Big Cult Trumps At Law. Is But A ‘Bookshop’


Date: 11-02-07

By: Ex Baba admin

At his blogsite Call for Media and Government Investigation of Sathya Sai Baba - - you may read the article:

Big Cult Trumps At Law. Is But A ‘Bookshop’

Permanent Url for this article is:
Sathya Sai Baba’s Organization Lost Chance For Independent Adjudication
Demonization of Dissenters Who Stand Up At Great Sacrifice
"The Rahm case was lost on a technicality. The Society is but a bookshop!"
"Here was an opportunity for the facts - wherever they may have led - to get out into the open. It is no frivolous thing for a family (or anyone) to embark on a course so potentially fraught with hazards. If confusions are being systematically generated, they can be sorted out. If lies are uncovered, penalties for perjury can be heavily invoked. One’s strengths and weakness are open to the media and to the public".
"Decades of loyalty, enormous sacrifice in contribution of service, finance, traveling to India under stressful conditions, traveling around one’s own and other countries on behalf of the teacher’s work, etc., are suddenly set at naught, and one is, virtually overnight, demonized".
"As I know from my personal contact with them and other first-hand sources, they have withstood unimaginable distortions, attacks on their integrity, slander and libel".