LETTERS in India Today
December 18, 2000, p. 8-9
Oh My God!
Sathya Sai Baba: Divinity or
JESUS WAS BETRAYED BY JUDAS for money. The allegations against Sai Baba
could very well have been paid for (“A God Accused”, December 4). Several
institutions are insecure about his growing popularity and uncomfortable with
his universal approach to spirituality. See the positive side of Baba. Take
into account a super-speciality hospital run free, educational institutions
which don’t take a penny, a water projects quenching the thirst of thousands,
feeding the poor, the list is endless.
IT WAS INEXPEDIENT ON YOUR part to publish the allegations made by a few
foreigners. It has been acknowledged beyond doubt that Baba has done yeoman’s
service to society. It would be impossible for millions of people could be
stupid to show devotion to Sai Baba unless they were fully convinced that Baba
deserved all the reverence and more. The achievements of Baba are being sullied
by unfounded accusations.
ALLEGATIONS DO NOT NECESsarily constitute the truth. Spreading rumours
mars your magazine’s image and hurts millions of people. This kind of reporting
gives pleasure only to sadists or atheists.
THE MERE MANIfestation of ash or necklaces is not the only reason why
his devotees revere Baba. The story failed to maintain a balance and stank of
IT HAS BEEN MENtioned in our scriptures that actions should determine a
man’s status. Consider Baba’s developmental activities that benefit millions of
poor and needy. It cannot be that 25 million people have been taken for a ride
the past 75 years.
INDIA HAS A LONG HISTORY OF Tantric tradition in yoga which prescribes
certain sexual practices under the guidance of the guru. Perhaps, in
surrendering to a guru, sex is the last boundary of the ego.
ALL AVATARS HAVE HAD PEOPLE opposing them. During Ram’s reign there was
Ravana, in Krishna’s time there was Kansa. During Christ’s period there were
the Pharisees. And in Sathya Sai’s reign there is INDIA TODAY. Why can’t the
magazine and the country at large appreciate the good he has done for the
benefit of humanity?
LET ME APPLAUD THE GENIUS OF P.C. Sorcar in exposing Baba’s tricks. But
can you, Mr Sorcar, explain other miracles? Can your fill my heart with love
for everything around me merely by your presence? Can you make me feel guilty
for all the wrongs I’ve done and all the bad habits I have, so much so that I
desperately want to reform? Can you make such an impact on me that I want to
help and serve everyone from an ant to a human simply because I see you in
THE MEDIA HAS AN UNCANNY ability to put the right people in the news for
the wrong reasons. Baba’s educational institutions help students excel. This
has great relevance in the contemporary world where education is totally
commercialised and campuses are rotting with filthy politics. These
institutions are unique exceptions, preaching universal love and brotherhood.
Not a single day has been wasted in the past two decades on account of any
FOR AN ESTABLISHMENT LIKE the Sai organisation that shuns critical
scrutiny by the media, your cover would have come as a rude shock The mass
hysteria over this mysterious messiah is a case study fit for sociologists and
IT IS ONLY IN INDIA THAT GOD-men emerge regularly and make fools of our
gullible masses. After these sordid revelations, Sai Baba should be denounced.
But the bigwigs will continue to flock around him, seeking favours.
AT LAST SOMEONE HAS EXPOSED the dark side of the self-proclaimed godman.
Like his peers, Chandra-swamy and Premananda, Sai Baba’s day of reckoning has
SAI BABA AND VEERAPPAN share a lot in common. They both wield a lot of
power, both cheat people but have not been caught. And despite being thieves,
they are both heroes to a group of powerful people.
IT MUST HAVE TAKEN MORE than persistence to deliver a story like this despite
knowing at least 25 million people might not buy the issue. It is a revelation
how people blindly follow a wave, and like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, even
follow it to their doom.
PRASANTHI NILAYAM IS AN example of an institution growing too big and
devouring a pious idea. A might empire is bound to swallow the very ideology of
selflessness on which it was born, no matter whether it is presided over by God
or a mere sanyasi. Wheeling-dealing, money-spinning and power-brokering are the
hallmarks of the present social milieu and Prasanthi Nilayam has also