Vivekananda Has Come Again, Says Sai Baba. But Has He?


Date: 04-10-07

Author:  Barry Pittard

Read this article, April 6th, 2007 posted by Barry Pittard to his blogsite:

Url of article:

“Vivekananda has come again;  he is growing up in Ceylon (Sri Lanka).  He will come to Me and join in My task.”    Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram, Part II, p. 130. 1960-61. Professor N. Kasturi, official biographer of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

On Wednesday April 13,1998, I flew from South India to Sri Lanka. Among other matters, I  wished to locate the young man, Nalin Sedera. According to major Sai Baba-approved writers N.Kasturi and Howard Murphet, Sai Baba had told Sedera he was...


swami-vivekananda-in-chicago-1893.jpg   ramakrishna-and-vivekananda.jpg

Swami Vivekananda in his last life...