Sathya Sai Baba Cult Exposure By Major TV
Channel In Australia
Date: 01-29-09
By: Ex Baba admin
At Barry Pittard's blogsite at , see the article:
Sathya Sai Baba Cult Exposure By Major TV Channel In
Permanent link for this article:
"What is the effect on the wider society of a tremendously
wealthy, worldwide cult such as the International Sathya Sai
Organization? In the coming days and weeks, this spot will
contain some breaking news".
"A storm looms. Sai cult attempts to silence questioning have
not succeeded. Of that, more soon".
"Governments that protect cults need to be stood up to.
Hiding from the issue of cults does not further the cause of
religious freedom but actually threatens it over the long term.
Protection of cultists should not be at the expense of the
protection of the more vulnerable in our society".
Note: See at the foot of article important resources from
Kevin Shepherd (and independent British scholar who has taken a
keen interest in Sathya Sai Baba-related issues), Robert Priddy,
and Brian Steel.