Open Letter from
Glen Meloy to Dave Lyons and all other courageous former devotees
Date: 12-02-03
From: Glen Meloy
Open Letter from Glen Meloy to Dave Lyons and all the
other courageous former devotees and truth seekers everywhere.......
who have chosen to stand up and reveal the sexual molestation's and
other crimes committed by Sathya Sai Baba and their cover-up by the
officials and prominent devotees of his organization.
Dear Dave Lyons,
I really appreciate your taking the time to detail and share your well
written thoughts about this major abomination of our time.
And thanks for putting the onus of responsibility on the free will of
the individual.
When Robert Bozzani (Head Trustee of the Official Sai Organization in
the USA) utters "We cannot understand the ways of God .........and we
cannot bring God down to the human level" as his explanation for the
molestation's...... his words have to be completely unacceptable to
any decent thinking individual.
This monstrous cover-up, especially by the USA Sai Organization
officials under the umbrella of Dr. Michael Goldstein is deplorable
and despicable beyond all description.
And when medical doctors (and especially psychiatrists like Dennis
Gersten) who refuse to even look at the overwhelming evidence and who
won't even read "the Findings", this has to be dereliction of the
highest order.
Shame Shame Shame on these stewards of humanity who claim to heal and
treat the afflicted when they won't allow their egos to admit that
they might have made a mistake...........Perish the thought that they
might have to
tell the world that in spite of all their academic excellence, that
they too were duped into joining and subsequently covering up for one
of the world's most heinous mind controlling cults.
Their deliberate act of not wanting to even read about or to
investigate the already mountainous reporting by hundreds of former
devotees and responsible media shows they are not interested in
developing a prognosis, yet alone a diagnosis..........And if that be
the case, how in the world can they be of any help to their patients,
yet alone to themselves???
Now is the time for all sincere and truth loving devotees
to take off their blinders, get out of their state of denial and
demand that their so called leaders at least warn all unsuspecting
center visitors, parents and guardians not to leave unescorted boys
and young men alone with Sathya Sai Baba in his notorious interview
Surely, the defections of hundreds, if not thousands of former loving
and devoted devotees has to have some significance among the still
existing devotees and followers of Sathya Sai Baba ??? Can they not
now open their hearts and at least question and have open discussion
with their center leaders about these horrible issues???
Where is the Love??? How can they stay devoted to a pedophile that
has been accused by so many of their former loving and sincere
Is there no compassion for the victims??? Can they not realize that it
might have been their own family members who were so abused behind
that infamous "curtain of shame"???
Surely, no loving person who claims to be the most all powerful God of
Gods would have to sexually abuse his young followers??? What possible
justification can there be for those crimes???
If he (Sathya Sai Baba) is truly the most all powerful God, why does
he need metal detectors to protect himself and his devotees???
If he (Sathya Sai Baba) is truly the most all powerful God, why does
he need armed soldiers with assault weapons to protect his ashram???
If he (Sathya Sai Baba is truly the most all powerful God), why can't
he heal by the mere look of his eyes ???
If he (Sathya Sai Baba is truly the most all powerful God), why did he
allow the allegedly most holy of all temples in the world to be
desecrated and defiled by the spilling of blood inside the temple from
the victims who were murdered by the Puttaparthi police in 1993 and
then later covered up by Sathya Sai Baba and his chief henchman,
Indulal Shah who refused to allow any investigation by appropriate
authorities ???
May all the Dave Lyons of this world rise up to voice their concerns
over this most hideous charlatan who dares to masquerade in a cloak of
goodness all the while he entices in the name of God and sexually
violates his young victims behind his now infamous "Curtain of Shame."
Glen Meloy
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 10:51:56 EST
Subject: The 100% Responsibility Factor
(Note: In yesterday's message ("Of Heroes and Heels") I overlooked
a very important warrior in India, B. Premanand. In 2001 Mr. Pemanand
published a mighty volume of 800 pages, listing in vast detail the
machinations and chicaneries of SSB and his cohorts, entitled
Mr. Premanand exposes the coverup by the ashram authorities (primarily
Sai Baba himself and Indulal Shah), and the many discrepancies in the
various police reports. "Murder most foul" would be an
understatement.) There are many other heroes that have not been
mentioned, and I regret that I do not know all of them.
"I am
responsible for what I see.
I choose the feelings I experience, and
I decide
upon the goal I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to
I ask for, and receive as I have
"No accident nor chance is possible within
the universe as God created it, outside of which there is nothing.
Suffer, and you decided sin was your goal. Be happy, and you gave the
power of decision to Him Who must decide for God for you. This is the
little gift you offer to the Holy Spirit, and even this He gives to
you to give yourself. For by this gift is given you the power to
release your savior, that he may give salvation unto you."--A COURSE
IN MIRACLES, Text, p.448.
Strange ideas? Does this mean that we are
100% responsible for everything we think, say, and do? What is this
"...power to release your savior"? What is the true meaning of
salvation? Does independence, attendant with 100%
responsibility, clash with dependence upon the savior? What a
confusing state of affairs you may be thinking. Helen Schucman, who
scribed A COURSE IN MIRACLES between 1965 and 1972 claims the "Voice"
she "heard" was that of Jesus--she being an atheist and anti-religion
at that time.
Aside from this controversial idea that
Jesus would dictate, over a 7-year period, the most profound
spiritual, metaphysical, philosophical, and psychological system ever
recorded to an atheistic psychologist, can we critically examine this
idea of 100% responsibility without having reference to any
traditional scriptural or religious orientation? Can we do this from a
strictly scientific basis? Can we avoid crossing over into philosophy
or theology in this quest? Can we approach this inquiry by deductive
AND inductive reasoning--and if we do this have we not crossed the
line into philosophy? If we apply the Socratic method are we not into
philosophy ipso facto (=by the fact itself; by the very nature
of the deed)? By extant appearances, we live in a time when everyone
and everything else is to blame except the doers who do the deed.
When we join anything we are sacrificing
some of our freedom within the group or organization, however small
that portion seems to be. If we have the free will to join anything,
are we not 100% responsible for the consequences of membership? Can we
not resign our membership if we are no longer satisfied with the
conditions of our attendance and duties? Does this not apply from the
nuclear family all the way up to national citizenship? The case I am
making here is that what seems to be in our best interest(s) in the
beginning of something new may prove otherwise with some experience.
If we believe we have free will, and we live in a free society, then
we are 100% responsible for our acts. If these acts are not outside of
the scope of being illegal or unethical, then we have every right to
join any group that tickles our fancy, n'est-ce pas? When a
group or organization no longer serves our purpose(s), we have the
right to resign, to defect from it--be it our tribe, religion, or
nation--such is that status of freedom as we see it in America. If one
remains "locked in" to an adverse situation how can that not be self
imposed? (Note: I am not advocating any semblance of dereliction of
duties that one has freely or otherwise taken on) The point being
stressed here is that we are responsible for commissions and omissions
of every waking moment of our lives. When one discovers that evil is
lurking within one's own "household" (i.e., there's a fungus among
us), it IS incumbent upon us that we take action. Dare we stick our
heads in the sand like decent Germans did in Nazi Deutschland? And
here I am speaking to both devotees and former devotees. Do we test to
the max the axiom "all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for
good men to do nothing"?
With few exceptions--excluding the dragons,
heels, and skunks of the higher officer corps of the SSO--all the
current devotees (that I know personally) within this worldwide
organization of millions are good people. I am saying, however, that
they are 100% responsible for NOT investigating the hundreds (if not
thousands by this time) of charges of SSB's criminal acts of
pedophilia, sexual molestations, murders, financial and other
impropieties perpetrated by a coterie of clever and clandestine
cads--all under the aegis and direction of SSB. An objective
investigator could not fathom this from visiting any Center, or
Regional meeting, or even at the world headquarters (Prashanthi
Nilayam) in India. But, unlike the scandals within the Catholic Church
regarding pedophile priests, and the Bishops who covered up for them,
which has wounded this 2,000-year-old institution, the criminal acts
of SSB and the SSO coverup will doom it to the tomb. Remember this:
time heals all wounds; time also wounds all heels. Here in America
everything I am relating is below media radar, but not so in some
European countries, notably Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and
others. More to come.
N.B.: I inadvertently omitted the great
efforts of many former devotees of the Netherlands, and many Americans
of Dutch background. My sincere apologies for this oversight.