Many devotees of Sathya Sai Baba claimed he would resurrect himself, some held it would be almost immediate after his death (24/4/2011), others later on. Well, there are already those who have claimed – and still are claiming – to be invested with the soul or spirit of Sathya Sai Baba, and even to be himself in another form!
The basis for this kind of claim - impossible and mythical as it is - is the Krishna mythology in Srimad Bhagavatam, which tells how he replicated his body in thousands of Krishnas so as to dance with each of his devotees (gopis). Further, Sathya Sai Baba always claimed to be the reincarnation of Krishna (and Vishnu, Rama and others).
The literally incredible claim of multi-location of the same person is diverting indeed - and has given rise to the most bizarre and unbelievable claims, which will no doubt multiply well into the future, The potential ‘cake’ is seen to be so enormous, fruity as it is by bogus 'gurus', knowing well that many people will believe what they will, which means virtually anything.
The Sathya Sai Organisation has published denouncements of Sugriv Singh on at least two occasions (see scan from Sanathana on right). The Prashanthi Nilayam authorities expelled Dharamraj (Sugriv) Singh and his personal devotees several times and latest in 2004 in the middle of the night and were sent to Bangalore. Dharamraj Singh then reportedly “materialized” a pair of sandals (Sai padukas) and gave them to the person who then instituted the Sai Nilayam Spiritual Organization.
Dharamraj “The Chosen One” himself Dharamraj is a very insecure man who appears to be intelligent, charming, affable, well-adjusted and likable. Whether it is a funeral or wedding Sugriv thrives to be in the center of attention or what one would perceive to be an entertaining fellow at the parties or gatherings and blends easily into society. Dharamraj attracts those who are kind and giving and portrays himself as expert in many realms. He is a master manipulator at twisting conversations and misconstruing actions. He can conjure up false situations and stories and bring tears into his eyes to draw people closer with pity and emotion, however all emotions are fake. Interestingly one can note that over the years in the transcendental state when Swami enters and takes over Dharamraj’s body, his English has deteriorated significantly. He has since adopted to a pidgin-English with a “non” Telugu accent. Without doubting the God one is left to wonder how Swami can bring small and large materialistic items all the way from Puttaparthi yet remains incapable of communicating in Hindi or Telugu (His own native tongue).
Dharamraj/Sugriv portrays and acts as the "spokesman for God," "enlightened," "leader of humankind," seeking admiration from others all while remaining an atheist! Below on can read a written response by Dharamraj to his chosen devotee to explain the Golden Age Phenomena - the grandeur of Dharamraj and Saywatti Margaret Singh:
A DEVOTEE WRITES : October 6, 2003
Dearest Lord:
Thank you for the experience in North Carolina and for the invitation to your Birthday. After checking with the airlines regarding flying schedules, it seems that attending the Birthday would be difficult, but not impossible. What do you advise? I love you beyond time and space into forever. I do wish to be with Prema Sai.
Your Son in Deepest Love,
John Michael
GOD RESPONDS: (This is an actual written response by Dharamraj/Sugriv Singh) My Son:
You, too, are in the hearts of each one you meet, just as I am. Always see Me in each one you encounter. Your pity for the pianist and the dear couple (David Bailey and the Rahms) is well founded. They have trapped themselves into a box that is most painful and unsatisfying, but I will always love each of them.
Your experiences with Me this weekend are just as real as if they took place in Puttaparthi. When I share My food with you, it is exactly how I eat with those who are closest to me. You are the most fortunate individuals in the world to be experiencing My Divine Blessings in such abundance.
There is a profound love that has developed within this group and it continues to expand. This is an important part of what I am accomplishing. As you have noticed, these Seva Dals deal only with extreme love and patience, even though they must sometimes be firm. You are feeling close to so many of them because you have all prepared for this time over many past lifetimes. There is not one “stranger” among you. Often this central cadre of close supporters has been together in a monastery or other such place, often rendering valuable service to the people living nearby. In other times, you were in places where you would pray unceasingly for the peace of the world. This is not to say that you all have not had your share of lifetimes when you were bandits or prostitutes or despots. By having done all things, you can now have more compassion and acceptance for those in all walks of life.
Your two questions about my Canada expression are most astute. Not only who could do this, but who would do this?
As you have observed, there is no financial benefit to the Singh family. One of the many things that makes Sugriv so perfectly situated and created for this task is his name. In recent decades, the Sikh name has been dragged through the mud by a few radicals who feel it is their right to do any manner of atrocity in the name of their Guru Nanak – simply because of their desire to rule over their own country, which the Sikh zealots would attempt to establish as a totalitarian theological state, not unlike that of the Taliban.
By My manifesting through Sugriv, I am blessing all Sikhs everywhere and giving them a reason to find glory and honor in their tradition as the upholders of Dharma, which is followed by Shanti and nourished by Prema and Sathya. These were also the building blocks used by Guru Nanak in establishing this sect of the Hindu faith. He arose at a time when the Muslim invaders from Afghanistan had seized control of nearly all of Baharat, under the peacock throne in Delhi. The Sikh Gurus were mainly great warriors renowned for their purity and strength of purpose. The zealots who now create this strife are so far from the grace of Nanak that they will literally burn in a hell of their own making upon their departure from this veil of tears.
There are many other qualities and attributes which led to My selection of Sugriv; I even altered the design of his DNA. You may notice that he looks very little like his siblings and not a great deal like either parent. He also has Deep purity and inner strength - A beautiful singing voice - A deep inner willingness to be of service to Me - An inner recognition that he volunteered for this task nearly 5,000 years ago at the time of Krishna.
Of course the entire family was selected as has been trained as a unit for many lifetimes. This is one reason why the two girls were so devastated at the beginning of this adventure. They share a deep love and respect their father and prefer his company even to that of Sai. You are an outside piece of this puzzle that will soon become central to what I am planning in the USA. Your ability and willingness to travel are not by accident. I have purposely kept you outside the Sai groups all these years. It is not that one way is better than the other. Great seva is being done by beautiful devotees around the world who feel no need or desire to see Me in Canada. My umbrella is so immense that all can fit easily within its protection. However, for those who will not come to India and who are able to discern My reality through Sugriv, I am coming and will continue to come through in this way.
Sugriv’s family has made and will continue to make great sacrifices of their time, their privacy, and their income in order for this phenomenon to be manifested. They are worthy of everyone’s complete support, emotionally, physically and financially (making certain that none of these expenses come out of their pockets). You will be helpful in communicating this to others who are to become sponsors. Your presence would certainly be felt and appreciated at the Birthday, but I give you leave to reschedule your presentation until the Summer Retreat. This will make your beautiful wife very relieved. I do love of her greatly and am protecting both of your families at all times.
You are my very own, and I bless your efforts to help everyone who is open to meet Me in these small spaces of time. Those who would doubt my ability to be completely present with you in this process do not understand the principle and meaning of omnipresence. There are many who try to judge all situations and possibilities through the small lenses of their own smudged glasses. Only when the blinders are removed can they see the splendor of My light.
Come into my light now and I will bathe you in tears of ecstasy.
Your Father In the Love of All That Is, Sathya Sai
However absurdly fraudulent this will strike all but his keener followers, this 'Dharmaraj' has been embraced by a large number of Sai Baba’s ever gullible followers around the world, since the claimant Dharamraj (aka ‘Sugriv’) Singh has ashrams here and there and followings in many countries. The claims sent by e-mail to the Sathya Sai authorities and organization (below in green text), explains why they reacted against the visits of this Sugriv Singh and his followers to the ashram at Prashanthi Nilayam. Sai Baba's Central Trust and other authorities always put down all claims by imityators and other who claim to channel or speak on behalf of Sathya Sai Baba. There are large amounts of donations available to persons claiming such things, and the Sa minions do not wish to lost out on any.
To Dr. V.P.Singh, The Central Co-ordinator Sri Sathya Sai Council of Canada, 403 Galaxy Court 3582 Huntington Ave. Sudbury, Windsor, Ontario P3E 5K6
March 19,2001.
Dear Dr.Singh
Sai Phenomenon in the new millenium
In the new millenium Parthi Sai will be but a spec on the Horizon and the conventional forms of transportation will not suffice to meet the needs of Sai and His commitment specially for the uplifting of the individual and hence all of Humanity. “The Avatar comes to transform Humanity but this must take place through the transformation of the individual making up humanity. To raise the bread we mix a pinch of yeast into the dough and the action of the yeast spreads throughout the mix, eventually leavening the entire loaf. So the Avatar works through the individuals, transforming them into the divinity they essentially are. The light from the many individuals gradually dispels the darkness of ignorance, impacting all of humanity”
Sai’s decision not to travel by conventional means and to provide the opportunity for thousands of devotees on this continent, who may never visit Puttaparthi, to have His Darshan, has led Him to assume 15 other forms around the world. In Canada the form being used is that of Sugrim Singh, of Ottawa.
“I often tell you not to identify even me with this particular body. You do not understand. You call me only by one name & believe that I have only one form but there is no name, I do not bear & there is no form that is not mine.” (Mission of the Avatar)
The often-quoted saying by Swami that He does not talk to His devotees through other devotees is being misapplied in this particular instance. Sugrim Singh has no conscious awareness when Sai takes over His body. From that moment, it is Sai Himself who is the occupant. It is Sai, who directs, instructs gives out His calling cards, performs miracles etc. Swami has done this on several other occasions during His mission e.g. Saving Dr.Gadia, Dr. Shankar (Sai Katha), Shiridi to Parthi to PremSai and it was Sai that appeared before the little girl & prompted her to call 911 when her mother was having a heart attack prompting the series ”Touched by an angel.”
Thus the idea of Swami taking over a devotee’s body is not unusual. What is unusual is the inability of some of us to accept these occurrences as within the realm of possibility. What is required is an open mind, recognition that the Divine, who is resident in our hearts, is indeed omnipotent. In a situation like this, one has to close ones eyes and look at Swami with love in ones heart while allowing the sense of hearing to do its work, until one is conditioned to embrace the presence of Swami’s adopted form. The bliss experienced in the presence of Swami in any form out weighs the pictorial presence.
What is the form of our Swami? The true form of Swami is “LOVE.” The immense love experienced while in the presence of Swami confirms absolutely the presence of Divinity. Devotees must, therefore be encouraged to come forth and explore and experience Him.
The function of any Management is to plan, manage its resources (devotees) and be pro active in introducing change as required. Sai is a Mystery and we can never fathom him. He is dynamic and so our management of His affairs also needs to be dynamic. We have to manage by observing, inferring, concluding, recommending and implementing. No living entity in HIS creation can represent Him without His will and act as Him (manifesting, singing, giving discourses, Vedic examples etc.). This is only possible by Hs divine will.
The phenomenon that we are currently witnessing is in its early stages and the Sri Sathya Sai Council of Canada, needs to be aware, informed and involved. Perhaps a committee can be established to investigate and attend some of the sathsangs where the phenomenon is occurring. We must maintain unity & loyalty amongst the devotees and prevent the drift of resources, which will be required to accomplish the projects currently on the Board.
The Sai family must remain unified and I appeal to you to investigate this matter with a pure heart and an open mind. It is my hope that Sai may find His rightful place in our midst and the devotees be allowed to experience Him, His glory, hear His voice and develop their devotion, under our controlled /disciplined environment and accord Sai the love He so much desires of us. The discussion of this subject at the meeting of the Sai Center presidents in Toronto from April 13-15,’01 must take precedence and an inquiry launched immediately in order to avoid misunderstanding amongst the devotees. I look forward to discussing this matter with you at the meeting as a formal Agenda item.
Yours sincerely
R.Mandal, V.P Sudbury Devotional group
Cc. Presidents of Sri Sathya Sai Centres of Canada.
In summary, the worldly facts about Sugriv Singh and his family:
Name Dharamraj Singh – Date of birth: 23-Sep-53: Canadian citizen. Growing up in Guyana Dharamraj was then called Sugrim by his family. At birth he was taken away by his paternal grandmother until the age of 7. In the critical years of a child’s life he was not provided nurture from his own mother. He already considered himself the chosen one nonetheless, which indicates a serious pathological disturbance already developing. He moved to Canada and became naturalized, and is presently – besides dispensing God’s favour – is listed professionally as: Singh, Ram; Senior Policy and Program Analyst, and he is a full-time government employee! (e-mails to Ram: – e-mail for devotees: Sugriv/Ram: Within his organization (Sai Nilayam Spiritual Organisation) Dharamaraj Singh and his wife never use their real/legal names. He is known there as Sugriv, Sugreev, or Sugrim and the names he uses to address himself and expects his devotees to use are “GOD”: Swami, Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, Satya Sai Baba, Sai Baba. His wife is known as ‘Das’. His wife and two daughters – Simone and Sonia are directors of this profitable outfit.
Sai Nilayam has allegedly run some charitable service projects in Trinidad, Canada Belarus, Poland, Guyana and India states it has 150 core volunteers, none of whom are paid for their work. In this is is modelled on the Sathya Sai Organization which requires all work, time and money to be given freely by members without any rights in return (other than the blessings of God, perhaps). It has been sponsored to some extent by over 50 small businesses.
One of Dharamraj’s daughters named Sonia has written:- ”I have a PsyD in Clinical Psychology and wondering why the govenment doesn’t forgive my student loans…I help keep its’ citizens sane.” (quote found on this site:
” Aside from misspelling the word government she has forgotten that the fees for her education as well as her lifestyle including her Mercedes Benz are funded by the devotees. How can this recent graduate she afford a waterfront high-rise condo and a Mercedes Benz? It seems that Sathya Sai Baba – the eternal Chairman of the Sathya Sai Trust is thought to have provided the
answer to these troubling suspicions (apparently by some kind of ventrilocution through his puppet Sugriv Singh? Who knows?)
Ram Singh was a spiritual figure in a registered charity operated out of
Singh's Ottawa home. (QMI Agency file photo)
A former federal public servant and spiritual leader of a charitable
organization used donor money to finance renovations of his palatial
Cumberland home, the Sun has learned.
The Canada Revenue Agency stripped the Sai Nilayam Spiritual
Organization of its charitable status last month after an audit.
Ram Singh -- a former Treasury Board employee linked to a federal
bid-rigging scandal -- and wife and Sai Nilayam president Saywatti Singh
are barred from issuing tax receipts.
The audit confirms a 2011 Sun story exposing Sai Nilayam as a
free-spending organization that devoted little cash to charity.
Between 2004 and 2010, the agency noted that Sai Nilayam spent just 23%
of over $1.1 million in expenses on charitable activities.
The agency also cited shoddy bookkeeping.
"The Organization's books and records were not kept separate from the
personal expense of Mr. and Mrs. Singh," the agency wrote in 2012 letter
to Sai Nilayam.
"Our audit revealed that (a $310,000 occupancy expense) was overstated
by $192,832 because it included personal expenses of Mr. and Mrs. Singh."
"These were expenses incurred by the Singhs to renovate their personal
According to the agency, a compliance agreement entered into by the
charity in 2008 spelled out the Singhs' home "is the personal property
of the Singhs and any amounts spent on construction, repairs or
maintenance is not a cost of the Organization."
A 2007 statement of claim filed by the Singhs against a contractor said
the Singhs had started a $450,000 renovation to their home, which
doubles as Sai Nilayam's headquarters.
The subject of Sai Nilayam arose in an Ottawa civil trial that
substantiated allegations of bid-rigging in federal contracts worth over
$1 billion.
Singh was a key player in the file and Judge Peter Annis found he kept
quiet about deceitful practises employed by winning bidder Royal LePage,
with whom Singh had close ties.
A Royal LePage executive testified he couldn't recall whether Singh had
tapped the company for donations to Sai Nilayam, which Annis called “the
standard answer resorted to often by witnesses in trouble in cross
Despite finding Singh had “too close” a relationship with Royal LePage
and that he was “not a credible witness,” the judge said there was
“insufficient evidence for me to conclude what motivated Mr. Singh to
provide a benefit to (Royal LePage).”