Repeat of Controversial TV Documentary


Date: 07-27-02

From: Robert Priddy

With a introduction from Robert Priddy:

Here is my translation of an article from the Danish paper 'Politiken' (which is attributed) and a brief summary by me of a longer article in Berlingske Tidende the day after. This should prove to be a very interesting court case!!

"Repeat of Controversial TV Documentary: A case against Denmark Radio's documentary on the Indian guru Sai Baba was dropped and it can therefore be see on DR2 on Saturday. This is because Jørgen Trygved, who had called for a court order against the programme, withdrew from the case on his lawyer's advice. The case was considered too difficult since the broadcast had already been sent more than once. Trygved will instead sue Danish Radio for what he regards to be libellous and journalism. Jørgen Trygved will also lodge a complaint with the Press Council in this matter. The Director of Denmark Radio, Jørgen Ramskov, told the newspaper 'Politiken': Before the broadcast we had a very long exchange of correspondence with the Sai Baba movement, where they were also given the chance to partake in the programme. I am personally satisfied with the programme's content and the journalism. This case does not make me bat an eyelid."

From the Danish daily newspaper 'Politiken' 26-07-2002

In the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende the next day (27-07-2002), it is reported that Jørgen Trygved and his lawyer Dorrit Engel intend to present as evidence a letter from a High Court lawyer in New Delhi who writes that the Indian High Court has rejected all paedophile accusations against Sai Baba as "without relevance and value".

But TV-director Jørgen Ramskov rejects this and states that the High Court of India rejected the case against Sai Baba exclusively on technical grounds, sending the case back to a lower court. Ramskov will present documentation backing the content of the documentary.