My Involvement with the Expose'
From: "Glen Meloy"
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:26 AM
Subject: My Involvement with the Expose'
Dear Friends,
As much as I believe in the justness of our cause, it is not humanly possible for me to be true to myself if I continue with the expose' at this time.
Recently, in a moment of weakness and wanting to be useful, I agreed to help with certain projects, but this has again caused 3 very important personal goals of mine to be put on hold.
All 3 of them need to be accomplished before I can with good conscience return and spend the necessary time, energy and resources to be effective.
At that time, it will be my intention to help do whatever is necessary to make sure that all Sai Centers have been legally compelled to inform every member about these many criminal allegations, so that every parent, relative or friend of the potential victims will at least be told and warned of the possible consequences of allowing their young males alone with Sathya Sai Baba.
After the adults have become aware of these allegations and have been given the necessary references to investigate further, then it is their responsibility to keep their young children out of harm's way.
All those who are complicitors in the cover-up must be held accountable.
When that is done, I will feel a personal sense of closure and that our efforts have been useful and effective.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause any of you, but I must follow my own heart in this matter.
After my 3 goals have been accomplished, I will contact you. Until then, I wish all of you much success in this great endeavor.
With Much Love and Light to All