Relative Weightings of Allegation and Proof In Exposing Corrupt Institutions (Pt2)


Posted by Barry Pittard on July 2, 2010

Relative Weightings of Allegation and Proof In Exposing Corrupt Institutions (Pt2)


"Excellent media investigations show how badly whistle-blowers and other dissenters who expose institutional corruption have been treated".

".... the title of this blogsite is:  Call For Media and Government Investigation of Sathya Sai Baba. That is to say, that the contentions of those who allege are under public scrutiny just as are those of an institution under question".

"Without much stir from prominent critics, revelations concerning the turpitude of Sathya Sai Baba’s and certain of his leaders come to a head, sooner or later, in his centers round the world. Here, crises arise from revelations of abuses and anomalies which are uncovered in the centers themselves or in any corresponding center. Some centers have had professional, experienced psychological counselors, who have themselves led the exit from Sathya Sai Baba centers".