To 'support group' and whom it may concern
----- Original Message -----
From: "Saionline"
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 9:22 AM
Subject: Re:
Very sad, the website you have put up. In India it is said if you kill the faith of a person it is equal to killing a human being. Faith is not here termed as reliance on a personality, which Swami has often asked people not to, but to develop faith in one's own inner spirit. The spiritual side of a person helps him in the various challenges of life.
We find it very sad that persons like you kill people's strength and lack discrimination. You may not be aware that the 'victims' referred in the website have a history of conducting rape, molestation and other sexual crimes or excess sexual habits leading to crude exploitation which they could not control or find relief or assistance from.Perhaps that is why websites such as yours, are often encouraged by third-hand parties with little knowledge of the background of actual events. Such ignorant and evil people cause a lot of suffering to innocent by-standers who fall in to their influence.
No one needs to love or worship Sai Baba, but your act has killed the belief in God as a whole.
Om Sri Sai Ram,
Support Group
To 'support group' and whom it may concern,
As the author of the book 'Source of the Dream', blessed by Sai Baba in 1994 after having had five long interviews with him, and as the national leader in Norway and seva worker for nearly 2 decades, and writer of over 20 long articles in Sanathana Sarathi, I am extremely well acquainted with Sai Baba, his entire teachings, his works and some of his many secrets. I was a close friend of V. K. Narasimhan, whose private worries he communicated to me in strict confidence. Now he is gone and I am bearing the facts forth for the world to know. Sai Baba was deeply involved in the execution of four of his devotees who intruded and killed his valet and another attendant - his brother Janaki Ramia - together with other ashram and Trust officials - blackmailed the police into shooting in cold blood the four intruders after long negotiations. (They knew exactly how the police released the two murderers of the Swiss lady years earlier in return for the money they killed her for). All this and more I know as an indisputable fact from the lips of Narasimhan, who was trapped socially and through his wife into staying with Baba even after he realised what was going on. It is also supported by the main mass of evidence of extensive investigations carried out by various officials and journalists.
You wrote "In India it is said if you kill the faith of a person it is equal to killing a human being." So are you advocating that killing human beings - as was done in Sai Baba's bedroom - is less important, more praiseworthy, than bringing forth the truth about such events?
You obviously include me when you write "Such ignorant and evil people cause a lot of suffering to innocent by-standers who fall in to their influence."
I am not evil, but what of a person who carried out the above-mentioned acts? You are taught by Sai Baba not to judge others, but carry out self-examination. Why don't you follow him, if you believe in him then? Your words amount to unfounded denigration of others, back-biting - "the greatest evil, worst sine of all" etc. etc. according to your guru's ramblings in endless boring and often deeply misinformed and factually very erroneous discourses.
Besides, you do not know me or probably even a single one of the honest and upright citizens you are attacking here so sweepingly and without providing a shred of evidence (as they do provide most fully!) - including the 32 original members of the JuST group who launched the world-wide petition to bring Sai Baba to book for undoubted crimes against minors. These facts will soon become know world-wide through film interviews with victims. I can assure you that I have investigated this matter continuously for over two years now and am totally convinced that Sai Baba is a homosexual predator and a pederast. Are you condoning this, I wonder, as I know that some devotees who accept the facts do? (Think of Dr. Bhatia, for example!!)
You wrote: "You may not be aware that the 'victims' referred in the website have a history of conducting rape, molestation and other sexual crimes or excess sexual habits leading to crude exploitation which they could not control or find relief or assistance from."
On the basis of which investigations do you assert this? The answer is quite simply 'none whatever'. I suggest that you are pre-programmed mentally and emotionally to believe that you know nothing said against Sai Baba could possibly be true... you are too deeply involved to see anything clearly. I know the condition, as I was deeply into it myself for far too long. When the facts became available, however, I did at least have the honesty and courage to face them! I know several of the victims and trust them as highly credible, so I am certain that you are wrong about them! I also know a number of persons who have told me of various degrees of sexual molestation by Sai Baba through the years, all of whose accounts I ignored or rationalised away at the time.
You sign your e-mail 'support group'. In other words, an anonymous sender. Whether you are one person or a group, I wonder why you are unable to sign your name(s)? You may reply with full names and addresses, otherwise you will only prove to us that you are cowardly creatures hiding under a stone. You wrote "Faith is not here termed as reliance on a personality, which Swami has often asked people not to, but to develop faith in one's own inner spirit. The spiritual side of a person helps him in the various challenges of life." Exactly so! We are facing the challenges and with inner faith in the truth and dharma. But, from your whole mail, it's clear you still think faith depends on believing in the innocence of Sai Baba. Otherwise, what is the problem for you in our showing that faith in him is very wrongly misplaced? I think you are only parroting Sai Baba's words about inner spirit, but do not actually apply them!Believe me, Robert Priddy