Archive for July 2021

Basic Dictionary of the Spanish of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay

11 July 2021

This posting offers a sample of my 72-page dictionary and, if required, a downloadable PDF of the whole Dictionary.)

Category: Spanish Language

(TAGS: Basic Dictionary of Argentinian Spanish, Basic Spanish Used in the Southern Cone)


As the first example of the sorts of material that I propose to make available on this (newly) multi-purpose website, I offer a PDF version of a short e-book on the Spanish of Southern Latin America. It is only 70 pages long but may be of interest to Spanish language students as a quick survey of the principal local lexical preferences in those three countries.

The examples in this publication are taken from my 1990s Database of  Latin American Spanish, which I also used to compose my other Latin American Dictionaries and to contribute to 2 editions of the Collins Spanish and English Dictionary, the 1971 landmark lexicographical innovation by an admirable Hispanist, gentleman and lexicographical mentor, the late Colin Smith.

If the following sample is of interest, please download the enclosed PDF for the full version.

(And I promise that my next offering will be of more general interest to readers.)

Muestra / Sample:

Diccionario Mínimo de Argentinismos, Uruguayismos y Paraguayismos

[Basic Dictionary of the Spanish of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay]

Brian Steel


achura(s) nm (QCH) RPl =menudencias // A Traveler le empezó a dar hambre y pidió unas achuras. (J.Cortázar, Arg, 1970:264)

offal; guts

adición nf (FR) RPl =cuenta de restaurante

(restaurant) bill; (US) check

aeroparque nm Arg =aeropuerto pequeño // El Aeroparque local [el Aeroparque Jorge Newbery, de Buenos Aires] funcionó a un tercio de su nivel habitual, según el gremio de aeronavegantes.      (El Español en Australia, Sydney, 9-8-94:9)

small airport

aerosilla nf RPl =telesilla


agarrar(se) vt/vr esp RPl =coger // …anoche le hice tomar una aspirina… La agarró y se puso a mirarla. (J.Cortázar, Arg, 1970:83)

to take; to pick up

agauchadoa adj esp RPl

like a gaucho

agaucharse vr esp RPl

to become like a gaucho

alambre-carril nm Arg =teleférico

cable railway

alcaucil nm RPl


almacén nm RPl =tienda (de comestibles)

(grocer=s) shop; general store

ambiente nm esp RPl =habitación


ananá(s) nm(TUP) RPl =piña tropical


asado nm Arg =barbacoa


asado de tira nm Arg =chuleta

chop; ribs

austral nm Hist Arg =unidad monetaria argentina, 1985-1991

monetary unit of Argentina (1985-1991)

balón nm Arg =vaso grande para cerveza

tall beer glass

Banda Oriental nf Hist esp Ur = la República Oriental del Uruguay; actualmente sinónimo de Uruguay

Formerly, all Spanish possessions to the East of the river Uruguay, including (Brazilian) San Pedro, Río Grande do Sul, and Santa Catalina. Now, a synonym for Uruguay.

bandoneón nm Arg =acordeón grande

large accordion

bife nm

1. RPl =filete


2. fam RPl =bofetada


biógrafo nm ant RPl =cine


birome nf [a veces nm] Arg =bolígrafo

(ballpoint) pen

blancoa adj y nmf Ur =relativo al Partido Blanco

belonging or pertaining to the Blanco Party

boleadoras nfpl RPl


boliche nm

1. RPl

small grocery store

2. boliche (bailable) RPl =bar; discoteca

bar; discotheque

boludez nf esp pl vulg RPl =gilipollez

crap! (vulg); rubbish

boludoa adj y nmf vulg RPl =gilipollas

stupid idiot; (US) jerk

bombacha(s) nf(pl) RPl

1. =pantalones gauchos

Gaucho breeches

2. bombacha(s) =bragas

knickers; panties

bombita nf Arg =bombilla


bonaerense adj y nmf invar Arg =gentilicio de Buenos Aires

(person) from Buenos Aires

botija nmf invar fam Ur =chaval; chiquillo


botiquín nm Arg =armario de tocador

bathrooom cabinet


A downloadable full version is available in PDF format.

Background Information on my proposed new use of this Website

10 July 2021

July 2021

The following details about my career and writing record are offered to explain the nature and origins of the new postings that I propose to offer on Brian’s Soapbox.

My main academic writing was researched, written (on a typewriter) and published in specialist articles and books as part of my duties as a University Senior Lecturer in Spanish Language, with special interest in Lexicography and Translation (and Catalan literature).

Two years before my application for Early Retirement, I began to struggle with the intricacies of the new-fangled PC. Then after 24 years, I began a new career as Translator and editor (Spantrans Pty. Ltd.). Fortunately, this was soon to be supplemented by an invitation to apply for an examinership in Spanish Translation and Interpreting for NAATI (The Australian Government Agency for such matters).

The new home-based career offered far more time and freedom to travel and research a wider area of subjects and, in the early 1990s, with the aid of a computer, to produce faster results.  In 2005 I set up my Spanish website ( and wrote several e-books for sale on the site. In 2008, I set up this WordPress site to cater for my other writing and developing interests, including the study of Hindi as a Foreign Language, on which I have published many popular teaching aids, and an online e-book.

In this final phase I have decided to concentrate all my efforts on this WORDPRESS https website (which is far easier for me to use than my old-fashioned and non-SEO-friendly http site ).

I intend to select my best research and to re-publish, rearrange, or re-edit it for practical use by those interested. I hope this will include offering a few of my e-books in PDF form free of charge. Like the short one on an aspect of Latin American Spanish, which I shall offer as my first contribution soon after publishing this notice.

I am hopeful that the venture will be a fruitful one.

Finally, I offer a list of my published work as evidence of my life-long devotion to scholarship in several fields.


Brian Steel. Published work

Books and e-books   Updated 2021

1. A Manual of Colloquial Spanish, Madrid, S.G.E.L., 1976.

2. Translation from Spanish. An Introductory Course, Madrid, S.G.E.L., 1979. [3rd Printing, 1997]

3. Ejercicios de traducción del español. Nivel superior, Madrid, Edi-6, 1983.

4. Textbook of Colloquial Spanish, Madrid, S.G.E.L., 1985. [3rd Printing, 1997]

5. ABC of Latin American Spanish.Diccionario de americanismos, S.G.E.L., Madrid, 1990 [445 pages].

6. Consultant on Latin American Spanish for Collins Concise Spanish Dictionary, Glasgow, HarperCollins and Madrid, Grijalbo, 1993.

And for French edition;  Le Robert et Collins Dictionnaire Franc ais sp Esp- Franc   sp, Ediciones Grijalbo, 1994

7. Glosario de ecología y afines, inglés-español, Madrid, Eds.Istmo, 1994. 447 pages.

8. (ed.)The Sathya Sai Baba Compendium. A Guide to the First 70 Years, York Beach, Samuel Weiser, 1997.

9. Breve diccionario ejemplificado de americanismos, Madrid, Arco Libros, 1998.

10. Teach Yourself Colloquial English, Delhi, B.R.Publishing, 1999. [Publisher’s title]

My Title: Keys to Understanding Spoken English. Advanced Exercises in Comprehension and Translation

11. Breve diccionario ejemplificado de mexicanismos [e-book],, 2005.  

12. Spanish Translation Exercises and Tests [e-book],, 2006. [STET]

13. Colloquial Spanish [e-book],, 2007.

14. An Annotated Bibliography for Research on Sathya Sai Baba, 2007. (For the first Part and links to the other two Parts, see

15. English Loanwords, Abbreviations, and Acronyms in Hindi. A Romanised Guide to Hindi Media Usage, March 2016 (e-book available for purchase on


1. Translation from Catalán: Manuel de Pedrolo, Situaciò bis: a) Full Circle, Modern International Drama [U.S.A.], 4, No 1 (Fall 1970), pp. 61-94. b) Full Circle , in Wellwarth, G. E. (ed.), Three Catalan Dramatists, Montreal, Engendra, 1976, pp. 95-139.

2. Intrahistoria de una traducciớn  inédita and Almost Nobody, an English translation of a short story by Manuel de Pedrolo: Gairebé Ningú, in Antípodas , No. V (December 1993 61-79).

3. ‘In Memoriam: Manuel de Pedrolo, escritor catalán. Intrahistoria de una traducción inédita y Correspondencia’,


1. ‘A New ‘loísta’ – J.M.Gironella’, Hispania, 51 (1968), 866-867.

2. ‘Observaciones sobre el uso periodístico de los afijos adjetivales en los grupos nominales’, Español Actual, No. 12, (noviembre 1968), 1-6.

3. ‘Los estilos funcionales y la enseñanza del idioma’, Español Actual, No 18 (junio 1971), 9-18.

4. ‘Contrasting Approaches to Spanish Lexicography’, Hispania, 54 (1971), 46-53.

5. ‘Headline Classes in Journalistic Spanish. An Exercise in Register Analysis’, Iberoromania, 2/1971, 174-187.

6. ‘Two Recurring Structures in Cela’s ‘Prólogos’’, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 6, 1972, 249-264.

7. ‘A Landmark in Bilingual Lexicography’, Hispania, 56 (1973), 511-521.

8. ‘Notas para una bibliografía del hispanismo en la Unión Soviética’, Yelmo, No. 12 (junio 1973), 18-21; No 13 (agosto 1973), 17-20.

9. ‘La muralla y La camisa: dos mundos y dos lenguajes distintos’, Yelmo, No 16 (febrero 1974, 34-36; No 17 (abril 1974), 23.

10. ‘El español coloquial para estudiantes de habla inglesa. Sobre Beyond the Dictionary in Spanish, de A. Bryson Gerrard’, Yelmo, no. 14 (octubre 1974), 14-16.

11. ‘Español avanzado para estudiantes de literatura’, Yelmo, No. 21 (diciembre 1974), 14-19.

12. ‘Checklists of Basic americanismos and castellanismos’, Hispania 58 (1975), 910-921.

13. ‘Inglaterra, primitiva colonia española’, Yelmo, No 24 (agosto 1975), 26-27.

14. ‘Errors in the Translation of Spanish Literary Texts’, Vida Hispánica [Inglaterra], 24, No 1 (Winter 1976), 9-16.

15. ‘Indicios culturales en el idioma español’, Yelmo, No. 27 (enero, 1976), 16-21.

16. ‘Pequeñísimo suplemento a un gran diccionario’, Español Actual, No 31 (enero-dic. 1976), 39-47. ** [On the Diccionario de uso del español by María Moliner]

17. ‘Algunos apuntes para un nuevo diccionario de americanismos’, en M.Perl (ed.), Estudios sobre el léxico del español en América, Leipzig, Enzyklopädie, 1982, 176-197.

18. ‘Adventures in Françoz’, The Bulletin, Sydney, 15 January, 1991

19. ‘Un nuevo espanglish: el de Australia,’ Lecture given in Spain at the University of La Coruña and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, May and June, 1994.

20. ‘Esbozo del Espanglish de Australia’, en Nueva Revista del Pacífico (Chile), No. 38-39, junio de 1995, Homenaje al Profesor Félix Morales Pettorino, 213-227.

21. Review: ‘Modern Miracles: Sathya Sai Baba. A Modern-Day Prophet by Erlendur Haraldsson.’ Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Vol. 79.2, No. 919, April 2015.


See also:

Please Watch This Space for Basic Changes

8 July 2021

After a lot of rough planning, I have decided to change the nature and content of this moribund Website. Deo volente.

As a first necessary chore I have just finished selecting and deleting over half of the articles published on this site since 2008. (That still leaves 110 and I have rough plans for a few groups of them.)

My next much bigger project is to sort and select for transfer or modification those articles from my (dormant) professional website ( which seem worth saving as well as some of the Spanish and Hindi language e-books which used to be offered for sale (plus free Samples) on that site.

(Please Note: Brian’s e-books are LONG PDF files which readers have to print for their use. Many of my existing — surviving — WordPress articles are also long, or very long, as some patient readers will have noticed.)

That’s all I can say at the moment but it’s a great relief and and added stimulus to have said it.

I hope some of my changes and additions will be of interest to my readers, old and new.

Hasta pronto. Phil milenge.

Brian (at ompukalani // hotmail)

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