Sleight Of Hand. The Sleightness of Sathya Sai Baba (Exposing film clips)


Publication date on 03-12-09

Already posted by Barry Pittard on March 10, 2009

Sleight Of Hand. The Sleightness of Sathya Sai Baba (Exposing film clips)

Posted by Barry Pittard on March 10, 2009

Note: This article contains many links to Internet Clips of some of the world's greatest magicians (or illusionsts) in performance, and can well be viewed as an antidote to the naivity which allows one to contemplate that Sai Baba is not using tricks:

David Blaine. Lance Burton. Derren Brown. David Copperfield. Doug Henning. Harry Houdini. (A list of some key  Indian performers is included, drawn from Wikipedia, with links to their websites)

(In upcoming article, some of the world's top women (the gender whom Sai Baba so badly ignores, despite his lip service) magicians:

Dorothy Dietrich. Angela Funovits. Kate Medvedeva. Tina Lenert. Sue-Anne. Cath Jamison

They do extremely well what in some cases even the most amateur magicians can accomplish.

Section Headings:

The Ease of Learning and Performing Basic Magic Tricks

Simple Man-about-town’s Magic Impromptu

Famous Indian Skeptics Educate Masses About Fraudsters’ Tricks

Master Magicians or Illusionists

Behold Their Holinesses - the Company of Great Magicians

Many Indians Disdain So-Called ‘Godmen’ Who Detract From India Greatness

Some Further Resources


"Many Indians of my acquaintance (and I lived in that great country for several years), whether religious, humanist or atheist feel terribly badly about the superstition and corruption to which the socio-economic condition gives rise.

"Here are a few master magicians. Some of them are teachers by nature and ready to show how some of the tricks are done.

"Fortunately these days, one is now able to see slowed-down images of Sai Baba as he produces sacred ash (vibhuthi) or other objects. See my blogs of the last few days of March, 2009, which contain relevant links:

Right Hand. Sleight Hand. Watch Sai Baba Cheat With Sacred Ash (Film clip)

Censored Indian National Television Film of Sai Baba Cheating

BBC Cameras Catch Sai Baba Cheating With Gold Sivalingam. (Film Clip) "