BBC Footage Still Potent In Exposing Sathya Sai Sect (See Video Clips and Secret Swami Documentary)
At 'Call For Media and Government Investigation of Sathya Sai Baba', see:
BBC Footage Still Potent In Exposing Sathya Sai Sect (See Video Clips and Secret Swami Documentary)
Posted by Barry Pittard on September 17, 2010
"A potent factor in successive waves of people leaving Sathya Sai Baba has been video footage exposing the fraudulence that is Sathya Sai Baba. Especially for those pressed for time, here are some decisive clips from the BBC’s ‘The Secret Swami’. Although the documentary was first aired in mid 2004, it has since been viewed in many countries worldwide.”The Secret Swami’ has contributed to enormous damage done to the Sathya Sai Baba Organization, and the repute of its founder and those of his following who have - in some cases wittingly and in a great many cases all too unwittingly through being duped, covered up for him. The cover up has been mediated via successive state and central governments and police and judiciary in India, as well as by the actions of his hugely wealthy and powerful international Sathya Sai Organization.Since 1999, former devotee coordinators have withstood untold threats and libel from this organization and its supporters, and do not intend to cave in. Speaking the truth – no matter the misunderstandings, distortions and often virtually daily attacks – is its own reward. It is a value Sathya Sai Baba and his devotees constantly harp upon. Living it is another matter".