Interview of Tal Brooke
Dear Friends,
Today, I had the pleasure of finally talking to Tal Brooke after all these years of hearing about him and his infamous book that was banned in India.
If you haven't read the new Special Millenium Edition entitled "Avatar of the Night", please obtain it and you will be amazed when you read the description of the day he renounced ssb by grabbing and jerking his robe during the Ananthapur College dedication ceremonies.
All of you who were in India bewteen 1969 -1971 will remember Tal as the leader of the Western contingent who had more access to ssb other than Raja Reddy. Only Tal and Raja were allowed in ssb's upper private chambers.
Tall has agreed to share many of these experiences with us and I invite you to read his book and then comment and send your questions which I will be happy to forward to Tal.
Many of us were still asleep in the delusion that ssb was God when Tal's first book came out, but his new book will bring back memories, pictures and names which are very familiar to many of us.
Attached to this Email is an Interview of Tal by Dan Wooding. Tal was kind enough to send it to me and you are welcome to share it, translate it and post on the various web sites. It would also be a good write-up to share with media sources.
His book is easily available thru mail order at Barnes and Noble Online and there are also interesting reviews on
I will from time to time be sharing more of Tal Brooke and he sends his best regards to David, Shirley, Jens and others who have contacted him and naturally, he wishes us great success in exposing and stopping this demonic impersonator of God who spends his nights at Castle Dracula.
Jai Expose'