Conny Larsson's response to

Leonardo Gutter's Letter


From: Conny Larsson

Date: September 7, 2001

Sr. Leonardo Gutter
Chairman Zone 2, Latin America
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dear Sir.

My name is Conny Larsson, from Sweden, and I have received a letter that you sent out to fellow members of the organization of which you are an officer.

Of course you have your faith and your beliefs in Sai Baba. But, in
reference to your quoting of Jesus' teaching, "Ye shall know them by their
fruits," it is a sad contrast to see that you are showing just the opposite
values, not the human values of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and
Non-injury that we all learned so eagerly within the Sai organization and
believed in.

Your mistakes are as follows:

1. I, Conny Larsson, never said that I was sitting on Sai Baba's chair. Yet
it is a well known fact that I always sat beside his chair directly on his
right side. I am hoping that you have misunderstood me. For now, I will
assume that you did not lie.

2. I, Conny Larsson, never went to Hollywood; the producer came to visit me
in Windham, 3 hours drive outside New York, up on a mountain, where some Sai devotees kindly opened their house for our meeting. I wasn't eager to do
this film at all. It was the producer who was interested because he had seen
a video of me telling my story at a meeting of Sai followers in the States.
He then insisted and convinced me that it was a story that would touch the
heart of everyone and that is why I agreed to let him do a film on my life
history. As far as I was aware,  it was to be in relation to my knowledge
concerning Sai Baba.

3. I was not involved in selecting Dustin Hoffman or any other actor. That
decision was totally up to the producer. My only involvement was in allowing
them to write a film script on the story, and they came to Sweden in order
to do that. I never earned any money from the project and I immediately
stopped my involvement as soon as it became clear to me that Sai Baba was
molesting young boys of  both Indian and western origin.

4. Your describing me to your followers as having "enormous mental
confusion" speaks more about your own state, since you do not have any
information about me.

I speak about Sai Baba from my own true and real experience of molestation.
And please note that I was certainly not molested for 21 years, as you have
stated. It was for a period of 4 years, between 1979-1983, that Baba had
sexual interaction with me, under the pretense that it was divine activity.

Thereafter I received his blessings in other ways. I have never, ever, been
upset or angry about Sai's attention towards me during all the interviews I
had. But now I feel I was fooled and misled into believing in something that
was not true. He has never put me off, as you so describe in different ways.
I was always welcomed by him and in that sense I have no complaints. I only
complain about his manipulation of me. Yes, it is correct that I was his
devotee for 21 years. And after the sexual molestation period ended-- I was
tremendously relieved and happy that this phase ended--I continued being his
devotee. That is more than a lot of people have done. I wasn't with him
because he cured me of any physical ailments, I was with him because I was
looking for God and thought that I had found Him.

5. It is very easy to see the sleight of hand he performs on almost every
video if you see it in slow motion. I myself found out about his cheating
from behind the cushion he has behind his back on his chair. It was all
there, watches, rings and so on. This was during my second interview in June
1979. Of course I was shocked, even though I had been close enough earlier
to see his cheating as many of the close devotees have. You will soon see
broadcast on numerous TV stations worldwide Baba's clear-cut cheating, with
vibhuti, lingams, rings, watches and so forth. The evidence is so
overwhelming that only a blind person would deny it.

Of course, Mr. Gutter, you have your right to stay in denial, but do not say
that you have the truth, or that other people are Judases, especially when
it is clear that you are not following the right way of conduct by openly
spreading incorrect information.

Do you really believe that you have to protect your God? Do you think a God
should molest his children? Do you think a God needs to cheat?

Time will show what is real Truth and Righteousness and who is the real
follower of Dharma.

With this I wish you and your readers the very best. In the service of the

Conny Larsson

[Former National Spiritual Coordinator for the Sai Organization in Sweden,
between the years of 1993-96, and now a former devotee.]