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Date: Friday November 21, 2014 00:09:22

I dont get it how can people think he's God, i mean how stupid and downright gullible can his devotees be.

If he was God he would never die. Please excuse my French, I am just so relieved to finally be out of his stock of brainwashed individuals.

Believe me I am glad i found this website at least now i know there are people like me, those who have recovered from the mental chains of falsehood, and psychlogical incarceration of believing that man is God.

Date: Sunday August 17, 2014 09:54:56

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Date: Saturday August 03, 2014 09:03:42
Name: Marta Tvaruskova


I respond to your webpage where you accused Sai Baba. I believe if you are accused, one should have the existing evidence. It is said that someone had bad experiences. There he wrote that he was initiating an investigation, while I checked what was really the result of that. I do not understand why you didn't go to the master himself, when you are alone or misunderstood and even worked on yourself. I'll be happy to read your site, you have a lot of imperfect qualities that you have in yourself and those will block you and cause pain deeply. When you simply go to the master, everything you have within you will be picked up, the light will show you where you made mistakes and perform not acceptable behaviour, because other persons do not perceive that it is in you, and furthermore, because you accuse others to have the same negative behaviour that you are quilty of. You can count in that the same consequences for you will arise, as you accuse him for. It's not that I defend Sai Baba, but overall, the accused person here, has the light of God in him, because everyone who works on his own spiritual development is more open to God, and thus God can exhibit through him. Masters of enlightenment have these qualities and so the light from them is emanating brighter and their energy is stronger. I believe in Baba's miracles even more, when someone is trying put them in a bad daylight, but the subject here, is not how much truth is in them, the question is what treatment would have been helpful in case of your negativeness. Yet I still don't know exacty where to stand. I want to say that what you see is a something that is in you, that has to come out. I believe that you have already started to do something about it and work on it yourself, go on with that. There is no other concern but to receive and process.

Thank you,


Date: Saturday August 23, 2014 20:18:22
Name: Robert Priddy

Reply to Marta Tvaruskova

There are thousands who have seen through Sai Baba and left his fold. See for example some of the signers of the Sai petition at

Your belief in the false indoctrination of Sai Baba, as taken from many other Indian gurus before him, that the faults of anyone who criticises a holy person are their own faults is a famous trick to avoid scrutiny by lawbreaking swamis.

This is Sai Baba's labyrinth of smoke and mirrors which would entrap the devotee in an isolated subjective world where nothing can be known other than ones own beliefs and perceptions (see

It is extremely hard for people who have grown up with false spiritual beliefs to recognise them for what they are and so get back to fuller sanity-

In constantly programming oneself to thinks the same thoughts, recite the same mantras, sing the same bhajans, pray the set prayers (like Gayatri etc.) the brain reinforces these neural circuits until it is isolated from all else.

That is the way to very great suffering.

So I wish you well and hope you can recover before it is too late.

Robert Priddy