
Foundation Sri Sai Mandiram

This foundation is formed by an enthusiastic group of spiritual seekers who want to bring unity in religions into practise.

Inspired by Sri Sathya Sai Baba and one of His lessons: the love of God rejects no man, the foundation opens its multireligious prayer hall for spiritual gatherings (sathsang) & meditation for all, irrespective of their belief.

The aim of this is to strengthen "God consciousness", so that people will again recognise the Source and realise its true nature. Love, respect and service are a logical consequence from that point of view. From this, the stimulus is made to form a society where these standards and values are central.

Further more the foundation initiates other activities, based on the mentioned values, to set not only an example but also act on it as well. From the financial reserve the foundation also supports health and food projects in India for the needy.

For further information, please contact:

Bas van Velzen (Kannaiah) & Carla Hartog

Telephone: +31 06 – 235 01 699


Why this symposium?

Misunderstanding, lack of clarity or even competition between different religions are not only reserved to the present period of our history.

For thousands of years, at one time or the other, the difference in appearance between religions was seized as an excuse to condemn and fight against other people.

However, if we hold the important religions against the light we see, basically no difference. Even in perception there are many similarities and resemblances. Only the appearance differs. It’s like many rivers flowing out in the ONE big ocean.

The beauty of God’s creation with many human races on this earth is also found in the diversity of religious convictions.

Differences in country and culture mainly determine which religion one is brought up with.

The perception and integration in ones life is mainly determined by cultural conditioning.

Should not devotion to a religion be seen as a helping hand that should lead to insight and not to dependence?

This insight should make it clear that God is the Source of every creation.

All the mentioned religions are in essence based on that principle.

Fear, to other religions, will disappear and tolerance will increase if we can see that unity. If we realise that God and all creations has many names and forms but is ONE.

For those who feel drawn to this way of thinking, the Foundation Sri Sai Mandiram offers the opportunity during the symposium to some representatives from different religions, from their experience, to relate how they see and experience the unity with other religions.


From 13:00 until 17:00

Mr. Humza Muljiani

Mr. Bob LeVine

Mr. Saligrama Subramaniam


Pastoor Bertus van Schaik

Mr. P.K. Mukerjee

- Musical interlude before and after each speaker.

- The lectures will be simultaneously translated.

The board and the organisation team invite you kindly to attend to this symposium. The entrance fee of € 8 is a small contribution to cover the costs.

Guest speakers:

Mr. Humza Muljiani

Mumbai, India Islam – Lawyer.

This still young Moslem has for years immersed himself in the religions of the world. With his thorough knowledge of this subject, he is an example for many.

Mr. Bob LeVine

USA, Jewish – Development aid and philosopher.

For 27 years he and his family worked with great effort to help the needy in India.

Mr. Saligrama Subaramaiah

Bangalore India, - Hinduism.

Awarded Professor of Economics. This tasteful lecturer is an artist and expert on Hindu scriptures.

Pastoor Bertus van Schaik

Nieuw Vossemeer NL - Catholic priest.

With his enthusiasm and open mind, he inspires many spiritual seekers.

Mr. P.K. Mukerjee

Mumbai India, GKS en Sai principle = Love with respect for anyone’s conviction.

For many years he dedicated himself to serve voluntarily with organisations that helped in the slumps of Mumbai next to his job with Philips.

We offer you the opportunity to present written questions on this theme. You can submit these on your arrival.

If time allows, the public will be able to ask questions.


Location symposium

Martinus college

Aanloop 6

1613 KW Grootebroek

From Amsterdam

A10 : Zaanstad, A7 : Purmerend en Hoorn.

Drive to exit 9, = N302 Hoorn-Noord, direction Enkhuizen Lelystad.

After about 10 kms, exit Venhuizen, (turn right).

Straight over 2 roundabouts, over the railway, roundabout left ¾ exit

1st. road right until school car park.

From Almere

Direction Lelystad – Enkhuizen

Left via the dyke, following direction Hoorn.

Take 2nd. exit, Grootebroek.

¼ right on roundabout.

1st. road right until school car park

Public transport

Train from Amsterdam Central Station or Sloterdijk, direction Enkhuizen.

Get off at Grootebroek/Boven-Karspel.

After the railway, take 2nd. road right.

Keep on this road until the Martinus College, on the left.

Before the building, go left and continue until the car park.