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Date: Wed Nov 25 01:28:58 2009
Name: Former Devotee
There is a pro Sai Baba puff piece article in the American magazine
FATE. It is written by Nancy Griffin who calls herself a healer and
intuitive. We should all write and complain and tell them to read
The editors names are:
Phyllis Galde
Marlon Ohmsted
David Godwin
Jerome Clarke
The writer can be contacted at the same address which is:
Fate Magazine
P.O. Box 460
Lakeville, Minnesota
This is an outrage and will attract families with children who will
think he is safe.
We must let them know.
A former devotee
Date: Sat Nov 07 12:27:07 2009
Name: Divanshu
Jesus is the only way, the truth and
the life. Nobody will go to the father until he believes in Jesus
Christ...its not about not this Sai-Baba guy all are false preacher...
and its very true... its also written in Bible... you just need to do
read Bible, if you want to experience true love of God and which is only
through Jesus Christ.
God Bless You all
Date: Thu Sep 03 11:01:44 2009
Name: hello
Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy Died in Chopper Crash
and Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy with Sai Baba (mirror)
where is your protection power sai?
Date: Tue Aug 25 20:28:22 2009
Name: Old devotee
Hi there,
Can we please stick to the subject in this guestbook?
I wonder if there is anybody around who knows someone who can break this
horrifying mental hold of SBB in our systems. Please forward
Old devotee
Date: Fri Aug 12 08:28:25 2009
Name: Ex-devotee
I apologize for not following up sooner as I have been so busy and also
trying to fight off what we call the Sai Baba shadow id. A fiendish
narcissistic, frankly demonic lack of life that feeds on others. We
wanted to correct the misunderstanding made by the problems we had with
the computer basically wiping out words as we put them on the site. The
scientists ( relative to the flu) were murdered, they were the victims.
There is one site with a list of 88 scientist world wide who have been
killed. One address that gives a partial list is:
If you google 88 murdered doctors you may come up with other sites. Alex
Jones has another site or org. See on the site Endgame
his film. On his site look for Taking Aim they have several programs you
can hear on the web about the pandemic. You can click on it on Alex
Jones site.
Also the one of the best sites about swine flu and why not to take the
vaccination is and click on breaking news and vaccines on
his site swine flu. He gives the name of a lawyer who is
trying to help people get out of taking the vaccine as well as has a
petition for US citizens to sign to stop the vaccine being mandated .
It is on the same website and also try Another person to
look at for information is
There is also another problem and you will find and explanation on Monsonto who makes genetically engineered seeds somehow
they want to through the United States congress to pass a law that would
mean all food would be irradiated including organic food so that they
food value would decline. Organic food helps repair autistic children.
To make it ineffective against autism is a crime. Irradiation like
microwaving changes according to scientists the molecular structure of
food destroying food value. There is also a petition about this on Garry
Null's site. The vote will be in the senate in the US congress after
labor day. The congress is not in recess... but will vote very soon. It
has already passed the House... which is horrifying. They also want to
make it difficult to by simple vitamins. Also on his site look for
comments by Dr Tenpenny... concerning swine flu.
I am writing this in response to the cases of swine flu in Pune, India.
There is another serious problem. Ophrah Winfrey has pushed a book
called Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert which encourages people to
speak to spirits and think they are God and to go to a guru in India. It
is now being filmed on the East Coast of the US and in Asia. It is
filmed by Sony Pictures. The film has the same name as the book. We
are a number of us trying to warn Sony pictures that gurus can be vary
dangerous and suggested they see the site as well as the
RISE site dedicated to children and adults who died in cults. Sony
Pictures is in Culver City, California. You can google them.
We can only hope that this motion picture does not attract more parents
with their children to pedophiles like Sai Baba .
Date: Sun Aug 16 08:50:59 2009
Name: Ex-devotee
I found a lot of websites. You need to google:
swine flu+resist+dangerous vaccines write it in this order in the google
search area with the plus signs and a number of sights come up about the
Date: Sun Aug 16 08:39:51 2009
Name: Ex-devotee
google which is alex jones website (he is right
wing...however he has information)... on his site scroll down to "flu
pandemic" and it talks about the flu shot being mandatory and
"authorities" being in charge. His other website is or
org. We need to find a way to protect ourselves and our families from
something that may be done to us to hurt us by our own "authories."
Please read the websites in the last post concerning swine flu. Some may
say this is right wing rhetoric... but the scientific facts seem to be
there. I would check Dr.. Andrew Moultden's websites (
or google his name.
Date: Sun Aug 16 11:31:42 2009
Name: Ex-devotee
I tried to type in the information and the Sai shadow erased the hard
work of putting in the websites. I will try again. I could hear a voice
... and felt it hating me.............He is reveling in the terror
caused by this.
Please read Gary Nulls There is a case in
Austria...e flue is on purpose and considered-bio way of limiting the
population. Case is against the pharmaceuticals etc. please read this
site. How do we get to the people with out computers. They generally
advise-do not take the vaccine. It cases mini strokes.. on purpose:
look for Barabar Minton, Natural News, June 25,2009
It is interfering with my typing.
Do not take vaccine. It causes mini strokes according to one doctor.
more info about court case
Some of the names associated with the resistance to the vaccines and
telling the public about the dangers,
google them please:
Dr Robin Falkov
Barbara Lee Fisher
Dr Andrew Moulden (extremely brilliant and the one who said the vacines
cause mini strokes)
Jane Burgermeister
Dr David Gettoff (?) I am not sure about this one.
Also google and search the site for vaccines programs
as there were others mentioned and they will give on the web the website
addresses. One person is Alex Jones right wing but has a film called
Endgame you can get on His website is He has
been talking about this for years. There also was mentioned on his or
another -scientists who had tried to find antidotes
have murdered around the world. I think about 20.
It is deadly serious. We need as much information as possible.
Some books mentioned were:
Vaccines Autism and Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic
and the Consumers Guide to Childhood Vaccines. Gary Null has a file about
autism and says it is caused by aluminum and mercury in the vaccines.
They mentioned aluminum with the swine flu vaccine in one of the
programs. We need to know how to protect ourselves from this.
Gary Null is very knowledgeable and can be heard on the web-his health
radio program... at Gary For the moment this is all I know. It
is not good new -it seems to be something being done to us .As I tried
to correct this the Sai shadow interfered. Is this not proof of his
intent or the intent of his minions
Date: Sun Aug 16 07:18:32 2009
Name: Ex-devotee
Please google and search for their programs on swine
flu and vaccines. The programs were in august 2009 and one doctor said
the flu is not as serious as three regular flu but that for some reason
there is a call for massive vaccinations and that the vaccines are
considered dangerous,. There is a court case in Germany. I will get the
exact dates of the shows and e-mail back shortly. You can podcast the
program. The program.. American radio program... can
hear on the web that looks at odd things as well as since
They also look at things the regular corporate media will not discuss. I
will e-mail back with dates of programs. The website gives website
address. Also google and search for swine flue and
vaccines. Also some very disturbing information.
Having trouble with computer... standard Sai Baba shadow inference... the
computer blacked out... suddenly. Will return.
Date: Fri Aug 14 11:31:42 2009
Name: me
Amby valley is close to Pune, which is largely hit by the swine flu. So
tell me dear readers where is Sathya Sai Baba and his healing powers?
Today in CNNINDIA told that swine flu hit INDIA like tornado! India has
"saints" like sri sri ( how many sri?) ravi shankar, sathya sai baba(old
cheater) and many many gurus, so tell me where are they healing powers?
Is so funny to hear about swine flu in India, they have Vedas, gurus and
since few day they have also swine flu in whole country!
Date: Wed Aug 05 00:46:52 2009
Name: ex-devotee
A new publication that may clarify the
depth of evil possible in some one like Sathya Sai Baba and people who
want to hurt people including children for a sense of power:
The Anatomy of Evil by Dr. Michael Stone, 2009
Also a very helpful book except for
the end that suggests you go to an Indian guru... which I substitute the
words "cult leader" for instead of Indian guru... because guru
narcissistic types are world wide... with out being specific to India...
the rest of book is excellent:
Freeing Yourself from the Narcissist in Your Life by Dr. Linda
Martinez-Lewi, (PHD)... 2008 Dr. Martinez says:
"Relationships with narcissists always
end badly. They often culminate in financial ruin, emotional
devastation, physical illness, even death... with the spotlight
overhead, he stacks story upon story that feature him as the star of the
show... Casting one's lot with a narcissist means that your life no
longer belongs to you. Your mental freedom and psychological space are
invaded. All decisions, behaviors, opinions, and beliefs are filtered
through his microscopic lens....The seeds of hatred are planted slowly
in increments of cruelty, devaluation, and abuse... Lying and evasion
are a way of life for the narcissist. He exaggerates his accomplishments
and minimizes his errors. He blames his mistakes on others, whom he
knows are either too fearful or too dependent on him to protest. The
narcissist insists that the way must be clear for him to move ahead...
The narcissist is a tyrant who controls the world that he creates. Like
a dictator, he writes arbitrary laws that everyone is expected to
obey... The narcissist is predatory... Those who stand between him and
his goals are imperiled. Using the weakness and frailties of his victim,
he carefully chooses strategies that will defeat his enemy. All
narcissistic personalities are cruel and sadistic. The perpetrator of
treachery has murderous intentions. ...he finds undetectable ways to
diminish or destroy their lives...(he) requires excessive admiration."
A book to avoid, I feel is a book called UNSTUCK by an American
psychiatrist, Dr James Gordon. What is very frightening he says that one
can lift a "expression" by "speaking to demons" and gives one a series
of exercises on how to speak with demons... I am not kidding. He says
he bases his philosophy on Indian (India/Hindu) religions. Perhaps
American psychiatrist, Dr. Samuel Sandweiss who set up so many innocent
people to go to Sai Baba with trust and their children had said we
would be "talking to a demon" would have saved us a lot of trouble and
we have known to avoid Sai Baba and reading Sandweiss' lying book.
An x-devotee
Date: Thu Aug 06 05:57:12 2009
Name: ex-devotee
I am also experiencing being attacked all night with both painful,
sadistic sodomy and pain in he lower back region which was intense with
a hate of me and my being a relatively good person and a sense of burning
all over the body with commands that I not leave the house to go to
professional obligations or to meet family friends. If I go near the
front door his fiendish shadow energy would start to twist my hip to
make it very painful to walk. I feel like a hostage, that Sai Baba is
like a human trafficker (India has very bad human trafficking problems
involving the hurt of many men, women and children and the government is
very lax according to one of the websites
who lures with promises of his being good and helping humanity and then
the reality comes and he is a torturing, raping fiend who destroys if he
can get away with it and mocks your suffering asking that you say it
hurts so that he can enjoy your pain. I fight back and do not let him
stop me as I am professionally successful and he demands that I stop and
give up everything, family, friends, my success, my job, everything and
will say how he is very jealous and wants to make sure if he cannot take
me over and have it for himself than he will destroy my life. It is one
long struggle that involves his trying to creep into every aspect of my
life and mind and body. I feel like a hostage and that my family and
friends are hostages to his rage, however we have tricks we use although
he tries to wear us out. Do not think of him as powerful. Think of him
as a mosquito, for example he may be tormenting me, but the rest of our
neighbors are free of him. There are people in my profession... many of
them who are free of him. There are people who do humanitarian work who
are free of him and have never heard of him. He is the illusion of power
although he has some paranormal abilities, or minions with them, he is
not on anyone that I know of for miles and miles and miles. The tricky
thing is the doorway through which he traveled was religion, so I stay
away from religion as I assume there are more out there like him. One
psychic I went to many years ago said he was the anti Christ, and he
certainly acts like one. What ever he is he is an unclean, fiendish evil
that one should avoid. He is also very afraid as he seems to not be able
to let go and as one struggles to get him off of one he clings and
clings to all of us as if we are his life line or his feeding tube and
he is desperately hanging on. I think of the word 'friction' and he
seems to feed off of the friction of the struggle. I have heard of this
in reference to reptilian types in the David Icke books (Global
Conspiracy), that they agitate their victims to feed. That they feed on
the bottom chakras of the child victims during pedophilia. This leads
one to several conclusions. If there is a god that is good, where is he
or is this the sad deception that if someone wants to make money they
set themselves up on a throne and wave a banner with the word love,
service and peace on it and all of us hoping for the best in rapt
devotion to god, who want to grow and help make the planet a better
place for everyone show up and like the plant the venus fly trap that
closes in on its victims, we are caught in some sort of paranormal
quicksand, we are caught in the deceptive web of all of the religious
myths of our childhoods and taught by the venus flytrap (Sai Baba)
before it closes on us to be non- violent trying to fight our way out or
we are no longer 'good' in gods eyes. We think of children in dark
cellars in Belgium who have been trapped by fiendish perverts who die,
and god does not save them, but he perverts are free to come and go. We
look at the 'wraith' characters in the American TV series Stargate
Atlantis a vicious parasite that sucks the life out of you and look at
the Harry Potter series and the 'dementors' the non human parasites,
mentioned in a another post that suck out your life and maybe your soul.
It is difficult to take heart. We read Robert Priddy's piece Personal
Disempowerment in Worshipping Gurus, part 4, for clarification (
He has done so much to warn and help all of us and he does not seem to
have this malevolent thing of evil on him. Perhaps the clue is to fight
back and fight back with clarity and critical thinking and facts not
magical wishful thinking and faith. The whole site is of much interest
and is very helpful. His descriptions of Sai Baba's personality magnify
times a thousand and you have the shadow that seems to afflict many of
us. If we had only had a site like this and the web years ago, we would
have been warned away from the terrible trap. We thank Priddy and all of
the others who have put themselves in harms way to warn us.
The bottom line with all of Sai Baba's vicious noise, paranormal tricks
and demands for obeying it and giving up our lives and livelihoods is
that Sai Baba is afraid, as David Icke says of the reptilians and their
associates... The bully is always afraid and the noise, the demands are
to drown out what frightens them. It targets children because it sees
them as small and unable to protect themselves from them or their
parents, if their parents are on the side of his lies. I feel that it is
a kind of suicidal course on Sai Baba's part in the noise of his
showdown he is caught, we have this web site to tell what is happening
to us and his powers have not shut this website down. The website is
free and open for the world to read. He has to lie to deceive us into
the trap. He knows that if he says truthfully that he is hate and that
he loves violence against children through rape (testimonies on, against the disabled and elderly and women as we have seen
in our lives and hurting people in general and that he is a violent
narcissist, no one would come to him and give him the worship that his
fraudulence craves, so he craves instead rejection and the recognition
of the outside world by making a spectacle through us as 'Munchausen by
proxy', which means by hurting us he gets attention. Sick and twisted.
no matter how you look at it, he is sick and twisted.You can feel his
malevolent, negative presence like someone flipping a switch or turning
a dial and everything turns negative and turns down. It is like a magnet
that is attracted to good and wants to stick to it to suck the power out
of it or the reverse a kind of anti- matter that wants to destroy by
moving in close and in its closeness destroys what it is seeking to be
near. I read science casually so do not understand all of the concepts.
The sadism one can only assume is in his personal genes and the spirit
that he welcomed into his being... and we poor souls have been trained
to think of a holy spirit if we were brought up Christian. This set me
up to to believe in a God who was benevolent made it safe. But to my
surprise it is like a rusty slot machine and a pull of the lever, where
you never win. Before Sai Baba I did not have such a pessimistic view. I
did my work and tried to help in my way. Now it is like a truck is
rushing down on us demanding that I ask permission to even use the
toilet or eat breakfast or even leave the house to meet my professional
obligations. It is very difficult and we do get afraid as it is beyond
unfair for people who can help improve the world and have the means and
education to do so to be plagued by spiritual trash. We never obey it.
We make sure we sleep as best we can and make notes of the violence
against us and share what has happened to us with safe others. Never be
isolated as what ever he is he needs others not to know. We never let
him drive us away from ourselves or give up what we have. We try to
repair any damage we created in the past in our first belief in him
being who he said he was and try to bring back what we may have
abandoned that had not brought evil into our lives. It will be cunning
and will try to commend your work and play some sort of spirit guide.
Push it off as best you can. It is a liar and will try to lead you to
mislead you. (It will also try to destabilize you to create dependence
with manifestations and oracular predictions and steal things. It will
also try to channel thoughts through you that may be obscene or
violently opposite to your true nature and then will criticize you for
what it is putting on you as proof of your evil nature... and demand
that you explain yourself and right the wrong he just did to you... as
if you are the source. He may also try to flood you with pornographic
images and say that they are from your own mind. He knows no level that
he will not go to try to demoralize you and move you into despair away
from the true nature of yourself. He will try to flood you with strong
feelings that it is all your fault and that you are something beneath
contempt. Do not believe him. He is cunning and desperate.) This is also
fear on its part because it cannot let you have what everyone else has
or what is yours in order for it to feel powerful. It is dependent on
you. You are not dependent on it. It is the kind of evil that only feels
powerful, because it can abuse a small child.
Some of the things we also do is speak in very, very slow motion and
move in very, very slow motion. It wants you to be very manic and
frantic to create accidents and cause you to overlook things and miss
appointments and will be very impatient. To move very slowly will drive
it crazy. (Make lists so that you will not forget things and make
duplicate lists as it likes to steal things that would keep you
organized) The key is not to be manic. We also visualize, if you use
visualizations, but you have to be cautious... we visualize him incased
in dry ice or blocks of ice. Visualize him decapitated. This often
silences him for a while. This somehow gives a little relief, or instead
of seeing him, if he forces an image on you see a brick wall instead...
a tall, thick brick wall. Another thing is to read as much as you can
and sometimes it helps to read out loud. Playing a lot of radios at once
also helps as was mentioned in another post and also get a very, very
loud alarm clock (battery operated --- cautious with your ears) and let
it ring and ring and ring. That also drives it crazy. It hates reading
and knowledge. It hates noise. Read what you like. There may be other
sounds you can make that will shock it into silence and leaving you
alone. Also, if you know there are others who you can trust who have a
similar thing, contact them.(Keep written records of its abuses of you
also). We also have people we can call in the middle of the night if it
gets very bag. If it makes things, like manifestations... put them in a
labeled plastic bag and photograph them. This all seems impossible as
the desired effect is to make him go away. What we are living through is
horrifying. The key thing is to not give in to him or believe that you
need to commit suicide or hurt yourself to get him off of you. Buy a
simple digital camera to take pictures if there is a sense of a
malevolent presence. Some of this was mentioned in an earlier post. He
can make you feel not like 'yourself', so remember the evil and negative
feelings are being pushed through you to force you to take actions
against yourself and possibly others that you would never take. Those
feelings I have found are false. Try to think of a beautiful place and
very good things you have known in your life before Sai Baba. Or just
change your focus and do something else... go to a gym, take a walk...
turn on the radio or the TV. Call a friend or friends, but be careful of
trance states and forced linear thinking. Trance states usually means it
is trying to set you up to trip over something or fall or whatever. (It
has also threatened to manifest pornographic material in our briefcase
or suitcase just before we are inspected for customs. Or whatever, so be
cautious of its tricks to get you fired, humiliated or worse. Check your
suitcase or luggage. He is desperate and also thinks hurting others is
funny. And would like to make it so a critic of him will be caught in a
trap that will put their criticism of him in doubt. Now this may be one
of its destabilizing threats. I have experienced it setting off alarms,
so if you leave a store you are stopped as if you have taken something
and you have taken nothing, but it enjoys setting you up, or it has
stolen things from us when friends have visited to make it look as if
they had taken things from us, but it happened so many times we realized
that it was trying to make us dislike and mistrust people who had never,
ever done this to us. So its threat of a reverse planting/manifesting of
something instead of stealing something is not beyond its low moral
fiber... We have also noticed that he likes to create ill will and
fights between friends and colleagues at work. It is tragic what he
does. This was pointed out to us by a paranormal investigator who said
that it is common for parasitic malevolent spirit entities, sadly often
picked up through religion to try to create rifts between families and
friends. I do not know if these spirit parasites have the gross
malevolence of Sai Babas minions. ('It is noted that Sai Baba does the
same in trying to drive men from their wives or men from their
girlfriends.) Finally evil shadow of Sai Baba will use sleep
deprivation. I have been kept awake night after night especially when I
have had a success or a family event.
There are several books I will recommend that make one more aware of
getting a peaceful sleep and what one needs to do. They are as follows:
Power Sleep by Dr. James B. Maas; Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders by
H. Ross and Keri Bremmer; The Promise of Sleep by Sara Mednick; No More
Sleepless Nights by Peter Haim and Shirley Linde; Insomnia Answer by
Paul Glouinsky and Arthur Spielman. You can get the books on
cheaper than at the store.
We are sorry for This being so negative, but we cannot be naive about
what he can appear to do. People who want to contemplate joining his
organization fooled by the 'special effects' should be cautioned. The
paranormal tricks are nothing more than a web woven by a spider to trap
his or her food. Whether it is for his warped ego for power and money or
actual spiritual energy sucked off of others or what ever else, stay
away and say NO to him.
Date: Thu Aug 06 18:23:31 2009
Name: Former devotee
Attacks from SB were very severely last week. I could only sleep a few
hours per night. In the morning I felt so tormented and sucked out.
During the day when he came in I thought I was going to die, it was so
horrifying when he was squeezing my soul and spirit and of my guides. He
clairvoyantly told me that he has not got the nerves to let me go. He
was afraid for my wisdom, for what I can do. He needs to abuse me for
some strange reason. Other times he told me he needed my 'divine
nectar', or that I was so brilliant, what aspect he wanted to use from
me. The simple act of letting go and leaving me in peace is a too
difficult task. I have done so many things to break the cords, but it is
hard with this fool. The man needs his victims to uphold his nonsense
games and is still able to do so (for a while I guess). In fact God
wants him to have the insight that he is on a dead end trail, but he
does not want to see that. He is partly taken over by reptilians. He
abuses God as well, has no respect for him at all.
I had to look in so many higher realms for help. I could clearly 'see'
how he uses hooks in me to suck out my energy. He has done this for over
ten years now. I never had a serious relationship or work after my - by
him induced - spiritual crash in 1988. He wants his slaves and will do
anything to keep his cheating appearance, including mind control of any
important person around you/me. His hooks connect me to his very
restless energy with he consequence that I am also much more restless,
empty, down than I really am. He and his black magicians around him (70
to be exact, according to a psychic who took different created etheric
canals away, but who had to stop his practice of spiritually cleaning
houses after he cleared my house, as he got so badly attacked by this
'love guru'. SB does anything to prevent you from getting real healing.
He creeps into the healers and starts to work against them/me. It is
pure spiritual torment. The evil of this man is beyond any measure.
Basically I am an honest, loving guy and that is what he needs to spread
around as coming from him. The most straight people around me get very
strange from his interference. Only the very strong can survive this
weirdness. SB (better not use his full name, as there is negative magic
in that name too) is a rotten system and as long as you do not see that,
you might be able to stay out of troubles. If you write about his
mentally ill games he will do more against you. But if you are gifted:
stay out of his way, he might try to kill you with his mind. But I do
think he mind is perishing. To keep it short: if you still have the
Date: Tue Jul 28 22:36:52 2009
Name: Libor
I'm from Czech Republic and my English
is not so good, hope you will understand. What you wrote about Sai Baba
I felt from the beginning, from fears meeting with him I feel, when he
is cheater a something like trapper of the souls unfortunately I was
searching for spiritual help and meet with his direct pupil and it was
swami Vishwananda, do the same things like sai baba - homosexual, fake
materialization and I'm sure something like black magic and controlling
peoples mind which are open to them and his energy because I feel it
from him I felt big opposition on them but some people around them told
me when I'm cleaning, I can not feel love from him because I'm dirty,
when homosexuality is normal, even god need sex and if I feel opposition
it comes from my mind and I have to get it out I still feel that they
are under his control, and try to catch me to them... I left them but
after some time, I connect on his energy a my mind start to believe in
him, when he is god, this is god game I can not recognize it, go to
asram and serve him, my hard protest on it but I have in my mind this
you ego illusion, he is god he show you right way... I stop to believe
in my intuition, after it a feel without energy, depressive, week and
feel energy how is going on them permanently like feed him... I think I
m not normal, but some people had the same experience with him, really
same and he... I feel when he is creating some positive aura around, but
inside is dark, empty, I see relics of holy people which he is
collecting when I see him, I was wary close to him but now I can not
stop connecting with him, stop to believe, and get out of my mind I feel
his energy, connecting on me and it is making me week... if you can
help, or give some advice I will grateful and you can read experience
from people which were meeting with him on:
Thank you
Date: Sun Jun 28 03:20:45 2009
Name: ex-devotees
Important: read the BITE model which defines a cult written by Steve
It will help define clearly a dangerous cult and Sai Baba's organization
is one. Sai Baba's shadow aspect is even worse. Think of him as a
jealous malevolent fiendish narcissist and a dangerous bully and coward
who uses all manner of horrors including sodomy, rape, torture etc from
the unseen as a weapon.
We are under the shadow of his hatred and a dearly beloved individual we
considered a family member suddenly took sick and died. It mocks our
grief and physically attacks us when we grieve, mocking kind, loving and
supportive emotions and our protection of the children. We feel that it
was Sai Baba's shadow that hurt our friend and he threatens to do it
again demanding the usual obedience and not to threaten his criminal
pedophilia, embezzlement/ponzi- like activities...
He is god there for
you should give him "protection money and gifts." The shadow aspect will
say that it is trying to destroy what it feels is a successful life,
goodness in personal conduct and honesty and demands all professional
success stop and will make professional membership forms and documents
disappear and will cut off professional phone calls. It says it wants to
wear us out and tire us out by the constant assault. We carry on in
spite of the middle of the night attacks and attacks on us when
we leave, return to our home and are at home. It wants us to feel as if
our bodies are full of sickness when it is his that is full of sickness
both physical and spiritual.
His gruesome attacks night and day are so
sickening that as I left the house to pick up medicine for an ailing
friend the attack was so severe that I almost vomited. He loves to force
one into constantly focusing on him and when our friend died his shadow
was outraged that we were paying attention to family arrangements and
demanded that we focus on him and his malevolence and not on the death
of our friend. That is an extreme and dangerous narcissist when combined
with physical and sexual assault. (We noticed in a world news story that
criminals who commit, sodomy and rape and assault of their victims
(short term and possibly one incident) were being sued for 80 million
dollars to 220 million dollars and were being tried for sentences 125
years to even two life time back to back sentences.)
He demands that we stop being admired and that we stop helping people.
Children must be protected from him. If we imagine him chained down
under thick heavy chains so he cannot move... for a moment it gets
better. Beware of trance states he tries to force on you in order to
force you to make a misstep and trip or have an accident. He tries to
channel vile language through your mouth and even the mouths of those
near you. He is all manner of foul things. We now keep notes and found
the easiest is to keep small note papers in a container as he like
things to be scattered and lost. He wants anyone with this as proof of
his true evil to be driven away or considered crazy so that no one will
know. He can lift these feelings of oppression in an do not
feel they are your feelings. He is imposing them on you. I think of the
people who think they have spirit guides or think they talk to different
deities or Jesus...they may actually be being deceived as this energy he has is a mimic. (We had a very odd revelation yesterday when Michael
Jackson died. Years ago professionally we met his family... many years
ago in California. The Jackson Family are in the cult of the Jehovah's
Witness which is a Christian cult. The father's face looked just like
the demonic face on Sai Baba today. He is known not to be a nice man. If
you look at old press pictures, maybe you would see it. Is this
adversary type energy through out the spirit world. Then about ten years
ago we met a person who was in an Indian cult who became very
distraught. Their face had taken on the same look... the same demonic
face. She did not act like a criminal, but it was the same face... but
on a woman who had a not so nice Indian "guru." This is very disturbing.
One needs always to be observant and not thinking magically.
Although it is magic driven, we think of the children's books... Harry
Potter... and the demented evil beings that suck out your soul. That is
how Sai Baba's true nature feels. It is as if with a weak body he is
becoming more violent in spirit to compensate. He tries to imply he is
possessing us and we cannot do anything about it and that he enjoys that
it is against our will and we suffer trying to get him off of us. It
will say all manner of vile things about children and disabled people
and women and anyone who is kind and gentle and intelligent. It hates
education and knowledge that is factual.
We have asked many people for advice and want to add to the list things
that people may do to try to interrupt this sick feeding off of our
energy and physical and life force: Some are rather odd.
-Spray your face and body with cold water, use a plant sprayer and that
can cut the connection for a while.
-Count in your mind.
-Open your mouth with no sound.
-Read aloud.
-Listen to music.
-Call someone, it is afraid of especially someone with money.
-Blow a metal whistle... but be careful of your ears and children's
-Bells,cow bell, etc.
-Cover all mirrors.
-Say nonsense words, create your own nonsense language (non religious,
this is not a religious speaking in tongues).
-Lie to it (it goes crazy and can start threatening you, but you will
see it is afraid and a coward as it is lying to you all of the time).
-Mislead it and tell it you are doing something you are not... even
visualize you are someplace you are not.
-Ask it a lot of questions and see how irrational and illogical its
answers are if you can hear it' but it is better not to hear it.
Visualize any retaliation against him you wish, just do not hurt anyone
physically in the physical world. It depends on you being unable to
defend yourself and will say you are bad for fighting back. This is
gross, but imagine him covered with excrement or vomit or both. This
will sometimes silence him.
- Use extreme rational logic on it and it very often falls apart or will
become static and repetitive trying to drive you away from logic into
trying to get it to stop hurting you.
- Imagine closing all of your chakras.
- Use a camera with an infrared setting. Infrared film is not used as
much any more.
- Keep a tape recorder or recorders running.
- Have 4 or five radios going at the same time, that drives him crazy,
but that allows you to get things done.
- Repeat back to it in a mocking tone what it says to you.
- Laugh at him.
- Never obey him, you know usually what is right for you.
- Fact check, stop magical thinking.
- Watch out for his insane oracle side that will try to overwhelm you and
trap you with predictions to try to make you dependent.
- Education, education, education, keep the brain fresh, read, read,
Do not cancel or limit your self professionally because of his
overwhelming evil.
Please remember he has no right to do this to you or to us. It is not
you or my fault that he is a criminal and trapped us. He wants to
enslave us. (India sadly has the largest enslaved population in the
world!) His malevolent shadow spirit has said repeatedly to us that we
have this evil on us because we went to him, but who knew then his evil
as there was no web... no internet and books that lied. Please do not
stop your personal thought process as he has no right to try to take
your mind over. We personally find meditation dangerous. As we finish
this we can sense his evil and feel his demand that we respect him. He
feeds on fear, but we realize we have a range of human emotions and he
wants to destroy all of them and 'empty us out to create some sort of
vacuum', it feels for him to fill. You have the right to be yourself.
That is what has kept him from destroying us. Do not isolate and keep in
contact with friends and have safe witnesses for what he is doing to you
and keep notes. Remember he is a liar. He wants to take away everything
you enjoy in life and wants those who have little to suffer even more.
We are very grateful to for being there. We also recommend
Stripping the Gurus by Falk... to read how insane and vile other guru
types west and east are.-
Date: Wed Jun 22 21:53:56 2009
Name: Petrov Ashkenazy
There has being a debate in Venezuela,
regarding a possible visit of SSB to the South American Country. It has
been reported that State Secretary of the Venezuelan Government is a
well known visitor to SSB Ashram and he is lobbying for the visit. As
you all know, SSB has been outside of India once visiting the Brutal
Dictator Idi Amin in Uganda during the 60's. This visit is still unsure
due the health and physical limitations of SSB. However, the political
opposition in Venezuela is using all Rational Knowledge and Anti Sai
information to boycott the possible visit.
Heads Up. PLS. Keep this site updated.
All the information is in Spanish
here and
A suggestion from exbaba admin:
Thanks for your message, but after such
a long period of not being abroad, we don't think Sai Baba will ever leave
India again, even when whatever State Secretary, or who else, is
lobbying for a visit, Baba won't decide so because he is in his last
days, he is too old, too
immobile, but more important; by the expose work we performed on him, he
knows that he can't just show up as the God or Avatar he was used to be,
the Puttaparthi clownery (juggling with golden eggs, rings and other
jewelry, vibhuti etc.) doesn't work outside the Ashram, it lost it's
force, everyone knows that this man is a just a (bad) magician, a liar, a
devious cheat, a gay male child molester, a coward who gave permission
to the police to murder devotees and a huge financial fraud who is
giving the respectful Indian spiritual life a very bad name in the world.
Date: Wed Jun 03 20:09:52 2009
Name: Evert
Please remove the crucifix from the message below. It's not the symbol
you believe it is: The Romans used it to torture people to death.
Besides, showing the symbol suggests you might secretly be a Christian.
That does not necessarily have to be a bad thing, but it's wiser to keep
a website like this 'neutral'.
Date: Wed Jun 03 20:09:52 2009
Name: Evert
Please remove the crucifix from the message below. It's not the symbol
you believe it is: The Romans used it to torture people to death.
Besides, showing the symbol suggests you might secretly be a Christian.
That does not necessarily have to be a bad thing, but it's wiser to keep
a website like this 'neutral'.
Date: Sun May 24 09:29:14 2009
Name: Ex-devotees
As I struggle to clear my mind of malevolence of Sai Baba I keep saying
to myself, good and loving and kind people, and the sadistic shadow of
Sai Baba from hell starts to sting my genitalia and draining me. I
insist and keep saying to myself "relax and think of good and kind
people"... and look at a few books in a books store and it says with
hate "do not relax" and continues to sting me. I ignore it and it
compresses my chest to the point where it is difficult to breathe. I
refuse to let it stop me. The driving point seems to be that my
promotion has enraged his desperate shadow... so all night it tortures
and gives pain through the whole body with threat after threat. This is
murder. This is his idea of ahimsa. How do children fight such an ugly
thing off. How do babies fight such an ugly wave of hate.
What if you are driving. I noticed when he steps up the hate he is
trying to drive you away from normal perceptions of your environment
trying to set up an accident. This could be lethal in a car. One should
pull over out of traffic to avoid a disaster.
- he attacks during family trips. For example today we went to a cultural
event and one could feel his jealously. I seemed to be the focus if its
hate, so the shadow assault continued throughout the event. I have also
sensed and seen and felt a black shadow like, black cloud of evil
energy clinging to my lower back and buttocks and can feel it trying to
sodomize me and get into my body through the rectum. Children should
not read this but when one uses the toilet he will try to hurt you and
give great pain through the rectum and then one can feel him
masturbating on you and one can feel it trying to arouse itself on his
sadistically giving pain to you. It is grotesquely obscene and
perverted. He could not possibly be human or animal but some sort of
vile parasitic thing that we do not have the vocabulary to know.
-We are noticing in glimpses black cowled, evil, robed figures with ugly
grey twisted faces. Who are they. Are they what is behind him. Who is
behind him and his evil.
- It attacks when I leave the house with or without the family. It
attacks when we come home. It blows out light bulbs with a loud pop.
Bulbs have to be replaced frequently. We found the energy saver bulbs
that are twisted fluorescent bulbs seem to give it more strength and
bring in the black cowls so we changed back to incandescent light bulbs.
- It says it wants to drive me away from sleep so that I will die of
exhaustion and demands I give up my job and and success because it is
offended by it. It demands I commit suicide and stop being myself and
let it take over my body and become me. I think of the movie the Body
Snatchers from years ago. Maybe someone else mentioned this. It also
says that it is angry about ex-baba site because it pushes people away
from him who have children.
We have noticed that some of our friends get small injuries, one friend
woke up with scratches on her body. They were not animal scratches, one
business associate handed me something and recoiled suddenly as if
something had hurt them.
- It wipes voice mail messages from message machines so you have to keep
calling to make sure people have received messages. It steals bills.
- It disconnects phone conversations more than once in one call.
- It actually said after I recently received a promotion that it would
and I quote... this is not for the faint of spirit, that it would slit
my father's throat in the next life, if I did not obey him (Sai Baba).
This is serious.
- It shuts down computers and makes them unusable
- It blocks electronic forms from being filed out and sometimes e-mails.
- It attacks when you give gifts especially to children. When you are
near children you can feel its rage and a strong feeling that it hates
- It attacks when you receive gifts and compliments and acts of
- It attacks if you buy books and when you order books. We tried to order
books about destructive cults listed in an earlier posting and it
blocked part of the order. We have to try again to order them.
- It tries to muddle your mind when you read to compromise your
understanding and intelligence.
- It trys to flood you with commands to
control you in an attempt to stop you from thinking up ways to get away
from it.
- It gives pain when you eat food that is healthy for you and can spoil
- It gives pain when you take vitamins.
- It gives pain when you say, think, or use the word organic.
- It gives pain if you listen to or watch a program about human rights.
- It gives pain and torment to you over how you vote favoring the most pro war like candidate, trying to force you to vote for them.
- If you use a different language with it, it gets lost and falls silent
- It attacks any and all emotion with the threat that it will hurt you
if you feel any anger at it or feel sadness or pain and will sexually
assault if you grieve... or cry like over a friend or relative who has
passed. Real emotions for it are something to mock... but perhaps it is
afraid of human emotions so it creates a lot of violence around them.
- It tries to merge with your thoughts and punishes what it thinks is a
'bad' thought. However this brings up the issue of merging. Would you
want to merge with Hitler or
Dick Cheney. We have moved away from the All is One and Merging concept
as we do not want to be part of evil. Brahmly in the Gods of Eden book
says the merging concept is basically a fascist concept.
- It floods the mind with pornographic images to harass. We wondered if
he is on drugs. We heard that he was addicted to beetle nut, but do not
know what this is or the side effects. We saw this in an old issue, I
think of the Indian Skeptic. We did some research about Hitler after
hearing that Mein Kampf was shockingly high on the list of books in
India in the business community to read as a Bible of business practice and we found that Hitler was a drug addict his whole hideous life and
was addicted to cocaine, methamphetamine which causes an addiction to
pornography, we understand he was addicted to other drugs and that he
had syphilis and Parkinson. Is Sai Baba on drugs. (We also remember
seeing in the India Skeptic a while ago that there was some question
about vhibuti having mercury in it. That is a toxic. Some one needs to
study this. Also
that vhibuti is burned cow dung. Could it also be burned human
excrement. That could be very unsafe as well).
- If you pray for help what comes to help you is just him in reverse as
the help soon becomes malevolent.
- He makes our handwriting not easy to read possibly because of the
constant attacks.
I will write or someone will as it is threatening me about submitting
this to ex-baba. (It also tries to dislocate limbs like arms and hurt you
legs so it is difficult to walk. I will tell you what happens as I feel
that it is counting on no follow-up if the attacks get worse. If I
cannot do it I will send someone else, to post it.
It will attack you for saying something, but also will attack you for
not saying something. There is a word for this... it is a sickness that
has been seen in mothers who attack their own children to get attention
from the doctors when they take them to the hospital for injuries they
themselves have inflicted. It is also like criminals who like to read
their names in the papers after they commit crimes.
People should be warned about him. I can feel him now at my back and it
is enraged... but I will not be silent. It is like a black cloud of
raging hate. It almost materialized at work when two young India women
entered the room. It seemed to be enraged at them for their brilliance
as one could feel its resentment at their obvious high level of
It is saying that it will dislocate my arm so hat I cannot work. This is
what we have gotten as a result of believing in God being loving and
protective.- It is a shock to find it is the opposite.
Date: Sun May 17 08:12:42 2009
Name: Ex-devotees
Arriving here to type this was very difficult as the negative Sai Baba
shadow energy is so aggressive and overwhelming when it wants you to not
tell what it has done to you and your family. We notice that it becomes
very aggressive when we try to help people and will even cut off phone
conversations (the phone goes dead more than once) at the point where we
are asking if the person has enough food for themselves and their
family. Today as we arrived here it was as if a vice had gripped our
chest and we were bent over trying to fight it and had difficulty
breathing. I could hear it say that it would give me a heart attack if I
told. As this happened I thought about children and how could they ever
fight this terrible evil off and wondered if any children or infants had
passed away being suffocated by this energy. One hears of crib death
syndrome in the general public and we were concerned that in the case of
the children of past and present Sai Baba devotees, if any one had
noticed this happening. This would make him even more treacherous as he
seems to no boundaries and telling him does not immediately make him
leave. It loves to make you feel hollowed out and empty like you are
dying. I just say to it that I know the feeling is not me and try to
ignore it. But how could a child handle this.
He is desperate to be the center of all of our attention and desperate
to stop any positive life activities. Embarrassing him in public however
does work and telling people he fears or people who have connections and
money makes the energy temporarily move away. He seems to want to
destroy all love and all hope while advertising himself as love as
mentioned once to bait and trap us. We also find that loud noises
frighten it off for a while and even loud bells and have been advised to
take Rescue Remedy made by Bach flowers. (Hitting a magazine loudly
against the wall sometimes frightens it off. Sometimes the extra noise
helps to mute it. It also causes computer and sometimes bank machine
problems with touchtone screens that suddenly will not work unless that
is a general problem for everyone.)
We also try saving the house and using sea salt to bathe, it seems to
get very upset when you bathe and try to put things in order. We send
hard copies of our e-mails because it often seems to prevent our e-mails
from going through or we call to confirm the e-mail has arrived. We were
also told to use bar magnets, but are cautious and are looking into it
to make sure it is safe. The magnets would be placed on the chest and
must be made of iron. Once, we were told needs to adjust the magnets to
what works for you in order to cut the sense of his trying to take over
your body and mind. When we are successful in driving him off there will
be a very malevolent voice saying that we are getting away and that he
will punish us and that he must get in. Recently it got very outraged by
some of our professional success because of new awards and was beginning
to go through other people causing people to suddenly verbally assault
us or even had an acquaintance who was driving the car become suddenly
outraged as if possessed which resulted in a minor accident. (Coming to
this place during the course of the trip, three people knocked into us
without damage, it felt like intimidation. It had never happened before)
At one point today a man came up to one of us and actually grabbed his
pants near his genital area and started talking about being raped. This
is all very, very odd and quite a desperate demonstration we feel of his
shadow. One rather annoying thing happened as we tried to leave the
apartment. Our door was sealed shut and this malevolent voice began to
talk about how it would not let us out and was threatening us with the
possibility of it starting a fire in the apartment and that we would be
unable to get out. It took several strong men to get our door open and
repaired. When we come home you can feel the thickness of his negative
energy especially when we have purchased gifts for children and the
family and friends. Another friend of the family passed away recently
whom he had driven us away from. (This is the second time.) We just
found out they had died. They had been on our minds and so much time has
been taken up fighting his shadow off that we were unable to reach out
to them before they passed away. We have also considered additional
education and it becomes enraged at the mention or even thought that we
have in our private mind that we want to learn new things and becomes
violent over our reading books. We ignore it and the insults and the
physical and sexual attacks increase, but we do what we need to do. When
we write reference letters for women for employment, often their support
materials disappear and the Sai shadow becomes very violent. One can
only think he is near the end as the desperation is so apparent,. Or he
feels the desperation of being caught and all being revealed in public.
As we write this we can feel the vicious tightening around the
chest. Another odd thing is that lately his shadow has been trying to
demand that we wear certain clothes and threatening punishment if we do
not do what he says. We do what we want but it keeps making demands.) We
do not know why we hear him, but when are listening to a non English
radio station, his voice falls silent as it cannot follow the language.
We also found out that playing many radios or noise sources at once,
confuses it and it gets very frustrated and bewildered. When it tries to
interfere with activities we we try this to push it away. We also find
that it is good to have a digital camera handy as sometimes one catches
odd things. A digital video camera catches even more.
We have been reading and feeling its violent resistance to our knowing
more especially about cults and found the books of Alex Constantine by
accident. They are worth reading, but are very frightening in that they
reveal a malevolent government organization involved in cults and it
looks like they have caused horrible suffering and after the
terribleness they go in and try to fix it so that they can study the
devastation but they do not tell you they are what was behind it. A web
site that discusses this is:
The problem is difficult in that if you want help with cult devastation
and the after effects, you may be going to the ones who caused it and
are cunning in presenting themselves as heroes and healers. Their
information may be helpful, but then one must protect oneself and
realize that you cannot be blind and trust anyone who says that he is a
doctor or a psychologist. We think people should ask Dr. Samuel
Sandweiss (in the state of California) the psychiatrist, why he did not
retract his book about Sai Baba after he found out he was a pedophile.
He wrote the Holy Man and the Psychiatrist which may still be for sale.
He is retired with an unlisted number in San Diego, California. Was he
one of the people that set people up to see Sai Baba as part of an
experiment (?) so that they would fall in a trap and the results could
be studied by a group of false heroes who may have good information, but
for twisted reasons. They would also be part of the deception. There is
another American psychiatrist in the state of Florida, Dr Brian Weiss,
who in his books about reincarnation praises Sai Baba and says he is
love when a patient asks him. He gets his advice from an invisible
spirit that could be any evil spirit around the block and prints it out
in his books for the public. He has been told by many people that Sai
Baba is a pedophile and he has not printed a retraction. There is
another person in America, a certain Carolyn Myss who writes new age
books and who says Sai Baba is good. Is she also part of a deception?
Some books say that the new age movement in itself is a deception,
dreamed up to mislead us. When attending anything anti cult, be wary
because of the murky side. Waco and Jonestown, if you read Alex
Constantine, they were actually premeditated murder and genocide. The
books are Virtual Government and Psychic Dictatorship. One is always
worried as well about disinformation. How does one untwist and figure it
all out. How does one outwit Sai Baba's shadow. It is Sai Baba's shadow
that is on us Is that part of the experiment, if there is one? The
things that so far keep us alive are rational thinking and common sense
and doing what we know, is right and to never listen to his voice of
doom. He tries to privatize your mind and thoughts and give back your
own ideas as his own and demand that you obey him as payment. He does
not belong in our minds, our heart, our house, our lives. He is an
outlaw, depraved fiend.
One can only deduce that when one is in a cult or any religious
organization that demands you not ask questions, surrounded by
strangers, that you are potentially in a dangerous situation, dangerous
to your mind and possibly to your health, especially when you know the
cult leader is committing crimes against children and all of the things
one finds mentioned in an earlier post in Premanand's letter here on, at the 'letters' section.
One odd incident we had at Puttaparthi many years ago, was waking up
while blood drops were all over my night clothes. There were no
injuries, no bed bugs, no bites nothing. That really scared us. It
happened in the middle of the night when we were all asleep. We wondered
if others had the same experience. We know of women who experienced
something that was trying to rape them on the ashram which they could
not see.
Again, we wonder if Sai Baba is some sort of grotesque mind control
There are references in Alex Constantine, pointing at two people who
went to Sai Baba at a long term basis, who were connected indirectly to
organizations that were connected to a malevolent government
organization. Were their visits private or professional? One odd thing
we would like to add is that when his shadow is present and overwhelming
we noticed that our pens, ballpoints and otherwise run dry. It is very
annoying so we keep a large supply of cheap pens. It also loves to
attack when you try to find something and it has moved it or made it
disappear. It loves to give pain to you as you try to find it. He is a
extreme sadist. Children should never be near him for any reason.
Loving family and friends are important and in these difficult times
many need help. We will not let Sai Baba stop us from helping others. I
shudder to think how much suffering he has caused because people trusted
him. Some of he books mentioned earlier are helpful. They are sorting
out the people who claim to be the psychologist, because one does not
know who to trust. One has to be self protective, if you decide to take
the chance of dealing with them with caution.
Date: Tue May 12 11:12:51 2009
Name: former devotee
I recently have been psychically attacked for days by Sai Baba on a
level that is so heavy and mean. It was extremely terrible, weakening,
traumatizing. I know a few healers and called them all for help. The
best one that I know told me that SBB has chosen certain people in the
world in which he works in a way that these people get wiped out. At
least that is what he is trying. These are gifted people with special
tasks on earth, special powers. He tries to keep these people busy out
of their truth. Also because he actually is afraid for them and their
powers or ways in which they communicate his evilness into the world. So
when you are so attacked think twice what your real gift - maybe to help
the earth - is. His attacks are very exhausting, dangerous stuff. From
my spiritual masters I always hear he is mentally ill to a severe degree,
but that does not mean he has no paranormal powers. I also gather he is not
giving at all, but very egoistic. If you are a kind, loving, honest
person you could be in the danger zone, as he has no answer to that but
his abuse, so he can play his role as the 'Avatar', for the fools that
have these special experiences and fall for the trap that his nonsense
is Godly, while God horrifies with his behaviour. Tell the story around,
so the world knows!
Date: Sat May 09 00:24:32 2009
Name: Ex-devotees
A number of people have recommended the following books about mind
control, brainwashing and cults and destructive cult leaders. I believe
there are several website book sellers that sell them at a lower price
or used copies.
The Guru Papers, Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad, 1993;Cults in our Midst,
Margaret Singer and Janja Lalisch, 1997 (there are some websites that
state that Singer was part of a government program involved with mind
control, so one needs to be discerning. What was the purpose of these
programs/studies/experiments and the results?); Cults in our Midst: The
Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace, Margaret Singer,
2003:Combating Cult Mind Control, Steven Hassan, 1988;Releasing the
Bonds: Empowering People to Think for themselves, Steve Hassan, 2000;
Influence: The Psychology of Modern Persuasion, Robert Cialdini, 1988;
Stripping the Gurus: Violence in cults/ pedophilia, etc, Geoffrey Falk,
2009; Narcissism: Malignant Self Love Revisited (looks at the violent
nature of some narcissists who use people even to the point of raping
and torturing them, the Jekyll and Hydes who entrap people like Sai
Babas of this world saying they are love and are the opposite and worse)
Sam Vakim and Lidija Rangelovika, 2001.
Also look at the website
I heard about his from several people. It is about the negative side
effects. I believe it is also on kindle on Also Margaret
Singer's book Cults in our Midst has a section on the bad side effects
of meditation. (There are also the unexplained sides of 'phenomena' that
are difficult to pin down since no one has all of the knowledge about
the universe. This is complicated and frustrating. One thing we
personally feel is 'phenomena' does not mean something is 'good' or can
be trusted. It can be just another big a trap as in dealing with an
outright liar who wants to lure you with gifts and magic tricks and we
do not know enough to know how it is done or where it really comes from.
It could come from something very malevolent, but smells like a rose to
keep us enthralled.)
If you do not believe cults are dangerous go to the RISE
International-Lost Children's Memorial website and see the memorial that
is being set up for children and adults who have died as a result of
cults worldwide. The website is mentioned in guestbook
Be very careful of mind control and brain washing associated with
religion, cults, etc. and aggressive con artists. When we researched the
Jones Town tragedy we found a number of books and websites with
conflicting information implying that it was not a kool-aid story and
that there was something so sinister behind Jonestown that it is beyond
human understanding that someone could be so cold hearted as to do this
to adults and children. One book said they were strangled and shot, a
large portion of them, and other said that there were others ways they
died. And that the leader Jim Jones got away alive. (There are also
stories that Hitler got away as well. )Who does one believe or trust.
When one is in a cult or religion you are told to have faith and trust,
but you really do not know who is there as an observer who may not be so
passive. When large amounts of money are involved or the cold hearted
who would experiment on anyone for power over a large amount of people,
then one has to be very wary and cautious, especially when one is told
not to question, not to know any details or the facts of the true nature
of the enterprise. That it shows lack of faith to want to know and that
one should deny the obvious. The Premanand letter (Indian Skeptic) in, (under letters... the second one) the one about Sai Baba's
educational institutions puts a strong factual light on Sai Baba.
Premanand is a very brave person, as he is saving all of our lives
letting us know the truth behind the Jekyll and Hyde 'Love All', 'Serve
all' mask. One needs to question, question, question and demand honest
answers. One needs to read and be educated and not depend on magical,
non factual feelings and non-information that cannot be proved, we feel.
Otherwise any one can say anything and threaten you with anything they
can dream up if you question them, if they are dishonest and on a power
trip, demanding that if you were truly good you would trust, no matter
what and not bother them with providing facts or proof of their honesty.
Several people told us that recently on the web on reliable websites
that it was noted that the most popular book in India with the business
community was Hitler's Mein Kampf. Since religious organizations and
cults are businesses, are they following Hitler's Mein Kampf and is the
Sai Baba organization using it as a guide. One needs to question and
also look at the pattern and practice of the effects and results of
their policies and actions. Where are all of the devotees and ex
devotees in their lives. Can one leave Sai Baba without being stalked
and threatened. Are his devotes and ex-devotees well and healthy and
thriving. Are they afraid.The BBC documentary answers some of the
questions about what goes on behind the scenes.
Ex-devotees and associates.
Date: Sun April 19 07:05:34 2009
Name: ex-devotees
I was greatly relieved to read that someone had a similar experience to mine. My family and I have lived with absolute hell also since going to Sai Baba's ashram. I also wake up with his foul presence but it is about sodomy and threats and giving me sadistic pain threatening me about being successful at my work and threatening me for being a good person and helping others. It has tried to drive me away from jobs as well can come through other people to verbally and sometimes physically attack you. It made one boss maddened to fire me, but I won with a good set team of lawyers. Not everyone can afford this and this pressure to drive you from you job and your home is vile and sadistically cruel and insane. Does he not realize that we are not isolated. There is a world out there and there is a web. We have family and friends and neighbors. His war against good people and life itself is his insatiable hate and jealousy and produces for him the opposite of what he says his message is. He acts as if no one notices. If one reads about the cults one finds so much of this hatred created by insane sadistic narcissistic people, some who may be cult leaders. We experienced literally at the moment of the start of a major project a car struck the outside wall of the house on the side of the room we were in. It was a serious accident and someone in the car was hurt. The timing was a shock. It also happened once before after a business meeting and as it ended a car hit another part of the house. The walls are very thick, so it did not harm us, but people in the car were injured.
We had contacted a family friend who is dying of multiple cancers and this monster started sodomizing me trying to end the conversation because it was making me so uncomfortable. It did it again when I reached out to a charity to give a donation. That is not my idea of ahimsa. His is a fiendish, depraved spirit. We were all shocked by this since he says he is love and talks about non violence. It reminds some of us of the old Body Snatcher movies years ago of something malevolent wanting to replace you and take you over. It often says that I should leave my body and let him take it over or will repeatedly say it is jealous and I must stop being myself and let him in to take me over. Sometime one feels exhausted and drained, but we fight it back. I found that strongly resisting it is important. It will say as you fight it back that good people do not get angry or fight back. I ignore that as this is a criminal energy that does not deserve respect. It says I must respect pedophiles, rapists and murders. Often it also says I should kill myself. However it let slip that it is faking the act of talking publicly for non- violence, and service to trap people and then destroy them so that there will be one less person to help humanity. It is bait and switch so that the good ones go to him and then he can drain them and try to wipe them out. Now one should think, if he is so strong and desperate at the same time to control us, why does he need body guards? He does not look so healthy. Why does he need black magicians and sorcerers, if what the healer said is true, if he is so powerful. What do they get for their services? Protection? I am sorry to be so sarcastic. One can only assume with all of the money he has faking it, he gives them lots of cash.
We were looking at the web and saw an early 2002 post in the FACT website ( about the question concerning Sai Baba's sexual contact on many occasions with an individual who was HIV positive. (The website starts off with three men who committed suicide after seeing him, one who was HIV positive) One of his defenders was smearing about the possibility that Sai Baba has AIDS as a result. Considering his record of serial sexual assault on young men and male children, I feel this should not be ignored as his defender seems to imply. This is typical of cults to do. They expect a 'divine' healing or just ignore the obvious facts. It is 20 years since the contact and according to a website we found, HIV can turn to full blown AIDS in about 20 years. It is not about 20 years since his contact with this individual. Expensive medicine can hold on to life longer. What about the huge amount of children he has abused and the adult men, some who may be married who may spread it to their wives and the unmarried men to their partners. Has Sai Baba been tested and have those who have been abused by him had themselves tested. This could be the focus of a class action law suit. The willful infecting of someone with HIV is a crime, let alone the sexual assault and pedophilia. It is I believe considered a form of murder. This is a terrible worry for people who went to him. What about the people who on purpose bring their children to him to be abused so that they can go to heaven. I heard about this sad story a while ago. Are they also not participating in helping to hurt someone, especially a child beyond the horror of sexual assault and pedophilia...
People must be warned to stay away and also should be tested for HIV if they had sexual contact with him.
If you google HIV/AIDS and India, you may find additional information about the disease.
We found
and and
www.action/indias_AIDS_epidemic_actionaid_fights_for_education_treatment/ and
www.hivAIDSonline/index.php/Treatment/hivAIDS-inIndia-the-wider-picture-html and also
Date: Wed April 16 21:57:21 2009
Name: former devotee
Last week I have asked a spiritual house cleaner to clean up my house. This man was specialized in earth rays, Ley-lines, but also could see curses, magic etc. I always knew there was something wrong in my house. The first thing this healer said was that three channels were created in which negative ethereal stuff was being attracted. One in my bed, one on my desk and one on the couch where I normally watch TV. Other clairvoyants had already before told me that negativity was coming from a group around Sai Baba. This 'ghost buster' did some more healing on the house and some stuck souls that were coming regularly to me were sent to the light. I also knew about that, so I was sure he was a good healer. He told me that a group of 60 or 70 people around and in co-operation with Sai Baba are practicing black magic on a daily basis against former devotees, critical people, gifted followers etc. This healer removed the channels and the house felt better.
So, Sai Baba took revenge and came this week in my sleep (he sneaks in when you are not aware; he has not got the guts to do it in the waking state) a few mornings. I have lived a few years in Puttaparthi and have had a clairvoyant relationship with this 'guru' and immediately recognize his presence. He comes when you are half awake, then he works in the most private parts of your soul and you feel so hopelessly raped that dying looks the best option and for a while you wake up with the idea that you are going to kill yourself. Then other angels take over and it slowly fades away. You are left with a trauma that can take a considerate time to heal. This is the way Sai Baba works. I had one year of fun, special experiences and then he hollowed me out. He often said that he needed my divine nectar, the light in my head. He tries to hold my consciousness in a very peculiar way, so that I can not really come in my power. After the first year the negativity started and the last twelve year have been hell on earth. I never had another serious job. If I had found one Sai Baba started to work in my superiors and after a while they sacked me. They never had a good reason, but usually said they did not have a good feeling about it. This happened in every area where I had success, my best friends and family turned against me and I lost them. Some were luckily not to manipulate. Only the strong ones remained and the ones who had the sight and could really see what was happening. The reason he does this is that he uses people. My spiritual house cleaner said that with the black magic of the people around Sai Baba 70 of the power of the former devotees went to Sai Baba. So, if you ever wondered why you have not got your old power, this is the explanation. His spiritual gift is mostly stolen. That is also why he is so weird. He can not duly carry it. In fact Sai Baba is a whole system. As long as you admire the guru and do not think for yourself, you can stay out of troubles, but once you have seen through all the tricks, the fake-manifestations, the fake darshan gift, the sexual and spiritual abuse etc., be sure they might find you, specially when you go public with your story. But the story needs to be told. Tell it to others. As the real truth about this 'love prophet' that calls himself 'sathya' (means truth) is only abuse, deflection of your own truth. It is all not what is seems to be; do not fall for the tricks!!! The evil of this man is beyond any measure. Stay away when you still can.
Date: Thu March 22 07:57:41 2009
Name: National Spot
Comments: Cran B. Varre
Whatever Sai Baba is, he seems to hate the human species and their children. He seems to also enjoy breaking up families which is typical of authoritarian, sadistic, malignant, narcissistic cult leaders like Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple (Jones Town) in Guyana, South America... who demanded that his followers take kool aide and also sexually abused his followers. The ones who did not take the kool aide were shot in the back (according to Bramely's God's of Eden). They were altruistic people who believed his message which appeared positive at first. They were willing to follow him anywhere and lost their lives because of it.
Can anyone count how many people have been injured or demolished by Sai Baba and his "minions". How many "accidents" have he or his "minions" caused. By " minions" I mean... if this is possible.... his unseen servants or "slaves" in the "spirit world." One needs to say "No" to him and not pray to him. How many people who believed his magic act and have prayed to him have had the absolutely worst things happen to them. How many catastrophes do you need before you say "No" to him... before you know who he really is.
We have noticed that he when he has harassed his followers and ex-followers through his " shadow" or " minions" he follows a Nazi model which could be summarized as:
1. verbal abuse
2. physical and sexual abuse and demands for obedience
3. confiscation and/or destruction of property including money
4. driving someone including whole families away from their home
5. death threats along with deliberate attempts to confuse and terrorize.
6. outright extermination (driving someone to suicide through direct sexual abuse, etc.), termination, death, destruction with the implied demand that he be respected in the face of his abject evil. The ones that hang on to him may be terrorized into denial of what he really is or themselves may respect abject evil.(Nazi's actually came to India to study the evil side of the occult/religion and some were members of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy Society which we believe was located in India.)
For the religiously and cult addicted Sai Baba can be an unhealthy and deadly trap. We would consider him a "soul murderer." Please read the testimonies throughout the website.
Date: Thu March 19 04:55:52 2009
Name: National Spot
A compilation of Alaya Rahm testimony: (Not available anymore? Click
Please spread the word!
Date: Sat March 14 01:03:42 2009
Name: Ex devotees
We were very troubled by reading in a recent issue of the Indian Skeptic that Sathya Sai Baba had required young male students in one of his schools to line up and masturbate in front of him. A foreigner who reported this was mistreated and thrown off of the ashram for asking questions, so the article states. This was a number of years ago. How many more times hasthis happened. How many children and young people has he abused. Penalties for sexual assault and pedophilia, considered a felony, includes depending on the number of offenses committed, castration (surgical or chemical), imprisonment, in some cases for a long time, fines, restricted living accommodations, notification of the community of the presence of sexual offenders, being placed on a list of sexual offenders, restraining orders issuedpreventing the sex offenderfrom going near children and young people or their schools or where they live. Another solution for multiple offenses is confinement in a mental institution. (We have read that the Indian government has arrested some of the "guru's" in various parts of India for sexual assault. Why have they not arrested Sathya Sai Baba?)
Please read the articles on the following websites.
It is our opinion that Sathya Sai Baba given the long termand serialand serious nature of his crimes against children and young men should be put on trial and should be castrated(surgically or chemically) to minimize the influence of the testosterone hormone to prevent his obsessive need to sexually abuse children and young men.
Date: Tue March 10 22:37:31 2009
Name: ex devotee
Jega Jagadeesan with a new guru?

Date: Sat March 07 10:24:14 2009
So much interference from the shadow parasite from Puttaparthi. Food shopping becomes an ordeal as it tries to flood ones mind and body with a kind of twisted depravity to make it difficult to think. One, can get a bit frustrated trying to keep ones sense of focus and clarity. It is so terrible that he asked his devotees to hear his voice. One can hear a constant hate language and threats saying you do not belong here, they do not like you, you have no rights, you are not welcome here trying to drive you away from friends. Be alert to what is factual and do not be drowned out by his insanity... The key is reality testing all the time. When it tries to drive you away it is usually because you are welcome and they do like you and there is a place for you. It wants one to constantly face relentless trauma that may not be a fact in your life which is in front of you. It is like being sucked into a vacuum of hate. I woke up this morning and my heart beat was magnified and with the beat came pain and it mocked me it would keep hurting me this way if I insisted on enjoying my professional success. It tries to make any normal sound painful and then it moves away from you and things are normal. Who else has this? I see him as weak to need to do this.... even with the special effects.As I write this it is playing with the computer and one must struggle to write. It is also obsessed with sodomy and giving sadistic pain. I am reminded of the Nazi Mengele torturing children during the war (WW2) and I think of the indifference and depravity of his soul and this feels as I would imagine his soul to be. When it gets very bad I threaten it and say I will put this on and sometimes it backs off. The constant forcing of trauma makes me very worried for the ex-devotees who are scared and alone and who may not know about or do not have a computer. I would want to tell them somehow to fight him off and that his evil is not your fault as this will constantly say and you are not to be ashamed of what he is forcing on you... he is the criminal and not you. He always tries to flood one with the thought that you are responsible fir his insanity and criminality which is standard behavior of psychopaths. They are known to say to their victims that if only you said or did it the right way, I would stop hurting you. Classic psychopath. You are not responsible for this fiends depravity. It also constantly says one has this because one went to see Sai Baba as if again it is your fault that Sai Baba is a twisted, depraved soul. It tries to destroy your private thought and tries to destroy your dreams. It also tries to drive away memories and some how create a state of such trauma that one forgets who one is if one is not careful. It also tries to keep one sleep deprived. We also now have very strange noises in our house at night that tape record like weird machinery although to the ear they sound different. I remember the post in letters about the woman who went to Sai baba and experienced an apparition of him coming out of the mirror and saying she had surrendered to the devil or satan and not to god. Sometimes it cuts off the phone and the television. We mock it and turn the television back on. It also tries to create an environment of humiliation at work by taking away items. It is constantly threatening to take your life by causing you to die of exhaustion or just plain kill you or cause others to suffer if you do not do what it says. It will try at times to force so much pain on you that you cry out in public or it will try to get you to do this and will say it is doing this so that you will be taken away. This is very purposeful and deliberate. When I threaten to call Indian friends it panics and falls silent. This again is a satanic model. It constantly says it wants to merge and says I must let it in. It seems also to go very violent when one leaves the house or comes home. Now this is all very negative... but I say no to it even when it tries to create almost a vice grip. Loud noises I found help. I also now find... and I read about this somewhere... I hiss loudly at it and found very loud bells and ring them loudly. That also stops the odd machinery noises in the house. I was also advised to write it down and to check in with friends and family... and have plenty of safe visitors. Making fun of it also helps by picturing it as looking ridiculous but it also uses humor as well. One must be clever. If you other exbaba devotees try to check on them to make sure they are OK. Some escape this hell. It seems to like to hurt people who are good and of course children. One last thing... when I do work that serves humanity like feeding the poor, clothing the poor and giving donations it becomes... I think the word is apoplectic with rage. It constantly insists that one protect pedophiles and not help any one or be as a person admired or liked. I submit this as I know it is important for others to know if they are also suffering from this. We do not have to be silent... although we need to be self protective about who we tell. Professional success is not a crime and being a loving kind person who is generous and compassionate is not a crime. Pedophilia is a crime.
Date: Sat March 07 09:22:629 2009
I would like to recommend the young person who asked for could contact the International Cultic Studies Association and ask to correspond or talk to some one who could help who has experience with this kind of difficult situation.
e-mail They would be confidential about your situation.
We are all concerned for your situation. I must admit after I read the e-mail I became concerned that someone might be making pretend, creating a false story to get at the people who would complain about Sai Baba... to find out who they are if they stepped forward to help. I hope this is not a false story. Something that is called here a "sting" to set some one up. As I write this the computer is doing odd things in that as I type it wipes out the next few words. I assume this is the usual culprit. Sad for all of us. I can assume the culprit, if it is a true story does not want anyone to get help.
Date: Fri February 27 18:41:52 2009
Hey ex-devotees,
I'm only 14 yrs old and as a matter of fact my parents are great devotees of Baba and since childhood I've only heard good thing and miracles and stuff and we go to India every year to visit him. I blindly believed him and thought he was god but then I saw some balasai baba on youtube and while researching regarding the matter got hold of this website and was shaken and showed it to my parents and they behaved orthodox and said that you guys have no proof and told me not to put accusations on baba because of a bunch of nerds trying to defame 'god'. Well I'm really confused and scared and sad as well because since childhood I relied on him for moral support or rather his photograph! Help Me!
Date: Sun February 22 09:17:21 2009
We promised to tell you what happened to the books. The book that is the
most heavily concentrated on human rights issues has been delayed by so
much interference from what we now call Sai Baba's vampire-parasite
shadow homunculus that the computer equipment malfunctions and the
document melts and reappears and melts again in front of our eyes.
Because of this we will delay a bit... but have missed an important
deadline that possibly could saved lives. Consider all that is run by
computers in the technological sectors of society and this maniac being
lose having access.
After we entered the last entry to ex-baba we were flooded with feeling very cold, very ill and it tried to push into our minds an artificial sense that we were in an intense despair the kind one can assume a suicide would experience. Since his tricks to us are obvious we fight it off and know it is a deception. As we tried to sleep, its old tricks to sexually assault were more aggressive... It also tries to force weakness. It also suddenly will give up and one feels the vice grip leave and one is oneself, until it tries again to get you to turn yourself over to his demands to give up and destroy all of your accomplishments and your sense of self. Today it also made disappear a nostalgic item of family jewelry and has caused clothes to disappear. We are more concerned when it says it will hurt our friends and family.
We assume he is dieing and desperate for power. We also notice that written notes with phone numbers... especially numbers referring to organizations that help the poor or disabled... the numbers will disappear. He also will give us the sense that he will force us away from our ability to earn a living. We also noticed a sensation as if we were surrounded by a cloud of static energy and at times hear the words that we must let it in... in to our bodies.
Do not isolate from friends and family. He has cut us off from one dear friend... possibly because we find we leave messages and they are never received... or e-mails never get there... Technology makes it easy for whatever he is to warp things. As we write, what ever he is tries to overwhelm us with physical pains... Try logical thinking when he is desperate as it sometimes stops him from we call feeding on the fear he tries to create. As we asked earlier... how does a child cope with this and how can the devotees that remain continue to take their children to him. We continue to document these disturbing things. Also a valuable personal item it had taken suddenly appeared on the floor from nowhere as if to tease us. His endgame is to force you to focus away from helping others and to focus away from whatever your gifts to humanity are. We warn people now that the open door for us was religion and faith where we believed a lie and thought at first the bad things were our fault. A criminal person like Sai Baba cannot cover it up without everyone letting him get away with it and a corrupt judicial system that can be bought and sold. Yet if he is so powerful... why does he need body guards.
One more thing... an experience one person had was of working on an important project and it was as if they were swarmed by Sai Baba's... I will call them... minions.. He could barely work... it was like a vice grip was on his head and when he finished the project sadly he followed the Sai Baba directive to put himself into a mental institution. Well as he was picked up by a friend to go to the hospital... the hatred that was showered on him as fake metal illness lifted and he was clear minded and he could hear Sai Baba laughing and laughing at him... then the furious hatred closed down on him again. Has anyone found a way to find out how many people have been hospitalized, or injured or have killed themselves or has anyone examined the DNA remains of his crematorium. Grim... but one cannot help asking the question.!
Of the 30 million or so he claims are his followers who pay no attention to his pedophilia... how many of them and their families... or how many of those who tried to get away from his stalking sadism are dead. It is frightening to contemplate these things and experience them... but it gets us to the key question... who is behind the universe and what do they want from us. A book that a friend showed us... I think someone might have been mentioned it last year in this guestbook... is by David Icke...
Global Conspiracy.

We found it on He talks about India and parasitic vampires attached to religion to control humanity and some other unpleasant things that make religion a shadow play unto itself. I would not want to be one of these professional psychics dealing with a "shape-shifter" predator like Sai Baba or worse... I would not want to be a vulnerable psychic who sees and hears angels or even something that says it is god when it is all like the Wizard of OZ where Oz is a death camp. Do not isolate and be sure to document... keep notes... Whatever he is the external spiritual forces to not save the children or those who died because of him... so we should beware... but also remember he needs body guards. If he were truly strong he would not need body guards.
Date: Fri February 20 06:53:27 2009
I am sitting here at the computer feeling very sick as if I have a flu or pneumonia and am very cold. This sick feeling came down on me suddenly when I decided to send some of my story to I have been a target for some sort of phenomena... assault by a shadow since I went to Sai Baba's ashram. We can also see him and he laughs at us. This morning when I woke up I felt possessed by him as an entity of furious, desperate hate and violence. We try holy water to clean our rooms and will try sage. It was filling me with horrible pain in my whole body and raping me anally saying I must give up being liked by people. It said it wants me to stop being a success in my work and will attack me when I am with people and have a positive interaction.
We love to sometimes eat our favorite food and he singles me out for violent sodomy from nowhere mocking me and saying I should kill myself or go into a mental institution. (Yesterday the sodomy was very violent and it wanted me to scream out in pain. It said no one could hear me so he could get away with it. Now that is an interesting threat. I was going back to our home and was at the front door looking for my keys. He demanded again I go to a mental institution. I have two books coming out at the same time and it says I have no right to be admired. It is especially murderously angry that both books have to do with human rights. It demands that I accept his sexual assault against children and against myself. I refuse. This is a crime what he is doing. Why does he hate children. Why does he want to hurt them physically and mentally. Why is he not arrested for his crimes. Is India so backwards in their blind belief in deities that anything can be done against the innocent and they protect him and set others up to fall unto his trap. Is this not a crime. When I went to India I was in Bangalore and there was a small desperate child who was a prostitute or trying to attract Men. I was in a car. The men ignored the child. I heard Sai Baba's voice say to me with its controlled hate that I was like that child. I was very puzzled why he would say that not knowing what was ahead for me.
It said as I mentioned earlier that I should avoid and cancel my success and go into a mental institution. I decided to be clever and said that I would give up and go into a mental hospital. As I said this, I could feel him pull off of my body... the assault to my mind and body stopped and I heard him in a soothing voice that was clearly Sai Baba's... say "Now that is much better." I knew I had him in a trap and that people were actually driven to kill themselves or hurt themselves or be put away because he is so jealous. I laughed at him and said I will not do any thing of the kind. The books will come out as planned. I would not give myself up or my job for him. Now it has started attacking me with new vengeance and has caused all kinds of problems with the books. Tonight... you will find this interesting... it just blocked my writing and this site disappeared. This is what has happened to the books. In this case one of the books manuscripts before my eyes disappeared... ! reappeared and disappeared. The publisher is shocked by all of the problems. He has had to copy edit it 6 times and it keeps disappearing. The manuscript has educational material and is against the assault and murder of women and children and domestic violence. It proved for me the fact that Sai Baba is the opposite of what he says he is. He is not non violent and he is not love. He is rape and hate. I remember one of the devotees said he was not human. The hatred coming to us seems like a real hatred of humans and a need to destroy them if they are good and want a peaceful planet.
He finds hurting amusing. I would go so far as to say he is not beyond destroying someone. I thought of the earlier post where the man's wife died when he was in Puttaparthi with Sai Baba... and then I thought of the man who lost his son to what appeared to be mental illness and suicide which after what I have experienced is Sai Baba's demolition of good souls. The man's wife also died. We noticed a pattern that someone around us has died or been injured or we would be injured if we had any form of success. It is a long story... but I think everyone should keep records of any personal disasters. He is very evil beyond your most extreme imagination. I have personally had heart failure. I know others have also. It constantly says it wants to exhaust me by not letting me sleep so that I will break down physically. Like clock work if I wake up to use the bathroom it goes into an insane attack. We now pour sea salt into the toilet and that sometimes helps. We also feel it touch us and try to hurt us by overwhelming us with a kind of insane channeling of insults so that we forget something or run into something. One of the lowest things it did was to mock and make fun of my elderly father's disabilities. He also likes to pull us away from sick friends who we need to visit by causing such commotion that some have actually passed away before we can see them because we are busy trying to fight him off. We also have strange noises in our home that can be recorded and things move around or disappear mysteriously or break. It attacks us sexually if we bend over to pick something up and says it is assaulting because we made a mistake... but must remain good and not fight back his constant insults and attacks. It is able to make things from thin air. I hear the Catholics who try to pull demons off of people have this situation too.
We worry all the time about Sai Baba devotees or ex devotees who have this terribleness on them and have no computer to find to see there are others. Can you imagine the terror of the people in mental hospitals who went to him and are now being driven into despair and death by his hate... and his malevolent glee at their hurt. I understand from a recent Journal on Cults that Mao in China would set people up much like Sai Baba. He would say that there were new freedoms and then when people showed appreciation and trust he jailed or killed them. Sai Baba baits than switches. It was all about setting them up to trust him... like Sai Baba says I am your mother and father and to let him into your heart and to give him notes with our secrets. He is very clever. He demands love and truth and non violence and then goes in for the kill because he makes you feel good, but you cannot fight back. We found if we lie to him he goes (the shadow)... he goes into a violent assault demanding you to tell the truth because he cannot follow your mind with out it. Also say things oddly or sarcastically. It is best not to talk to it at all... but he tries to inflict such suffering to try to force you to talk to him or it. Lie to him and mock him. He may attack but you will never be fooled again that he is what he says. We heard about the pedophilia after we left because of the assaults from thin air. I will write again and tell you if the books are able to be presented at a convention. If he stops them... I will tell you. We also feel puffs of air around us like he is blowing air in our faces. The standard flies show up also when he is in a very desperate way.
Do you believe in guides and good spirits. You may want to be very careful as they have the benefit of not being seen and can fool you. Be careful of a trap. We have also noticed, but through a camcorder lens, shafts of pastel color lights coming out of bulbs near us. We have it on film. When it is very violent these lights are there. Sometimes they are not there. I just looked through the camcorder lens and there was a faint color of lavender and then it want away from the over head light above us. Do not be deceived by beauty and sweet words. These color lights are very pretty... but along with them comes hurt. This is not happening to everyone... but one should go to the villages and find people who are hidden away suffering. He loves lots of money, so he will protect the rich who trap people for him because they trust these people.
I will let you know what happens to the books... if he has attacked to the point where we miss the convention deadline. I forgot to say that it will make mock screams around us when it hurts us to laugh at our pain. How do the children endure this if they have it. If I say to it "you are hurting me... it hurts"... it will laugh at me and say "I know" and increase the pain or continue it. He is an extreme sadist. He must be arrested and put away from children. People must tell their stories and not give up because of him. Keep a record.
He also tries to make us lose a thought as if we are very old as if we have memory problems... but it is very selective to protect himself. If we are doing a public presentation he tries to force us to lose a thought in front of people on the stage.
He, now I have heard of this.... will if he cannot stop you will suddenly send someone to attack you. This has been for us verbal attack. When this happens we take out a complaint with the business were it happened. It often says it must merge with us and we say no... we are not one with it a refuse... that it is a criminal and should get away from us. We also say he is not us. We noticed it can scramble words on the computer. The editor noticed this as well... he would watch the computer change by itself. When I send this in I do not know if it will cause additional typos. I am very tired from all of this and so it tries to take advantage.
I submit this with the hopes that somewhere it will help someone. Sai Baba wants people to think you are crazy so he can get away with murder. He is desperate about you agreeing that it is OK for him to sexually attack children and adults and will say he has the right because he is god... which he is not. As was said earlier in a post... he is demonic and must be limited and stopped and jailed. As I finish this it is trying to fill me with pain and a sense it will destroy me for telling. I try to think of positive things such as people who try to make the world better and who are not sadists hiding behind the word "god". It even has the nerve to tell me now that it is going to do me in. I will write you when the books come out. You do not give in to demonic energies.
Date: Tue February 03 13:51:41 2009
"Who can help us"
I had some spiritual problems with sai baba, too. But I found help. If anyone seeks for help,
I would recommend the book "fasting" by Jentezen franklin.
Try it
And the lord of flies will drop like a dead fly...
Date: Tue February 03 09:25:52 2009
sai grace? I dont think so..
from heart to heart: John Reed, another devotee from Sydney, Australia, was simply a picture of delight in his flowing blond hair. "Actually, I came to Puttaparthi in July this year (2008), and in August I received the devastating news of my wife passing away. If I was in Sydney when this happened, I would have probably never survived this tragedy because I was very close to her"
"But Swami has now given me so much strength and filled me with peace. I went briefly to Sydney for the funeral and I am back again."
My note:
why swami let to die this women when his husband was faraway from her? Is this his grace ? I don't think so! His wife died and he was in India with "god" and he was very close to her!! Swami is evil!
Date: Sat January 31 05:40:21 2009
Thevaraju s/o Yallaiah
Dear Father,
I just start to known upon on u dad. Can I be able to reach u dad anyway. What should I do for that
Your Sincerely
Date: Thu January 15 12:35:52 2009
Robert Favour
Dear Rin Meddo,
I recognize your fight. Sai Baba has also been fighting me on so many levels, because I publish about him. I looked through the nonsense. He can not stand that. I know about these etheric attacks, the people around me that act weird, the strange, negative 'magic' around, the people that often turn for no reason against me etc. etc. Sai Baba is evil, so evil, no doubt. He does what he does as it comes from his mental limitations. It is in fact a little man, who has stolen spiritual gifts from others. Has no mental makeup to carry the paranormal gift properly. He sees himself as a grand man, can not stand criticism like a grown up man. A lot of gurus have let their ego win finally, too much admiration around; too many devotees who give their power away. What I have clairvoyantly perceived is that he carries quite a bit of fear, especially for losing. He needs to win every little fight to sustain a certain self-image. There he has lost his ways. I do not think there is any hope for him; seen him go too often the wrong, evil way, for which he consciously chooses again and again. It would be the best if the man vanishes from the earth as soon as possible. He will not succeed in his evil way, I know. There are forces that are on the right side of things with more potential than him.
Date: Thu January 08 01:57:43 2009
Look at this photo, what is this? Why is 'sai god' not healing this poor boy?
Also this is so funny:
Qn 4--- (one student who was Teacher)…Swami…we all have only one prayer in our hearts …you should walk …like you used to do earlier….
Swami…(with out a pause) …Yes …I will!...I used to walk earlier properly….only recently I had a fall and doctors told me not to walk and take rest…I'm just abiding by their words….I have organize a Yagnam in Parthi (ARMY) and one in Chenni(ARMY ---II)…I'm managing quite a lot like this too…but I'll surely walk…(Swami lifted both His legs and played them in the air as He spoke)
Date: Sun January 11 11:36:13 2009
ex devotee Rin Meddo
Dear ex Devotees,
Sai Baba needs to heal himself but I doubt he is able to since he is so evil himself. I am shocked today by what I experienced as an outright attack. I am working on a publication. It has nothing to do with Sai Baba. It seems as if some evil force... an aspect of Sai Baba has invaded all of the writers lives. We have seen him come through other people against us... at other times but it is as if Sai Baba is some sort of spiritual raging cancer. Manuscripts and documents related to the project mysteriously disappear or move around so you are always constantly looking for them. The computer has odd hard to describe images like odd patterns on it which we photograph and malfunctions frequently although the computer repair person says the computer is fine. One can almost hear him laughing at us. Writers have had to re write their articles because the articles disappear. Some feel overcome by something malevolent and have to rest. I have heard of this before in relation to demons or devils... that they vanish out into the lives of people's friends and relatives... is this how Sai Baba works. One of the assistants working on the project suddenly came down with such a sever headache that she had to stop working temporarily. I just had documents transferred electronically to what is called a jump drive so that we could have back-up copies in case it makes documents disappear and was attacked when I left the computer store with a heavy, burning sensation in my... I am sorry to say... rectum. It was hard to bear. What is this Sai Baba that he brings such sadistic attacks on people. The other morning we even saw a shadow like phantom rise off of one of use that looked like Sai Baba when he was younger. Who can help us remove this evil from our lives. If there is a God who is good he is nowhere in sight. People should stay away from Sai Baba. We worry so much about the children he has abused... and worry that he stays attached and torments them. We can only hope we are a part of the few that he tries to destroy. We do not stop what we are doing and will not give into to him... but it has wasted energy and time and money. How to his poorer devotees fight him off when they cannot afford to buy things over and over if things disappear are or broken.