Sathya Sai Baba Fails To Materialize Top Tennis Match


Date: 09-01-08

By: Ex Baba admin

Posted at: Call For Media and Government Investigation is Barry Pittard's article:

Sathya Sai Baba Fails To Materialize Top Tennis Match

In this blog, read the report Tennis takes a backseat in holy land - surely highly embarrassing to the Sathya Sai spin doctors - from the Indian journalist Deepika Sharma of:


New Delhi, January 21, 2008

Barry Pittard writes:

"In more recent times, Sai Baba’s behaviour - whether it concerns his appearance or non-appearance - has become ever more erratic.

The latest episode concerns his extreme last minute cancellation of a tennis tournament by top players from India and the Philippines"

See, related:

Robert Priddy article, with photos of Sai Baba's flash tennis venue - part of his Sri Sathya Sai International Centre for Sports:

Sai Baba’s tennis stadium another white elephant?