Shame, shame
Date: 12-20-91
From: nexusmagazine
Document date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 23:50:28 +1000
Subject: Sai Baba is being exposed as a pedophile
As a former believer I have always dismissed rumours of Sai Baba's sexual impropriety as 'tall poppy syndrome'. However recent testimonials made
available to myself caused me to dig a bit further. To my horror I discovered a pattern of sexual abuse of young men and boys, including rape. I have spoken with so many people from many countries. The rumours are not rumours, they are truth. I am shocked. I am running an article exposing this shoddy 'guru'. You can expect the mainstream media to follow hot on the heels of our article. What horrifies me the most of all, is that most of the administrative hierarchy already knew of this, but turned a blind eye in order to maintain 'status', prestige, and basically EGO. Shame on you all! You will be exposed and the truth will come out. There are now many more men and boys coming forward,
many more than you think.Shame on you. Petitions are circulating calling for the public closure of Sai Baba centres until the matter is cleared up.
Is your centre acting thus?I await your reply. No reply will be reported in my magazine also, and readers will no doubt draw their own conclusions.
Shame on you!
Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine