[From Part 1:
Most words in formal and scientific English and Spanish are of Latin or Greek origin. Many therefore have predictable cognate forms in Spanish or English, which eases the process of learning one of these languages by speakers of the other. However, there are a significant number of cases where the corresponding English/Spanish forms show significant differences, often in their prefixes or suffixes. These irregular correspondences or “near-cognates” need to be learned separately, especially by translators and interpreters. In this blog and the following one, a selection of such potential translation pitfalls is presented.]
Part 2. N-Z
neurotransmitter, neurotransmisor
non linear, no lineal
nuclide, nucleido
occupant, inquilino; pasajero
official, adj: oficial; n. funcionario
optimal, óptimo
organo, [prefix]: orgánico
parasitic, parasitario; (also: parasítico)
pathogenesis, patogenia
pathogenetic, patogénico
pathogenic, patógeno
peripheral, periférico
personnel, n, personal
phenobarbitone, fenobarbital
physical, adj., físico
physicist, n, físico
physiotherapist, fisioterapeuta
physiotherapy, fisioterapia
platelets, plaquetas
pollinate, polinizar
pollination, polinización
polychlorinated, policlorado
polyunsaturated, poliinsaturado
population, población; adj., demográfico
porphyry, pórfido; adj, porfídico
prediction, pronóstico; profecía
prejudicial, perjudicial
pressurize, presionizar
prestressed concrete, hormigón pretensado
profile, perfil
prognosis, pronóstico
propanone, acetona
proponent, partidario
proposition, propuesta
prospect, perspectiva
prospecting, prospección
protective, protector
protozoa, protozoarios, protozoos
protozoon, protozoo, protozoario
prussic acid, ácido cianhídrico
psychopharmaceuticals, psicofármacos
purification, depuración
purify, depurar
purifying, depurador
purity, pureza
pyrogenic, pirógeno
quantum mechanics, mecánica cuántica
radiant flux density, radiancia
radioactive, radiactivo
radionuclide, radionucleido
reactant, reactivo
reagent, reactivo
realistic, realista
rearmament, rearme
recondition, reacondicionar
recreational, recreativo
refractory, refractario
regulating agent, agente estabilizante
rehydration, rehidratación
reinforce, reforzar
remedial, terapéutico
repay, pagar
repository, depósito; depositario
representative, adj., representativo; n, representante
reproductive, reproductor
revaluation, revalorización
reverberate, retumbar
reverse osmosis, ósmosis inversa
rhetoric, n, retórica
rhetorical retórico
rock, adj., rupestre
ruminant, adj. y n., rumiante
sal ammoniac, cloruro de amonio
salary, sueldo
salination, salinización
saline water, agua salobre
salutary, saludable
sanitarium (North American English), sanatorio
sanitation, saneamiento
schistosomiasis, esquistosomiasis
sensible, sensato
sensitive, sensible
sensitivity, sensibilidad
sensitize, sensibilizar
sequestering agent, agente lixiviador
signatory, firmante; (also: signatario, -a)
significant, significativo; trascendente
silica, sílice
silicon, silicio
soda, sosa
soda ash, cenizas de sosa
stagnant, estancado
statistician, estadístico
steel, adj., siderúrgico
stroke, apoplejía; ataque cerebral
strontium, estroncio
sub arctic, adj., subártico
sulphonamide, sulfamida
sulphur dioxide, anhídrido sulfuroso
surgery, cirugía (surgeon: cirujano)
surgical, quirúrgico
symmetrical, simétrico
sympathetic, compasivo
synthesize, sintetizar
syzygy, sizigia
tantalum, tantalio
tariff, arancel
tax, n, impuesto; adj., fiscal
temperate, templado
theoretically, en teoría; teóricamente
thermal, térmico
therm, [th], termia [Unit of heat]
thyroid, n, tiroides; adj., tiroideo
tremor, temblor
turbidity, turbiedad; turbidez
two dimensional, bidimensional
ubiquitous, omnipresente; ubicuo
un-, [negative prefix]: no, in- ,des-, poco, sin
undulating, ondulante, ondulado
unhygienic, antihigiénico
unsatisfied, insatisfecho
unsaturated, insaturado
unstable, inestable
unusable, inutilizable
unusual, insólito
Utopian, utópico; utopista
vaccinate, vacunar
validate, convalidar
validation, convalidación
viral, vírico
water, adj., hidráulico; hidrográfico; hidrológico
water cycle, ciclo hidrológico
water soluble, hidrosoluble
wind energy, energía eólica
zirconium, circonio