Official Sai Baba Documents Show His Death Date Prophecies Failed
At 'Call For Media and Government Investigation of Sathya Sai Government', see the article:
Official Sai Baba Documents Show His Death Date Prophecies FailedPosted by Barry Pittard on June 12, 2011
As inaccurate in blind faith mathematics as they are careless with so many other types of fact, a number of Sathya Sai Baba devotees have seriously tripped over themselves about his various death date prophecies.
Following his death on 24 April 2011, they try, with Procrustean contortions, to convert his (supposedly) prophetic words into factual statements.
Many of them did not realise that he had made several conflicting prophecies concerning his death date (not that they use the word ‘death’.
Sathya Sai Baba in his glass coffin. His 40-days later resurrection prophecy has failed
Exhaustive efforts of former devotee researchers such as Robert Priddy and Brian Steel and others have uncovered many instances of palpable absurdities which it is now too late for the Sai editorial weeders to conceal.
These editorial puppets of Sai propaganda started all too late with their, so to speak, Weeders Digest – in which glaringly they have culled many embarrassing Sai Baba statements. Especially, the Australian scholar Brian Steel was all too fast off the mark for any of them.
Thankfully, not all former devotees destroyed their large stack of back numbers of Sanathana Sarathi and other publications of the Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust, Puttapathi ...