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  All Press Releases for October 1, 2003

India’s Premier Guru Exposed

My article ‘Sathya Sai Baba: Exposeì Update’deals with what thousands of former followers regard as a vast cover up by the Indian government, Sathya Sai Baba's ashram authorities, and his world wide powerful organisation. My update is a major detailed resource, with many Urls and other sources.

My 5000 word article: ‘Sathya Sai Baba: Exposeì
Update’ traces four years’ activity by former followers worldwide in exposing self-styled ‘divine incarnation’ Sathya Sai Baba for wide-scale alleged serial male paedophilia, complicity in Indian police murders, fraudulent ‘miracles’ on a grand scale, misappropriation of billions in Indian and foreign donations, etc. There has been success in alerting major world media, Interpol, national governments and police agencies, world bodies like UNESCO, and those individuals and major power eìcheìlons that he and his international organisation seek to influence. Thankfully, the Internet has played a notable role. Peer reviewed by a wide variety of professionals, my article is available at: General info:

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