The ashram in Puttaparti, how is her actual state these days ?
We invite you to watch movies from
Divyakka, who visited the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba March 2023, the
updates pile up, each time you can see the last update from above:
Update 04-04-23
Puttaparthi, Prasanthi Nilayam Ashram Walk, March 2023: North
Prasanthi Buildings, Canteen Street
Update 04-03-23
Puttaparthi, Prasanthi Nilayam Ashram, Eldery Residents Shed / Hall,
inside Number 30 and Number 31
Update 04-01-23
Divya did it again ! Apparently she
made another trip to Sai Baba's ashram, and secretly filmed it !
Interesting to see how a kind of local guard warned her friend
not to take pictures, how strange, when an 'enlightned guru' who
proclaimed 'Love All, Serve All' instructs even now, over his
death, that taking pictures of some buildings in Puttaparthi is
strictly forbidden.
Puttaparthi Prasanthi Nilayam Ashram Walk UPDATED 2023, South
In this movie, Divya encountered a
man, who seems to have seen her before, at least, he greets with
'Hello, Sairam, who are you ?'
We have taken this moment out, for
you to see here, we ask the opposite, do you recognize the man ?
We don't...

The second movie, in fact the first, is here:
Puttaparthi, Prasanthi Nilayam Ashram Tour, Part 2. Far End of
the Ashram
The third movie can be obtained here:
Puttaparthi, Prasanthi Nilayam Ashram Walk, Part 3, North Indian
On one of the buildings we read: Help Ever, Hurt Never, well,
Sai Baba should have helped people to maintain the sloppy roads
with sometimes garbage on it, instead of prohibit taking
pictures, but maybe that is the reason, the poor maintenance
must be kept secret !

Baba said,
you should not indulge such bad things as the internet !
Allright, in this movie we see a complete IT Centre ! I believe
someone is turning himself in his grave...

Date: 05-22-22
By: Ex Baba admin
A remarkable movie showed up lately,
when strolling around the internet, made by
Divya W. in already October 2019, but which is still very
interesting because it shows the by and by detoriation of a
dream; Divya instructs clearly how it was, and what has become
of it...
Please visit and honour her efforts
to find out and see what she has done and in our opinion, she
was very brave to get there !
Update 05-22-22:
Interesting to see is, that more and more
buildings in the ashram are being used - rented (?), sold (?),
donated (?) - by the goverment in India, apparently for
administration purposes, is the Sai Trust having financial
problems ?
Use of Sri Sathya Sai Trust Buildings for New District Opposed,
and Other Teething Problems