Sai Baba Fails To Grant
Great Vision But Endangers Crowds
Date: 10-06-07
By: Ex Baba admin
At Barry Pittard's blogsite at , see the article:
Sai Baba Fails To Grant Great Vision But Endangers Crowds

SubheadersCrowd Delirium at Puttaparthi
In India, ‘Guest is God’. My 15 Minutes of Godhood
Salvational Desperation
Thou Shalt Not Trample Foreign Visitors, Unless Moksha (Soul
Liberation) Needs Forbid
My Fifteen Minutes of Sacred (or Scared) Fame
Baba announced through one of his chief servitors, Professor
Anil Kumar, that he would grant to his assembled devotees a
great vision - no less than Vishwarupa Darshanam. This is the
sort of peak divine experience that Lord Krishna is said to have
granted to his servitor and boon companion Arjuna. See
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 11".
"But the weather turned cloudy, and Puttaparthi officials are
reported as saying that their Bhagawan Sai Baba had refused to go
ahead with the event because the crowds had become unruly, holding
up his car, in which he had been driven to the airport, for an hour".
"How Sai Baba could have set up a situation which any sane Indian
knows is bound to cause incredible crowd turmoil is not, I think, a
mystery at all. But, rather, is explicable in terms of serious
recurring evidence of an encroaching mental condition that his core
assistants work overtime in trying to keep from devotees and the
general public".