
"pro Sai Baba" publications:
The entire series from Edizioni Milesi: this publsishing house is almost totally oriented to publications
about Sai Baba.
The entire work of Giancarlo Rosati, again for Edizioni
Milesi: the author is a great Sai Baba's
expert and supporter, and also a good divulger that, thanks to his wide knowledges in
various matters and disciplines, could develop many theories, often quite personal ones at
all. On the other hand (this is just my personal opinion) the theories, the explanations
and the interpretations findable in his books, show an improper medley of science,
physics, metaphysics, "science-fiction" and "free interpretations" of
his master's doctrine; they are a demonstration of how Sai Baba primes ideas and thought
processes which complicate the human scene instead of making it easy.
All the discourses of Sathya Sai Baba, published in various volumes and grouped by
years, by Mother Sai Publications.
"The life of Sai Baba"
(original title: "Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram"), in 2 volumes: it's the
official biography, compiled by N. Kasturi, published by Mother Sai Publications.
The entire work of John
Hislop: he's one of the first western devotees of Sai Baba, he has written many books
about personal experiences and dialogues with his master. A milestone in devotional
Sai literature.
Arnold Schulman, "Baba" (1972), Sperling
& Kupfer editions, Milano: it's one of the oldest devotional books on Sai Baba,
collecting testimonies which date up to years 60s/70s, when some witness of SB's childhood
and youth was still alive. The author at the beginning was skeptical and doubtful,
therefore in the book we may find some interesting remark.
The entire work of Howard Murphet: same considerations as
for John Hislop.
Sanathana Sarathi: it is the official press organ of Sai Baba's
Organization; everything published there is subjected to controls and/or censorship by the
Organization and by Sai Baba himself. In Italy it is translated and published under the
title "Mother Sai".
"counter Sai Baba" publications:
editions, Italy.Books
containing chapters or references to Sai Baba:
Luigi Garlaschelli and Massimo
Polidoro, "I segreti dei fachiri", Avverbi edizioni, series "Guide per
la mente".
Various texts:
Erlendur Haraldsson,
"Modern miracles - An investigative report on psychic phenomena associated with
Sathya Sai Baba", Fawcett Columbine - New York.
Voltaire, "Dizionario Filosofico", Editrice l'Orsa
Maggiore: Voltaire's sagacious spirit, with dissertations on various arguments and
particularly on God, religion, theology...
Paul Thiry d'Holbach, "Il buon senso", Garzanti, collana "I Grandi
Libri": the author is contemporary with Voltaire, but opposited to him, Holbach has a
fierce anti-religious spirit. The books treats quite of the uselessness, the dangerousness
and the failure of religions and theologies; and it developes, even if sometimes repeates
itself, according to a plain and simple yet merciless logic. Holbach's thought is very
well appliable also to Sai Baba. Warning, this is a dangerous book! If your faith
(whatever it may be) is weak and wavering, and you are afraid of loosing it, DON'T READ
IT! :-)
Fritjof Capra, "Il Tao della fisica (original title: The Tao of
physics)", Edizioni Adelphi, series "gli Adelphi": Capra is a
high-energies physicist extremly prepared and expert; in this book he tries to show the
unity between physics and eastern philosophies (Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zen Buddhism).
It it interesting for the Author's fimness in trying to find some convergences between
disciplines which cannot converge... with the result that the mystical disciplines, which
are "untouchable" by their own nature (meaning that mystical experiences cannot
be described and explained with words, therefore they are not a common subject of
experience, and so they cannot be controlled, repeated and eventually discussed, as
instead happens with scientific disciplines), "subtract reality" to the Author's
job itself.
Walter E. R. Cassani, "Albert aveva ragione - Dio non gioca a dadi",
published by A.A.S.A.: quantum physics
(with its extreme implications of indetermination, probabilism, non-existence of a real
world, involvement of the observer as "creator" of the reality, ecc.) is a real
playground for mysticism and spirituality lovers. There they find, as a lasting analysis,
science loosing its main prerogatives (possibility to experiment laws and phenomenons,
communicability of one's discoveries, posibility to verify one's allegations), in favor of
concept which are more vanishing and near to the eastern mystical vision (or non-vision)
of the world. When Albert Einstein, who was a firm determinist, faced these implications,
said: "it's impossible: God doesn't play dice". Walter E. R. Cassani is an
italian physicist follower of Einstein school who, in many years of hard work, has
developed a new theory, called "WAVE THEORY OF THE FIELD", which removes the well-known particle/wave (or
matter/energy) dualism in favor of a purely wave-energy interpretation of phenomenons,
eliminitaning in this way any indetermination from the subatomic level, bringing back to
world's description a true chain of cause-effect relationships. And it works! The book is
quite stimulating.
Ambrogio Donini, "Breve storia delle religioni", integral
edition "Grandi Tascabili Economici Newton": it's an enlightning path, from
the birth of religious feeling to actual religions, read according to a human and social
key; the religion as a product of man, of his problems and struggles; the divine that is
created by the human, substantially for vital need, and not man who "receives"
the divine revelation. Source of very good reflections...
Barbara Colonna, "Dizionario
etimologico della lingua italiana", "Grandi Tascabili Economici
Carl Sagan, "Il mondo infestato dai demoni.
La scienza e il nuovo oscurantismo (original title: The demon-haunted world. Science as a
candle in the dark)", Baldini & Castoldi: it's the moral testamente of a
great scientist and divulger (Carl Sagan died in 1996). It explains in a clear, simple and
persuading way the scientific method and confirms its validity. Very important is the
central theme of the book: in a technological age, science is abandoned, demonized,
blamed. The risult is the thriving of pseudo-sciences, of healers, of cheap mysticism...
those who place trust on these things certainly don't put themselves in better hands,
anyway they have no instruments to defend themselves! This is the new obscurantism, the
techonological middle age, these are "the demons" that Sagan has mentioned
in the title. The knowledge, the skeptical method of inquiry are the instruments to defend
us, and moreover to know what we are talking about or fighting against.
Glossario Sanscrito, Edizioni Ashram Vidya.
Pier Carpi, "Le profezie
di Papa Giovanni", Edizioni Mediterranee.
Upanishad Vediche,
cured by Carlo Della Casa, TEA series "Religioni e miti".
Madeleine Biardeau,
"L'induismo", Oscar Mondadori series "Uomini e religioni".
Albert Einstein, "Relativita': esposizione divulgativa", Editore
Boringhieri spa.
Enciclopedia Mondadori
delle Scienze "S4", Mondadori technical and scientifical edition
Nuovissima Enciclopedia Universale Curcio,
Armando Curcio Editore
Religious texts:
The Holy Bible, official C.E.I. edition
The Gospels and the Acts the Apostles, edition Messaggero Padova
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Sai Baba - the "Bad Side"
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