Sathya Sai Baba’s
Death Falsifies His Vivekananda ‘Reincarnation’ Claim (Part 1)
At 'Call For
Media and Government Investigation of Sathya Sai Baba', see the
Posted by
Barry Pittard
on May 17, 2011
Reportedly, Sathya Sai Baba
told a young Sri Lankan man that he was the reincarnation of the
great Hindu monk, Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902). The
latter had traveled, briefly, to the West and made a large
impression on both scholars and liberal laity alike.

Will Swami Vivekananda's Soul Fix
Puttaparthi Succession Woes?
Given that the accounts of
the writers Kasturi and Murphet are accepted throughout the
Sathya Sai community as carefully sourced and true, this story
at once explodes the absurd attempts, both official and not, now
being made to rationalize the date on which Sathya Sai Baba died
with, on the other hand, the 96 years date which he foretold,
and which is too well-known in the Sai canon to be weeded out or
denied. But more of this in Part 2.
In the next days, I shall
relate my search for this man, and my meeting him.
If he is to be in charge of
Puttaparthi, in Sai Baba’s aftermath, he had better do a nifty
hop, skip and a jump from Sri Lanka to Puttaparthi, and thus end
forever the
intense infighting over succession that has been
going on.
Sathya Sai Baba’s longtime
associate and his official biographer, the late Professor P.N.
Kasturi, wrote that Sai Baba said:
“Vivekananda has come
again; he is growing up in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). He will come
to Me and join in My task.” Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram, Part
II, p. 130. 1960-61.