February 1999 - The images
Marche 4 2000 - The images and the video
(click on images to enalrge)
Image n.1
Image n.2
Image n.3
This year, in occasion of the Shivaratri festival 2000, has been published on the internet a video sequence showing the moment of "miracolous" production of the lingam. In this video, in my opinion, one can see clearly that Sai Baba has performed his "miracle" using a trick, and an awkward manipulation. First I wish to refresh yoru memory, to make clear what I'm talking about. Here is a quote from B. Premanand, taken from the page "miracles explained":
"EFFECT : Shiva Lingam emerging from the mouth
On the night of Shivarathri, while the devotees are engaged in singing bhajans, Satya Sai Baba goes into labour. He squirms with pain, his right hand pressing on stomach, heart and neck. While wiping the tears, sweat and saliva with a towel, he suddenly gives birth to an oval gold or stone linga from his mouth.
PROPS : An oval stone or a stone linga, one well starched, bath towel, and a flower-pot.
METHOD : The oval stone or the linga in hidden inside the towel and placed in the flower vase as a decoration. While the right hand presses your body to the sound of groans, you take the towel and start wiping the sweat and tears. When your hand reaches your neck, saliva flows from your mouth. Under the pretence of wiping the saliva, the towel is applied to the mouth. The Oval stone is placed half inside your mouth and when you lower the towel, it appears as if the oval stone is emerging from your mouth. Satya Sai Baba has stopped performing this trick also after we demonstrated it in Anantapur..."
(Source: B. Premanand, Science Versus Miracles, 1994.)
Now, download the video and watch it. To do so, you can visit this address:
Or do a right-click on the below button, and save the file on your hard disk:
I suggest also to watch the video frame-by-frame, or at slow motion, if possible. In this video, in my opinion, it's possible to see Sai Baba acting EXACTLY as Premanand said, years ago, in the above quote. Infact it is possible to see that Sai Baba:
at the beginning has empty mouth (Premanand: the oval stone or the linga in hidden inside the towel)
immediately after, apparently, he has a convulsion (or a retch, or a regurgitation);
at this point he applies a big towel to his mouth
in the next moments he really seems to be wiping his mouth (from sweat, saliva) with the towel (Premanand: take the towel and start wiping the sweat and tears... Under the pretence of wiping the saliva, the towel is applied to the mouth.)
but immediately after this, he visibly manoeuvres with his left hand at the level of the mouth, which is still totally covered by the towel, just like if he was trying to put inside it something that is behind the towel itself (The Oval stone is placed half inside your mouth...)
when these motions are finished, SB remove the towel and the lingam "materializes" (and it is spat out, and it falls at the ground) (...when you lower the towel, it appears as if the oval stone is emerging from your mouth.)
all are happy, with clasped hands in sign of reverence.
Everyone, watching the video, will be able to build his/her own opinion regarding it. Regarding myself, I think that this video is a really good evidence of the fact that Sai Baba performs his "uncomprehensible to the human mind miracles" making use of tricks, even cheap ones indeed.
It is said that Sai Baba's "creation" of the lingam is a mistery that the human intellect will never be able to comprehend. The only real mistery, in my opinion, is how it is possible to regard as a "miracle" such a staging, even cheaply performed. It is pertaining, on this matter, this page.
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