In the past 5 weeks of turmoil in India, the following English loanwords or phrases have been heard or read in the Hindi media. They offer important additional evidence of the ever-present influence of English on the use and development of the Hindi language. Contributions (and corrections) from readers would be most welcome.
More background information on my Loanword collection is available here:
baileNs, (bank) balance
chek, or chaik, cheque, check (USA)
DebiT kaarD, debit card
ekaauNT, account
eTeeem, ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)
haaee kamaan, High Command (military)
haaee Deenomineshan (noTs), high denomination (notes)
haaipothesis, hypothesis
haikar, m, hacker
haiNDlar, m, handler (military, etc.)
iNkam Taiks, income tax
kaishles sasayaTee, f, cashless society [Also: les-kaish, less cash]
kareNsee, f, currency
kreDit kaarD, credit card
laain, line, queue, laain karnaa, to queue (EH) [English/Hindi hybrid form] [Hindi: qataar]
manee, money; remiTens manee, remittance money (from Indians abroad)
manee aurDar, money order
manee lauNDariNg, money laundering
noT, note, banknote
noTbaNdee, f, (bank)note cancellation, “demonetisation” (EH)
prauparTee, property
railee, political rally
rizaarv baiNk auf iNDiyaa, Reserve Bank of India (Also: aarbeeaaee, RBI)
sarkooleshan, circulation
smaarT fon, smart phone
Taiks, tax
vaaTs aip, or vhaaTs aip, WhatsApp (message softwARE (Int.)
vauleT, wallet
yoojars, or yoozars, users
(More to follow soon on English loanwords observed in the Hindi media between February and December 2016.)