Sathya Sai Health Condition “Very Critical”, Says Sai Hospital Head (21 April)


At 'Call For Media and Government Investigation of Sathya Sai Baba, see the article:

Sathya Sai Health Condition “Very Critical”, Says Sai Hospital Head (21 April)

Posted by Barry Pittard on April 21, 2011


Indian media are starting to report that some Sathya Sai Baba forces favour his burial while he is still technically alive. (See news reports, below).

Countries not steeped in the utmost superstition may find it hard to credit yesterday’s bizarre news.

Yes, buried alive ….

Given the terrible and multiple failures of his body to respond, it would not seem that they have long to wait. One might not unreasonably expect to hear the news of his decease at any time now.

When, then, exactly, is Sathya Sai Baba going – as he has long promised – to visit London, Malaysia, Rome and Southern California, USA?

And when will he, for all the world to see, hold aloft a whole mountain range?  And save humanity in its time of greatest threat to civilization?  And rule the whole world? All of these events he has foretold.