love showered by Swami on their son. The doctor said that the boy would not be able to sit or lie down as his spinal column was badly damaged. I told him, "Don't entertain any misgivings. Do as I say." Miraculously, by the time the boy reached the hospital, he could sit. He entered the hospital and sat on the bed. He regained sensation in all his limbs which were numb till then. No danger whatsoever. He was protected because of My infinite mercy and boundless grace. All students should be safe and secure."
"I have repeatedly declared that students are My property."
"I consider students' welfare as My welfare and their happiness, My happiness. I never think of My happiness and My comfort. My only concern is that the students should not be disappointed or put to any inconvenience. A day prior to that I had instructed four boys to surround the chariot and keep a vigil. They are also full of love and devotion for Swami. But I noticed that none of them were present at that spot. Nobody is to be blamed.
No one does this deliberately. Swami is the very life-breath of the students. I asked for the chariot to be stopped. A senior devotee was driving the chariot with all sincerity, love and devotion. "
"No one needs to worry about My welfare. I can do anything and everything."
"So, whatever happened on that day, was entirely due to My will. Neither the students nor the driver are responsible for this. Everyday the students used to enquire as to why I was walking so slowly. I told them, "I don't have enough place to run, if only it is there I am ready even to run." I was conversing with them with a smile on My face. I am narrating this episode only to affirm the fact that I go to any extent to protect My devotees who obey My commands. When I returned to the Mandir I called those four boys.
They noticed My injuries and were crestfallen. I chided them for not obeying My command. I asked them, "Why were you not present there at that time as commanded by Me? If only you had obeyed My command, this incident would not have occurred." I told them not to feel sorry about it."
For the complete discourses visit Sai Baba's Home page
Why is Sai Baba worried about Internet? Something to hide?
Extract: Cultivate Discipline & love (discourse 15 Oct. 1999)
You may have read the news item in a newspaper this morning that Swami is not speaking because of students. It is sheer nuisance. It was specifically mentioned, very incorrectly, that Bangalore students are responsible for Swami desisting from speaking. By publishing such a wrong news item, the image of Bangalore students has been tarnished. No student has ever troubled Swami in any way. In fact they have been pining for Swami incessantly.
The relation between me and students is heart to heart, and prompted by selfless love. Even such wrong information flashed in the Internet so much so that Goldstein from America, being greatly agitated, contacted Prasanthi Nilayam to find out the Truth. He was very much relieved to know the truth.
Do not believe in such false propaganda. 1 do not trouble anyone and none can trouble Me. All our students are good. Such good students should not be put to disrepute. Unknowingly they may commit a few mistakes, but no one has ever troubled Swami.
No one should come in between the noble heart of Swami and the sacred minds of the students. Some of the elders sitting in the Verandah are indulging in gossip; It is finding its way into the Internet. Anyone found talking in the Verandah should be sent out immediately, whosoever it may be. All those who give misleading information about what Swami tells them in the interview room should also be thrown out. I will never call such people for interview again. Only those who observe silence are good people. Silence fosters purity. Therefore observe silence at all times. It is a waste of time if you carry tales about others. What have you come here for? Vain gossip causes harm to many. So refrain from indulging in it.
Ignorance is on the rise with the progress of science. Truly speaking science has not matured. Man has become senseless. All the trials and tribulations faced in this world are due to the so-called. development in science and technology. It is not technology but it is 'tricknology'. Do not become a slave to such technology. Uphold truth and righteousness. Cultivate love and experience divinity. Students, do not harbor any undesirable thoughts.
Do not get perturbed by such misinformation campaigns. Swami is always with you. He has been showering His love and Grace on you. You too have immense love for Swami. Attain Swami through love. You cannot attain Swami through any other path but love. Swami has nothing to do with Internet. Not only now, even in future also You should not indulge in such wrong activities.
This disease has its roots in cities and is spreading like wild fire into villages polluting the village environment. Villages are the epitome of peace and love.
Do not spoil the village atmosphere by imitating the city culture. Bliss will prevail in the world only when you develop peace and love. Do not give scope for ill feelings and worthless talk. You can even reprimand the elders who indulge in mean talk. Tell them to behave in a manner that befits the status as elders in the society. They should prove themselves as elders in conduct and not by age. Self-respect leads to self-satisfaction, which will in turn leads to self realisation. It is a shame that people who come here for self realisation indulge in something contrary.
For this complete Dasara discourses go to:
More confirmation that Sai Baba is a fraud who molests young boys
(Note from the editors: this article is already on )
By: Acharya
For those who may not know, Baba is an Indian godman with millions of followers, including highly influential politicians and assorted seedy characters, as well as the huddled masses yearning to be free of poverty and pain. For the rich and powerful, Baba is well known to "materialize" luxurious gifts such as gem-encrusted rings, necklaces and Swiss watches (until a tariff was put on them).
For the poor folk, he produces "vibhuti" or perfumed ashes composed of cow dung. Baba claims to be the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent Lord Himself, who is in complete control of the entire cosmos and can do anything He wishes, from saving His devotees from afar to resurrecting the dead.
Naturally, He is constantly compared to Jesus, although He Himself claims to be higher to Jesus - in fact, the One who sent him. Dozens of books and videotapes have been made regarding this god incarnate, gushing with the endless "miracles" he has allegedly produced, including not only a stream of jewellery but statues out of the sand and artefacts made from the True Cross!
(Naturally, although he is all-knowing, he is unaware that Jesus is a solar myth.)
Unfortunately for all the mystery and magic, Baba has been demonstrated repeatedly to be a sleight-of-hand magician, having been caught on tape at least twice "manifesting" objects in a typical magician's fashion. The vibhuti ash he produces is usually hidden in one hand or in his mouth.
(Conveniently, his ashram just happens to produce vibhuti for "other purposes," while what he "manifests" is the "real thing.") In reality, Baba was raised in a travelling circus and had an uncle who was a "tantrik-conjuror," but these facts are not usually disclosed to his credulous followers.
For more research about Sai Baba visit:
Sai Baba Sceptics
Sai Baba Exposed Home page
Sai Baba's chatforum on Internet:
Yahoo! Clubs: sathyasaibaba
Comments are welcome, e-mail to: Light Network
A final word and something to consider:
At this time of transition, be very careful about who and what you are following. In fact, if you are following at all, that is the first indication that you are off track. For those of you who are still students of gurus, we recommend discernment. This is no longer time of great spiritual teachers. It is now the time of great spirits instead.
This shift from master/student to just plain master may cause a temporary unemployment problem in India and elsewhere, but do not be alarmed. The true masters of light will make the shift with ease and will welcome your upcoming graduation with the same relief that they welcome their much deserved retirement.