The Murders in Prashanti
Nilayam and more...
On this page you can read all about murders and misteriously disappearances that happened in Prashanti Nilayam, especially the Murders of June 6, 1993 will get extra attention.
September 2012
17: Sai Baba 1993 murders: eyewitness reveals amazing facts
September 2005
11: Basava Premanand's update on the murders in Sai Baba's bedroom
December 2002
26: Man held for carrying explosives in Prasanthi Nilayam
26: Crackdown for 'preying' cults
September 2002
10: Death of a devotee in Puttaparthi
May 2002
Januari 2002
17: Youth held with gun in Sai Baba ashram
19: It wasn't a bid to kill me: Sai Baba
December 2001
28: Missing Man Rs 50,000 Reward
October 2001
21: The murders in Sai Baba's private quarters
August, 2001
27: Suicide, sex and the guruJune, 2001
31: Who Murdered the Six in Sai Baba's Bed Room?
31: Remand Report
August, 2000
31: The murders of June 6th 1993
December 1998
04: Whole family suicide at Prashanthi Nilayam
August 1998
29: Investigate the Murder at Satya Sai Baba's College
29: Did Sathya Sai Baba Influence the Judiciary?
August 1997
17: Murder of German Lady at Puttaparthi?
September 1996
20: Foreigner takes a fatal leap
Februari 1995
10: Unsolved mystery of persons missing in Puttaparthi
May 1994
??: The Writ Petition on the Murders of 06-06-93 (B. Premanand)
August 1993
??: Murders in Prashanti Nilayam before the 06-06-1993 assasinations
July 1993
08: Attempted murder on Baba by a Canadian national
20: High intrigue. Deadly power struggle in Puttaparthi
20: The Facts the Photographs reveal about the Murders (B. Premanand)
20: Court Records
06: Excerpts from newspaper reports about the murders in Sai Baba's vicinity
October 1990
05: Alert at Sai Baba's Prashanti Nilayam after bomb hoax
29: Two women die as dome collapses