Sai Slurs, Part Nine

Sai Slurs / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight /

Part Nine


Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003

Author: Barry Pittard



On 'Moving On'


Why can’t you move on?

What - move on to the stifling of conscience? So long as we understand that spiritual dimensions are importantly connected to our conduct in the ordinary world, working for justice where high crimes have left a tragic trail of victims can in fact be an excellent component of spiritual practice. Leave injustice unaddressed and ignorance, naiveté and lack of compassion will still more overtake the world. The bullies, the dominators, the dictators will then have a field day.


At the same time, it is important not to get stuck in the aspects of sadness and struggle entailed in making a stand in worldly affairs. This can be achieved by balancing other interests in life, and in cultivating healthy life-style choices


The work to bring a predator to justice can be a service of joy, allowing for the interplay of many types of skill and creativity. It calls upon the assertion of many cherished human values, such as compassion for the victims; desire to avert further crimes; duty of care; fearless honesty and steadfastness in the face of repeated personal attacks and against vast and corrupt obstruction by those partial to Sathya Sai Baba in the Indian government, police, legal system and media; carefulness in handling of the truth; refusal to stoop to the mean-spirited methods of one’s antagonists; devotion of time and energy without selfish motive; to mention just a few meaningful choices.

Our introspection and discrimination need to refer to our lives in the world; and we need not to dwell alone among inner dimensions. We are body, heart and mind, not disembodied spirits. The cave faces the world, and the world faces the cave.


Cult members often do not think of themselves as being in a cult. There is that superficial freedom that comes of having one's thinking done for one, whereas, a real freedom springs from the spirit that arises from the self-respectful facing and working through difficulties, and in affirming our bond with our fellow human beings, especially in the practical expressing of our care for them - ever more so when it comes to the care and protection of the young. 


What could be more authoritarian and cultic than the Sathya Sai Organisation’s refusal to listen to the numerous allegations from around the world? What could more lend itself to the hermetically sealed-off quiet life of pretending problems don't exist, or that if they do 'Swami will take care of them all'?


Is it not better, however uncomfortable, to search out the truth and to be open and honest in reporting one’s findings? Should we ignore the victims’ cries - or is it better to stop to understand with the heart of listening and to start to act with the hand of social responsibility?

Barry Pittard.