Request for Help


Date: 05-12-02

Original Message

From: "Glen Meloy"


Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 9:21 PM

Subject: Request for Help

Dear Friends,

I have attached to this message a group photo of the young men who were in the 1993 Hal Honig Group in Prasanthi Nilayam during the 1993 ashram murders.

My thanks to Sharon Purcell for sending me the original photo. As you can see she has cut out the one who claims to be God Almighty, but there are 12 young men standing in the back row and 7 young men semi - kneeling in the front row.

Looking left to right, as you face the photo, the 3rd person in the back row is Josh Kintz originally from California.

The 4th person from the left in the front row is Sharon's, son, Sathya Purcell.

Those are the only two that I personally know and can identify. We do know some of the names of the others, but we need your help in identifying each young man in the photo.

Unfortunately, one of them apparently committed suicide and his parents are still in deep suffering and grief. It is our intention to help bring some closure to that situation by asking some of the young men who were close to that individual to offer some words of understanding to the grieving parents.

We would also like to know if possible which young men are still devotees or who have left the organization.

Your cooperation is appreciated. I know that Sathya Purcell is willing to help in any sincere endeavor and it is our hope that we can set up a link of communication with all of them.

Please send your information to me:

Glen Meloy

... or fill in the requestform below.

And I will be happy to then share that information to those of you who are
assisting in this worthwhile mission.

We are also asking that this message and photo be posted on and websites and thank the webmasters in advance for their cooperation.

Much Love and Light,

Glen Meloy


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Filling in the requestform:


The information from this form will be put immediately into Out in your email program, from there it will be sent to my emailaddress.

Please fill in the name(s) you know and scroll down to the bottom of this page to send your information.

Thanks in advance !

Glen Meloy


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Josh Kintz


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Sathya Purcell


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