Minds as hostage
By: Massimo Isolica - webmaster@exbaba.it
Date: May 1, 2003
Unfortunately, even in italy we have been watching for a long time the proliferation of new cults, with an extremely various geographic origin, but with important elements in common.
One of these elements is the way in which the recruitment of new followers is run inside the religious community; then there are the techniques used to "tie" to the community those who have become part of it. Finally, the few persons who find the strength to get rid of conditioning and to leave the cult have to face blackmails, threats, or even the complete refusal from the members of the community itself.
All these features can be found, even if with some formal variations, in all the new religions born in every part of the world, and that can amount to millions and millions of followers.
The situation in Italy is further worsened by the lack of efficacious legislative means which help define a limit beyond which the initiation of a new devotee is plagiarism and so can be punished.
In other European countries, among which Switzerland, France and Germany, have already got laws of this kind. Moreover, the European Community has invited its members to go in this direction.
All these topics will be analysed and discussed in a convention titled "Minds as hostages - Techniques of persuasion and mental conditioning in modern society".
The meeting, that will be held on 24 May 2003 in the Monastry Of Certosa in Florence, will see the participation, among other important personalities, of the Senators Francesco Bosi, Renato Meduri, Roberto Ulivi and Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, Member of Parliament Simone Gnaga and Monsignor Lorenzo Minuti.
The scientific committee that has organized the convention is made up of Simone Gnaga, Patrizia Santovecchi, Sergio Pollina and Achille Aveta.
Secretary: Monica Pieraccini - Tel. 0039 055 582 879