Comments from Barry Pittard on
My Life As Sathya Sai Baba's Prophecy (Part 1)
Date: May 22rd, 2007
By: Exbaba Admin
As Satya (Sathya) Purcell's account 'My Life As Sathya Sai Baba’s Prophecy’unfolds, May-June on NEWS, Barry Pittard's blogsite will provide comment and further resources - starting from:
Quotes from Barry Pittard's current article:
- "The Purcells were a deeply devoted part of, and connected with seminal leaders in, the origins and spread, in the West, of the movement that culminated in the worldwide Sathya Sai Baba Organization. The late Walter and Elsie Cowan were extremely oil-rich financial supporters of Sai Baba and his mission".
- "The story of Sharon Purcell, her ex-husband Gary, and her son Sathya (Satya) harks back to some seminal history of the Sathya Sai Baba movement in the West. One can see the seeds of later disruption - and, indeed, eruption - being already cast".
- "A later installment will describe his gruesome experience of avoiding a sweeper’s splashing of blood and water during the hasty cover-up of evidence straight after the police killings in Sai Baba’s bedroom".
- Some of Satya's mother Sharon's "testimony appears in the series La Historia de Sai Baba, Zona de Investigación, Azul TV (2001), which received record viewing ratings"
Sharon Purcell "cooperated with the renowned Latin American writer and television presenter Alejandro Agostinelli - who a number of us strongly feel neither Sai Baba devotees nor his critics would have found other than very competent, fair-minded, painstaking and courteous. He refers to her in his long article Divine Sin for the journal Gatapardo (February 2002).