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   January 22, 2005
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BBC and DR TV Documentaries Expose Sathya Sai Baba, India's Most (In)Famous Guru


Internationally powerful and influential Indian mult-billionaire guru Sathya Sai Baba faces shocking allegations by two national broadcasters, BBC (UK) and DR (Denmark)

(PRWEB) September 30, 2004 -- India's most famous - and infamous - guru Sathya Sai Baba is now being exposed to millions worldwide by two television documentaries:

Highly acclaimed by British media critics, the BBC's 'The Secret Swami,' which aired on cable and satellite to many countries last Saturday and Sunday June 25 and 26, 2004, is expected to go worldwide on free-to-air broadcasters towards the end of 2004. It first aired on BBC2, June 17, 2004.

This documentary is showcased with still photos and video clips at:

Denmark's national television and radio broadcaster DR first showed its documentary 'Seduced by Sai Baba' in January 30, 2002, where municipal authorities acted against the Sathya Sai Organisation, recalling the sale to it of the famous Arresødal castle in Copenhagen, which was to have been used as a Sai International School.

Several litigation threats by top Sai Baba leaders in Denmark against DR failed. 'Seduced by Sai Baba' has had several repeats in Denmark and Norway. It screened in Australia February 14, 2004, with litigation threats by Sai Baba's Australian leader against SBS also failing. SBS has just confirmed their intention to re-screen it soon.

In many countries, civic, religious, university and other institutions are refusing to link with the worldwide Sathya Sai Organisation's projects that attempt to put it in the mainstream.

Useful Contacts:

John C. Peters, e-mail protected from spam bots. Phone: 202 647-6179. Citizen Services Specialist for India. American Citizen's Services Unit. U.S. State Department. Washington, D.C. Or for Media Enquiries, Stuart Patt: Phone: 202-647-2114. They will confirm that the State Department has named Sai Baba as the subject of their investigations, noting concern about reports relating to sexual molestation allegations against Sathya Sai Baba re boys and young males.

A producer at the BBC, London, David Savill - e-mail protected from spam bots - will confirm that the BBC, after many months of intensive investigation of Sathya Sai Baba found the several types of allegations against him, such as serial sexual molestation by the guru on a very large scale, the 1993 killings and the huge-scale faking of religious miracles to be very credible indeed. He will also confirm that the State Department has named Sathya Sai Baba to the BBC as the subject of its concerns.

Useful Links:

Transcript of the BBC's 'The Secret Swami' is at:

Transcript of DR's 'Seduced' is at:

There is an international Petition at: or

General website, multi-lingual, with internal search engine is at:
Two academics have written extensively are at:

My overview of exposure efforts over the last five or so years is at:
My 'Open Letter to A.B. Vajpayee' is at:

There is an archived UNESCO Media Advisory critical of Sathya Sai Baba and organizational leaders:

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